Chapter 8

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A little hot of a chapter, but I think we needed some of this in our lives ;) enjoy!

"You feel so good baby." Julian panted, his lips attached to my neck, my hands gripping at his back. 

"Oh my God, Julian." 

It's hot, its sweaty, its fucking ecstasy. Our bodies moving together, every single movement closer and closer to the breaking point. 

"H-Harder!" I scream, gripping his back, my body squirming under his own toned body. 

"Is that what you want baby girl? You want me to go harder?" Julian whispered, his hot breath tingling my ear and sending shivers down my spine. 

"Y-yes." I say back as his lips move to the other side. 

"Are you sure?" He whispered again. 

"Goddamnit Julian HARDER!" I scream and his hands moved quickly down from my breasts to my hips, gripping them hard to get better motion. 

It's not long before we're moaning louder, panting faster, getting closer. 

"Sam I'm so close." He says and I just nod, not even able to make a word come out except the occasionally squeal. 

It feels closer, we're both becoming much more sloppy, but yet same pace. He throws his head back as I arch my back, grabbing him and as we both feel ourselves coming so close....

"JULIAN!" It's suddenly black and I'm falling.



My eyes fly open as my body falls for what seemed like a millennium and I realize I am now on the floor, the blankets tangled up in me. After looking around for a moment, I reach up the lamp, turning it on to be able to see.

I realize I'm sweating and I'm out of breath as I sit back on my bed and see every pillow and blanket thrown in every which way. I turn the lamp back off and I lay back down. 

That dream was all too real. All too much for me to handle. I wasn't just missing Julian in a mental respect, I was physically missing him in every way. I missed cuddling with him at night, I missed being able to wake up next to him in the morning, I missed the way he made me feel so absolutely amazing during sex. I was going to go insane. 

I mean, I'm not an animal. I can go without sex for a long time, I did when I last had a breakup and went for awhile before Julian came along. It's just that Julian is an animal in some ways. He practically wants to do it every night, if not every other night and I didn't complain. He was so damn good at it, how do you complain? Now it's been a full week. 

A full week of not being physically near him in any single way except for that hug and kiss a few days ago. But that didn't make up for it. I missed Julian, oh man I missed Julian. 

I looked at my phone, 3:34 am. 

'God damn you brain' I hated this dream. I mean, it was an amazing dream, but horrible to wake up out of. But I had to get some more sleep, I just had to.



It was a new day, a new try at remembering what the hell this past year was. Unfortunately, I woke up with my memory still gone. 

I walked out of the room, noticing Sam nowhere, but as I looked around, I caught a calendar on the fridge. Today was December sixth. Tomorrow was December seventh. 

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