Chapter 12

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Before the story starts, AFC CHAMPIONSHIP WOO! The race for 5! Anyways, enjoy ;) 

"Sam! Sam!" 

I was setting down my purse as I entered the apartment as I heard my name being shouted. Julian ran in, excitement pouring from him, his eyes wide and a smile plastered on his face.

"What?" I asked as he grabbed me, kissing me.

"I remembered the Super Bowl!" 

Suddenly I was screaming and jumping with him, this was big!

"NO WAY!" I yelled, holding his hand as we jumped, I was so excited the big pieces of his memory were finally coming back.

"I was taking a nap, as I do, and I had this dream we were playing this huge game and I caught the game winning touchdown and we won and it was incredible and when I woke up I realized what it was, the goddamn Super Bowl!" He had small tears in his eyes and I felt so happy for him, I knew this was huge. This was huge for both of us, because this meant he was on a roll with his memory.

"But, I don't remember seeing you there." He said, suddenly much less excited, back to a confused state.

I smiled, what days to think back on. Back when the only time we saw each other was in a dark coffee shop at night.

"At that time, we were still not together. I mean, you came to the shop at nights still in secret. You did come to see me a few days after when you got back." 

He looked off in the distance, maybe trying to piece that back together as well, but it didn't come.

"I'll remember it in time." He said, a smile back on his face and I smiled with him, what a beautiful smile.

I walked to the fridge to grab a water and Julian followed.

"So I'm thinking of getting ready to play in the playoffs." 

My water hit the ground as I dropped it, shocked from the statement that came from him.

"W-what?" I asked, turning to see him, picking up the water.

"The guys have been informing about the season, the whole entire thing and slowly I'm starting to remember the season, just in spurts. But I've been preparing and training and I want to play."

It had only been a month since the accident, he really wanted to get ready to go back?

"Julian, you don't even have all your memory back, what makes you think you're ready to play again?" 

"I just know football is my life and I need to go back to doing it. I got injured, I've recovered from my concussion and it's time for me to get back there. I've missed enough games. Plus the game isn't still for a few weeks, I have time."

I didn't answer back to his statement, but took a seat on the couch instead, trying to picture him playing again was too hard for me.

"I just, I don't think you should play until next season." I said as he sat next to me and he looked shocked.

"Next season?! Sam, football is my life, I can't just sit out knowing I could make a difference!" 

I hadn't felt this angry in a long time talking to him. He was so stubborn when it came to football.

"Julian, it's not sitting out, it's called BEING SAFE." 

I huffed before getting up and pacing.

"I'm not sitting out. I'm playing in the playoffs, I don't care. I have to get back out there." 

I stood up to meet his stubbornness with my own.

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