Update 3

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It occurs to me that I do a lot of updating  0_0, but I just like to hear from you guys I guess.

So I have a few things I want to say in this update:

1) When I first started writing, I was scared to publish anything, scared no one would like it or judge it. But to get better, you have to try, get yourself out there. Love Made Us was a success in my mind (21K oh my god!) and I can see the growth of my writing as I read back on it. Everyone needs a start. I won't lie, I have considered professional writing, becoming an English major, blah blah blah all that. Still not sure, but I know I love writing and making stories and if you have a story, please write it! Someone will appreciate it and if you need help with ideas, someone will be there for some ideas. 

With that being said, I have been asked to do a shoutout of a story. Even the question to do one is an honor enough that someone thinks I'm accomplished enough to do a shout out. Now, I read the story (of what there is so far), because I'm not going to blindly shout out a story, and I see a good story, a good plot line and a potential for more growth. I'm not saying you'll like it, we all have different tastes, hell I'm sure some people don't like my story, but we all deserve a chance.

The username is chisisis and the story name is But On The Inside. It is a Danny story. From what I hear from you guys, there are not many good Danny stories out there, so heres a chance to read one and you decide if you like it. I will be publishing a Danny story as well here soon, but who says only one person can write a story? This story is how I interpret Julian and how I will interpret Danny. Maybe see if you like their interpretation of Danny.

And if anyone needs any ideas or help, I'm always here you guys.

2) My next problem is an actual writing problem I have. Now, if you have read this story, which I guess you have if you are reading this, you know I come closer to writing sex scenes with Julian and Sam in this story than I do in Love Made Us. I've always been afraid of writing actual sex scenes, because I feel they may not be adequate enough or good enough to what I see. With that aside, I may try and write an actual one, because it is something I would love to do, but please, let me know how you feel about this idea. Do you trust my writing to not screw it up or just stick to what I'm doing now? 

Thank you for everything you guys, you literally give me life when college land brings me down. <3

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