Update 2

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You know guys, it always sucks to lose, I'll admit that, but you have to acknowledge that we tried our hardest. This was revenge season and yeah we didn't get all the way, but damn if we didn't try. I'm sad for my boys, but if I know anything, I know they will bounce back and be ready to play harder and be better next season. Sometimes you don't win, this goes for life as well, but all we can do is try our best and in the end isn't that enough? Anyways pats nation baby forever!

Okay, the real actual update is tomorrow I do go back to college :( but I'm gonna work my hardest to still get a few chapters out a week and keep on my schedule. Just, if it slows down a little, have mercy on me 😅
Anyways love you guys! Stay strong, we got this.

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