Chapter 22

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The picture is how I see Ellie :) 

"Babe, I'm heading to practice." Julian said as he grabbed his bag before planting a kiss on me.

"Getting ready to beat those Broncos?" I asked, teasing him lightly.

"Of course, gonna ride them like a rodeo." He chimed back.

"Ride them?" I asked, starting to laugh as he pushed me away softly.

"I mean we'll beat their asses." He said, putting his bag down, huffing at my playful comments.

"Oh so now you're going to beat their asses?" He rolled his eyes as I used sexual innuendo to make him angrier. He was looking away one second as I laughed and suddenly the next he pulled me close, making me gasp for a second, before smiling at his calm and collected smile.

"You don't stop I might just have to beat yours." He winked and I smirked as I felt his hand grab my ass. 

"Then why don't you." I whispered, leaving him wordless as his grip tightened.

"You're going to make practice so hard today." He finally said, releasing me and grabbing his bag once more.

"Well, don't worry. My booty will be here when you get back." I winked and he sighed heavily, before kissing me once more. 

"You kill me Sam." He said before exiting the door and I smiled to myself.

No matter how sexy, how handsome, how flirtatious, how charming he was, I always had the upper hand.

And I loved it.

But as Julian went on about his day, I had to go about mine.

I was thinking about taking a job to the park and getting some exercise in. Today was a Tuesday and I didn't have class until tomorrow. Tomorrow was going to be my last class at the studio, as I was opening my own in Boston and Angeline was not to thrilled about it. Not because I was opening a studio, she was thrilled I was taking the next step in my career. She was just bummed she was losing me, but as life happens, we all must move on to greater things. Many of my students would probably follow me to my studio, that I did feel bad about taking her clients away.

I suited up in my exercise gear and trotted down to the park. I was never really worried about being recognized. Sometimes I was stopped, but I wasn't as well known as some of the other women that were with the Patriots players, so it wasn't enough to stop me from going out.

It's beautiful at the park today, the ducks swimming, kids throwing bread at them as their parents yell at them for doing it, because one, it was supposed to be their sandwich and two, you're not supposed to feed the ducks.

I don't think the ducks mind.

I took around an hour just exercising around the park doing my various jogs and exercises and before I knew it, I needed a smoothie. I guess Julian had rubbed off on me in every sense.

I entered my favorite smoothie shop, a local place called, Not Jamba, but Juice. I thought it was hilarious. 

"Can I get a strawberry thunder?" I asked and the cashier took my money and handed me my receipt before I stepped aside, waiting for my beautiful drink I needed to badly. I was lost in my own little world thinking for a few moments.

Did I resend all the invitations correctly?

Have I gotten everything planned for the wedding?

What am I going to eat later?


I heard a familiar voice and I turned to see who exactly it was and I was stunned when I did.

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