Chapter 32

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Well it seems like you guys are dead set on one last ride with Sam and Julian, so as of right now, you guys got it. ;) If you would like to be active with some of the decisions, heres something you guys can help me with. What names do you think the twins should be called? Enjoy! :) 

"I'm pregnant." I waited for an answer as I sat in my old house with my mom and Matt, seeing what the reaction would be. 

"I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!" She screamed, jumping up and bringing me immediately into a hug, swinging me back and forth.

"Oh my God really?!" Matt said, jumping up and joining in on the hugs as well. 

"Really!" I said and I could swear there were tears in his eyes.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" She asked, taking me by the shoulders and looking me in the eyes, waiting to know what her grandchild would be and I couldn't wait to tell her the best part of the news.

"Both." I said and her face turned confused, but then her eyes widened.

"No.." She said and covered her mouth with her hands before starting to cry even harder, Matt grabbing her just in case she fell. 

"Twins?!" She squeaked and I started to cry too as I nodded and she yelped as she grabbed me again, hugging me even tighter.

"This is so exciting, both!" We pulled away finally and hugging Matt once more.

"I hope I can be a good Uncle for them." He said, sitting down. "Matt, you are the coolest brother in the world, you will be the coolest Uncle too." He smiled as I said that.

"Uncle Matilda." I said, cracking up and his face turned back into his classic annoyed face that characterized our entire childhood.

"I swear to God if you teach them that name I will never forgive you." He said, pointing his finger at me and I smiled wide.

"I won't have too, with me and Julians combined sass, they will find something better to call you." He sighed, dropping his finger and looking away, but he knew I was right.

"Not to change the subject really, but hows the girl you've been seeing? Wasn't it serious?" I asked and he nodded, smiling again.

"Yeah, I think she's the one." I beamed, I loved hearing about him being happy.

"What's her name again? I think you told me about her before right?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, I broke up with her long ago. This is Anna and she's just, she's everything. We haven't been together that long, but I just feel it, you know?" I nodded and grabbed his hand. "Well, she better not break your heart or she'll have a pregnant woman coming after her." He laughed and looked at me with that brotherly love in his eyes.

Me and Matt have always been close, ever since he was just a baby annoying the shit out of me, but I loved him. I helped raise him practically and even if he wasn't that much younger than me, he was still my baby brother. I helped him with getting girls, with getting into college, general life things and he taught me a lot, still does. 

"Thank you Sammy." I shook his hand in mine before turning back to my mom.

"I would love to stay some more, but I need to get home because Julian and I are going to Skype his parents and tell them. We wanted everyone close to know about this before telling the public." She nodded, hugging me again.

"You call if you need anything, okay? And if anything weird is going on, you tell me. Remember, I work in a hospital and see a lot of pregnant women." I nodded again, my mom, always the health freak.

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