Chapter 11

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Very short chapter, because I've been very tired lately trying to get ready to go back to school. But I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys. Enjoy as always! :)

'Morning already?'

I think this to myself as the sun intrudes the room, causing my sensitive eyes to have to squint open and adjust to my bright surroundings. 

As my eyes adjusted, I could see the bed an absolute mess. The blankets are scrunched up, wrapped around me and Julian in such a manner that makes no absolute sense. The pillows are not by our heads, I'm not really sure where they are and our clothes are everywhere on the floor. 

If I can remember correctly, last night we went from watching tv to the bed in a matter of minutes and the rest of the night was a crazy memory I stored in my head, causing me to smirk as I thought about it.

I looked over to my sleeping beauty. Julian wrapped in the blankets, but it only covered his bottom half, which allowed me to stare at his perfect abs and chest. His hair matched the blankets: chaos.

Ever since Julian remembered his love for me, it was different. Of course, he hasn't remembered everything and I truly want him to, but I'm just thankful that he remembers me at all now and that if anything, he loves me.

I curl up to him, wrapping my arms around him and embrace the feeling of having him next to me. You don't realize how much you miss someone in so many ways when they are not around you for awhile. You miss the little things, the smell, the touch, the close ups, watching him breathe in the morning as he slept peacefully. Finally it is back, for the most part. 

Julian isn't one hundred percent. Some things he still different about and he gets frustrated still. He's angry he can't remember the Super Bowl, I would to. He's angry he can't remember the Adam ordeal, although I call that lucky.

My eyes start to become heavy and I start to fall back asleep as well. As I start to doze off, I feel movement and shortly after, the beautiful sound of a yawn.

"Mornin'" He yawns, his arms stretching, a few pops happen and he returns to his position. I looked up at him and smile, he reciprocates.

"Good morning sleepy." He laughed before kissing my head softly and rubbing my back.

"Can't help but be tired after last night." He says, winking and I just slowly shake my head. Memory or not, Julian is inappropriate in every sense of the word.

"You're the one that started it with the tickling. If you had all your memory back, you would know that that is basically the start of something much more with me."

"Well, it had been a few weeks if I can remember correctly since we had sex, since I couldn't remember you." He said snappily and I laughed.

"Cause that's my fault." 

"No, but I'm just saying. I gotta make up for lost time." Of course he did.

"Well, you will have plenty of time to catch up." I say, yawning as well, not wanting to get up at all.

"Sam, I'm almost more than sure I will never be able to catch up, so it's best we just do it as much as possible." 

Still Julian.

"Cause we never did it as much as possible before." 

It became silent again and I could feel my eyelids become heavy, but I knew he was wide awake.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you something." I slowly moved my head to look up at him from my rest spot on his chest.

"And what is that?" I ask, twirling my finger around his abs, making him smile.

"Awhile ago, I was talking to Danny. He was really on edge and short with me. Did I anger him or something before everything that happened?" 

I felt immediately bad thinking of Danny. He was going through so much of his own shit right now, I needed to contact him.

"Danny has been going through some hard times." 

Julian nodded as to make me continue.

"Danny and Talor have been going through some tough times for awhile and a few weeks ago, Talor broke up with him."

Julians face dropped and he rubbed his face with his hand.

"Oh no." Julian whispered and I wondered why this bothered him so.

"What?" I asked, propping myself up.

"I just understand now why he was so short and frustrated sounding. Him and Talor have been going out for awhile and he told me he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with her, planned on getting her a ring and everything if I remember correctly. But like I said, I don't remember the past year so they must of been having problems for awhile." 

Poor Danny, having to get broken up with my someone he thought he would spend forever with.

"I wonder why Talor broke up with him?" I asked him, knowing he wouldn't know but asking anyways knowing he knew Danny well.

"Who knows. I never liked Talor, but I put up with her for Danny. He's shy, doesn't take to many people, but I remember the moment they met." I waited for him to continue.

"She was a sportscaster and he met her one night after a game when she interviewed him on one of those sideline interviews after the game and they hit it off. Said she was everything, guess that was wrong." 

Indeed wrong.

"Poor Danny." I whispered, resting my head back down on his chest.

And then it was quiet again, but I was okay with that. I was just glad it was quiet with him in it.

"Man, I'm gonna fall back asleep." I whisper, eyes falling.

"When you wake up again, I promise I'll be here." He said, adjusting so he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

"Promise?" My eyes now closed, drifting back off.


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