Chapter 18

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Picture: What I believe Sam's dress looks like. But everyone can use their imagination to any dress they think she was wearing this night :) Enjoy! 

"Are you ready babe?" 

Julian called out for me as I put on the finishing touches of my ensemble for the evening. We were going to a New Years Eve party hosted by Patriots owner Robert Kraft and there was no way we could say no. After going to Kraft's ring ceremony, I knew he threw amazing get togethers, the only difference is this time I would be prepared. I had chosen a classy gold evening gown, classy enough for me to finally feel at peace going to such a gathering. I had the golden strap heels to go with them and I let my hazel hair sweep to one side, curled slightly. 

As I put on the finishing parts of my makeup, Julian came walking in.

"Babe, you look amazing." I stopped for a moment to look over at him. He was all suited up, the bow and everything, ready to impress.

"You look pretty amazing yourself. And to answer your first question, I'll be done in a moment. Just gotta finish this and I'll be perfect."

Julian placed his hands on my hips before kissing my neck softly.

"Babe, you look perfect all of the time. But this dress is going to drive me crazy." I started to chuckle as I finished my lipstick.

"You say that every time I wear a dress for anything." It wasn't a lie, he really did.

"And that's cause it's true every time. You drive me crazy, in an insanely good way." I put my makeup away and turned to face him, smiling at his beautiful self all ready to go.

"Well, I'm done now. Let's go." I said as we started to leave, but he grabbed my hand.

"But wait, I want a kiss!" He asked, hands raised.

"I just finished my lipstick. Plus it'll just make the New Years Eve kiss all that much better." I winked at him and he sighed, following along with me. 

We had arranged a limo to take us, it was such an event we didn't just want to take an uber or a taxi.

"None of you worry about the cost. Mr. Kraft has covered it." My mouth dropped in shock.

"That sweet man!" I said as we got out, looking up at the house that was lit up, party ready.

As we walked into his house, I was completely enamored. I had never been in his house, only the area where the ceremony had taken place last time. It was huge and beautiful, something I had never seen before. 

"This is amazing." I whispered to Julian as we made our way in.

"I know. I've been here a couple times. Each time just as amazing as the last, but this time it's all dazzled up, he worked his tail off to put this together."

As we reached the party area, Kraft was standing there, welcoming everyone. 

"Welcome! So great to see you both! Julian, glad you could make it and can't wait to see you get back out there!" Julian nodded and shook his head, thanking him.

"Samantha, you look so beautiful tonight. Don't let her go Julian." Mr. Kraft took my hand and patted it and Julian just smiled at me widely.

"I don't ever plan to." 

Finally we made it further in and saw the familiar faces of the Patriots team and franchise. The guys I knew the best were thankfully altogether in one area. 

Of course at events such as this, everyone brings their significant other, if they have one and I immediately felt panic as I saw Gisele standing by Tom, his hand around her waist as they both laughed at something Rob said to them. 

"Oh my God I completely forgot about Gisele!" I said, stopping. Julian noticed my panic, but laughed.

"Sam, you talked to her fine last time, come on, she's not that bad, I promise!" I sighed, I had promised Gisele last time I wouldn't be so awkward next time, but she was something else. She had this effect on people when they saw her, just awestruck. She's more famous then her famous husband that I freaked out about meeting.

Finally, I composed myself. I looked good, I looked like I belonged here. I was going to act like it.

"Okay, I know, lets do it." I said as we finally walked over.

"Jules you made it!" Tom said, giving him a hug before hugging me. I loved Tom, he was like an idol to me, it didn't matter that I knew him personally, he always amazed me.

"Sam, so great to see you again!" He said and Gisele hugged me as well, which I was shocked about.

"So great to see you again! I was just asking Tom if you would be here!" Gisele said, smiling radiantly. I could tell she wasn't being fake, she was real and that calmed me down.

"It's great to see you too! I'm sorry for how awkward I was last time, I promise I'm better now." Why did I even bring up last time? Good job Sam.

"No worries! We all get nervous sometimes." Her accent was always so addictive to me, I could literally listen to her talk all day.

"So Robby, how are you handling yourself at a sophisticated party like this?" Julian asked, nudging Rob. Rob laughed and nudged him back.

"I can handle myself and be fancy you know." He said, standing tall and keeping a straight face. It would of fooled someone who didn't know him, be we all knew it was a schtick. 

"So you totally don't want to jump over that balcony into the pool?" Rob then immediately smiled and started to laugh.

"No I'm kidding I totally want to do that! But I promised Mr. Kraft I wouldn't, so I'm containing the Gronk for one night." I shook my head as they all bantered back and forth. How did I get myself into this group of people?

Danny finally made his entrance and stood next to me. We stood in silence for a few moments, before he spoke up. "Can I, talk to you for a moment away from everyone?" I looked around to see Julian, Rob and Tom in a deep discussion about something, probably the playoffs coming up and Gisele was off talking to some of the other wives and girlfriends. 

"Sure." We walked to the balcony that was overlooking Mr. Kraft's backyard which had a huge pool, spa, and a beautiful view of the distant nature area.

"So what is it Danny boy?" I stole Julian's nickname from him and applied it myself, making Danny smile.

"I know you're dead set on telling Julian, but please, I'm begging you, can you please not tell Julian about the kiss?" I looked at him, his face full of worry.

"Danny, you're asking a lot from me." He sighed, looking down off the balcony.

"It was a huge mistake to kiss you. I was jealous, I was angry. I was mad, but I shouldn't of done it and because of it, I could lose Julian's friendship on this, I just can't bear the thought. I just lost Talor, I just don't need to lose anymore people from my life." I felt so bad for him, I brought him into a hug, trying to console him on something that hasn't even happened.

"Julian wouldn't just end your guys's friendship. But, I won't tell him. If he doesn't ask, I won't tell him, okay?" He nodded and as we turned around, Danny's stance went from calm to completely tense.

"Shit." He said and I turned to see what had shocked him so.

It shocked me too.

Julian was standing right there, right behind us just feet away and his face looked as equally shocked as ours.

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