Chapter 3

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The morning sun creeped in through the window as I started to wake and my sensitive eyes squinted to adjust to it's brightness. I stretched and yawned and found no one next to me. I fully opened my eyes to find the bed next to me made with a note on it.

Dear Sam,

Had to get up early to get going to go practice for the game tonight. Me and the boys want to get a W out of this game. I didn't want to wake up up, you were just too cute. I also figured you needed to get rest after last night ;) I made a smoothie and I left it in the fridge for when you wake up. I got you all access tickets so you can come on the field while we are practicing later, I left them on the kitchen counter. Can't wait to see you. Mwah.

- Blue eyes

Today Julian and the boys had an away game and as always, I made the arrangements go. My dance studio now was changed to Wednesday classes, so it gave me time to get to where he was headed that week. This week it was Denver, which I loved. Denver was always beautiful to be in, but cold as hell and a little hard to get used to at first with the changes in the atmosphere. Julian traveled with the team, but I met with him at the hotel as I always did. Belichick never wanted us to stay in a room together, him and his reasons, but Julian always 'sneaked' me in. 

I smiled wide at his beautiful little letter and scribbles. I finally got out of bed and found my way to the kitchen to get the smoothie he had made.

"Mm, strawberry." I said to myself, he always knew it was my favorite flavor.

I realized looking at the clock that I had slept in pretty late, it was one pm! I really love to sleep, but I never knew I could sleep in so late. I decided to rush and take a shower before setting my clothes out. I decided on a hoodie with his jersey over it and just a pair of jeans and boots. 

After getting completely ready it was around four pm, so I knew I had to finally head down to the stadium, but thank goodness from our hotel, Mile High was not even a ten minute drive. I could walk, but I decided on an uber was best.


"Sorry miss, you can't go on the field. Only all access." The security guard said, his arms crossed. He had to do this probably a million times a day, I didn't blame him. 

"I do have all access." I lifted my ticket and he shrugged. "Okay, alright you can go in." He moved and let me walk through. Every stadium was different and I loved visiting them all to see what they had to offer. 

As I walked on the field, the sight engulfed me. The lights burned bright, the field looked so huge, the stadium stood all around. It looked intimidating and awe striking. How did Julian play on a stage this big every week? How did anyone? 

"Hey there cutie." I turned fully expecting Julian, but I was met with an orange and blue jersey and the number seventeen. 

"Hello?" I said, starting to walk away, but he kept up the pace. 

"I'm Brock by the way. Broncos backup quarterback, well, now I'm starting." I nodded his way and gave him my 'good for you' look as I kept walking. 

"How did you get on the field?" Finally I stopped and looked at him, I might as well just answer him just so he would go away. 

"My fiancé got them for me." I said, crossing my arms to him. He put his hands on his hips and smiled down at me. I didn't particularly like him very much, but I just met him, so tried not to dislike him too much by first glance. 

"Well where is he?" He took a step closer but I kept my stance. I knew he wanted to pick up on me, but I just looked around, trying to catch where the hell Julian was. I finally saw the white jerseys on the other side of the field, but I didn't catch an eleven anywhere. 

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