Chapter 37

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"Okay dear, there is nothing to freak out about, cesarean sections are very common and we have done very many of them." The nurse was trying to console me as they wheeled me into a surgery room, but it wasn't working. I can't just forget that fact that I'm going under the fucking knife to cut myself open and remove my child. It scared the hell out of me, it was the last thing I wanted, but I needed this little girl to be healthy and safe, and so I needed to do this.

They numbed me so they could start and then they did, but with a curtain up so I wouldn't see what was going on, I honestly didn't want to see. It felt as if it was going on for too long, perhaps complications?

I could hear the doctors and nurses talking, but I couldn't hear them that well. It was getting very fuzzy, I wasn't able to see too well either, and this is when I started to panic.

"I can't, I can't see" I murmured and I could see them look at me, and then the screen of whatever I was hooked up to and started to see them walk around me frantically.

I lifted my arm out to grab somebody, anybody, but as soon as I did, it was all lost.




"WHERE IS SHE?!" I screamed, running into the emergency room like a madman and everyone looked at me in shock. Some looked at me in shock that I was screaming, others that I was a fully dressed NFL player running into an emergency room.

"Sir calm down." A desk attendant said but I gave no fucks.

"My wife is here somewhere giving birth to our twins and I need to know where she is now." I said, calming myself a tad, but by a very little.

"What is the name?" She asked and I sighed.

"Samantha Edelman, maybe you will find something under Samantha Willows, either way she is here." I had called Ellie, who had told me where to find them, but that's all she would say.

"Okay, let me check." As she clicked at her computer, I stood impatiently. Not soon after I watched Danny run in, also fully dressed in uniform.

"Dear lord finally." He said, catching his breath as he walked in. Now everyone was staring at us and in a usual situation, we would be asked for autographs and pictures and shit, but I think they could tell that we were in no mood.

"Sir, she is indeed here. At the moment she is in surgery." My head whipped around at her words.

"W-what? She is in surgery? No, you have the wrong Samantha, my Samantha is giving birth." I said, babbling away.

"We are aware of that. It states here that she gave birth to a boy about an hour ago and is now in surgery for the other." My heart dropped, everything felt like it was spinning.

"Is, is she okay?" I asked and she nodded happily.

"It is a standard surgery, she should be fine. But if you would like to come back and see the boy, you can. We need proof though that you are immediate family." I laughed, but then realized she was being serious.

"Mam, I'm the father. Julian Edelman." I turned around and pointed to my name on the back of my jersey, but she seemed unfazed. 

"As much as I believe you, I need absolute proof. A license." I didn't have my fucking license, I'm in a fucking uniform. I looked to Danny who had no answer but just as I was losing hope at what to do, that same boy who told me Sam was in labor walked in. 

"You left these at Gillette Mr. Edelman, Mr. Amendola." He handed us bags with our belongings and I looked at this boy like he was a god.

"Boy, whoever you work for, you need a raise. I am so sorry I yelled at you." And I fumbled through the bag to grab my wallet, handing her my license.

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