Chapter 6

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Happy New Years everyone! I hope your year is filled with everything you hope and dream of to happen! Its the year of you! 

Anyways, the picture is of Julian and Sam, except of course that is not what I imagine Sam to look like, but for the story, bear with it. xD Enjoy! Thank you for the comments and likes, they are always appreciated!

"Mr. Edelman, you are now released to be able to leave." 

Julian could not of been up quicker out of that bed and changed to leave, but his concussion still affected him as he stumbled. I knew he wanted to leave, that he wanted to try and piece things together, but he didn't need to fall and hurt himself further.

"Be careful please." I said, grabbing Julian by the arm as he stumbled and once he became stable, he looked down at my hand on his arm. I took it away once I realized he felt uncomfortable and walked ahead. 

It's hard to imagine Julian uncomfortable by my touch, when not only a week ago, he was all over me at all seconds of the day.

"Just, please take me home." He said, rubbing his head as we left and I led the way, letting Danny assist to Julian if he needed it. Danny was familiar to Julian and I, crushingly, was not.

We loaded into the car and took off, heading through Boston heading back home. As we drove around, I caught Julian looking very intently out the window, probably trying to find things to trigger memories of anything. 

"Wait, this is the wrong way to my apartment." I didn't even remember the memory loss for a moment as I said, "Julian, we live this way, in the heart of Boston practically." 

"No, I live back that way." And then I remembered, if he forgot me, he probably forgot about our new apartment too.

"We live in a new apartment, we left that one." He looked back at me confused.

"We? Why do you keep saying we?" I sighed, this was never going to get easier.

"Julian, I know you don't remember, but I'm your fiancé. We live together." He just stared at me before looking back out the window and I sulked back in my seat. Poor Danny who was driving had to deal with us both.

We pulled up to the apartment complex and entered 'our' home. Julian stopped as he looked around, not saying a word at first. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay for a few days?" Danny whispered to me as we just watched him walk around.

"I think it's best if I just try and spend time with him, talk to him maybe." Danny slowly nodded and started to walk out. Before he could get away though, I walked out of the apartment and into the hallway and closed the door. 

"One more thing." Danny turned around and walked back, meeting me outside the door. "Just, thank you for everything you have been in the past week. It's really hard, but you make it somewhat bearable." Danny pulled me into hug, but instead of pulling away, I just held him, not wanting to live this life right now.

"I'm always a call away. Look, Julian is going to be pretty unbearable right now, that's how he can be for those he doesn't know, so please, just bear with his asswholeness while he gets used to what's happened." We pulled away and I smiled, thanking whoever is up above that I had him right now. 

"Thanks Danny." I said goodbye and walked back into the apartment and saw Julian sitting on the couch and as soon as he saw me, he actually smiled. 

"Hey, can we talk?" He asked and I took a seat next to him, but not too close to make him feel uncomfortable again.

"We live together." He said, almost as if it was a question. "Yeah, we do. We have for awhile now." He rubbed his head as he looked at me.

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