Chapter 5

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It had been a couple days since Julian had been taken to the hospital with a severe concussion. Every single day I think it will be the day he wakes up, but after a few days it started to wear me out mentally. 

I have been sleeping at the hospital, not even going home to take a shower, I just couldn't leave. My brother and mom were texting me throughout the whole thing, trying to get me through it, but it was tough.

It's morning of the fourth day of Julian being here and I've just eaten lunch, well, what I could eat and was forced to eat by Danny. Ever since it started, Danny was my rock. Tom and Rob helped as well, talking to me and being with me, but Danny has been the one to sit through it all with me. Maybe it was because we both shared an infinite love for this man or who knows what, but I was thankful for him. 

"I'm going to go get some magazines and pudding." Danny said, getting up from his chair he's occupied for the past few days. 

"Sounds good. I'll be here." He stopped and looked at me. "Sam, come with me. You need to take a walk that isn't in this room." I shook my head, grabbing Julians hand. "No, I want to stay here, just in case." He shrugged, he couldn't make me and he knew it, so he just walked out. 

Everyday the doctors told me, today was going to be the day, but for the love of God, I was hoping today would be the day. 

I rested my head on his hand and closed my eyes, trying to get some rest, since I couldn't sleep for the past few days really. I try and sleep, but no sleep comes. I don't want to sleep even if I could, I don't want nightmares of replays to haunt me of him.

Suddenly, I was awoken. It felt like someone was touching me or poking me. "Danny stop." I said, opening my eyes, only to find Danny still gone. I shifted my head up and I realized it wasn't anyone, well anyone but Julian. He was trying to get his hand back after I laid on it and I just broke out in tears.

"You're awake." I whispered, smiling for the first time really in days. He looked at me, looking confused. 

"I-I'm awake." He looked around for a minute, but I was just so happy to see his eyes again, those beautiful blue eyes.

"What happened?" He asked, looking at me with so much confusion. "You got a severe concussion after you hit a player on the field when you were playing a few days ago." He still looked confused, but he looked like he was trying to process it. "All I can remember is playing football, but where I don't know." I was just happy he was awake. 

"It's okay, you will remember in time. I'm just so happy you're awake you have no idea." And then he looked straight at me, his eyes locking with mine and he smiled. 

"For a nurse, you're much prettier than I usually expect." I laughed, knowing Julian and the things he said, it slid by me.

"Well I hope for a girlfriend I'm prettier." His smile faded away and the confusion replaced it.

"Girlfriend? Wait, who are you?" I looked and felt confused, was he playing with me?

"It's Sam. You're fiancé, Julian this isn't funny." I said, now serious and a little ticked he would come out of this with a joke and think I would find it funny. 

"Look, I can't remember anything except that I'm Julian and I play football. I don't know, I'm sorry." I took my hand from his and I could slowly feel my heart sinking. What was happening? 

At that moment, Danny walked back in and Julians face lit up, along with Danny's.

"Danny boy!" Danny quickly put the tray back down and rushed over to his side, giving him a pat and a hug as they laughed. 

"Jules, thank God you're awake! We were so afraid you were never going to come to." Julian beamed at his friend, but here I was, still confused. 

"Danny, come here." I waved him over and Danny followed still smiling.

"Isn't this amazing?!" I was happy, ecstatic he was awake, but something else now was bothering me.

"Yeah, but Danny, he doesn't know who I am." Danny made a confused face and then laughed. 

"No, he's just joking." Before I could say another word, Danny walked back over and sat with Julian. 

"Jules, you have no idea how worried you made Sam." I looked back at him, hoping there would be a 'just kidding' coming. 

"That's Sam right?" He pointed to me and I just felt like the world fell onto me. Danny looked now worried, but still a hint of a smile. 

"Dude, Sam. Your fiancé, girlfriend. No?" Julian ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. I started to form tears but I saw Julian wave his hand for me to come over. 

"You're Sam right?" I nodded. 

"I'm sorry Sam, I don't, I don't remember. I don't remember you." And as I looked into his eyes, they didn't look like Julians anymore. I mean they were his and that ocean blue, but himself, it wasn't the Julian I knew. They were strangers eyes and I started to cry as I stood up and I had to leave. 

"Sam!" Danny yelled as he ran after me, but I kept going. I searched for someone, anyone who was a doctor and soon enough I found one, with Danny on my tail the whole time.

"Explain why he can't remember me!" I yelled at the doctor, causing him to jump back. The doctor took a second before realizing who I was talking about. 

"Julian Edelman?" He asked. 

"YES! Why can't he remember me! The love of his life, his fiancé, he can't remember me!" I started to scream, but Danny held me back, but I didn't care. 

"Mr. Edelman went through a traumatic injury that resulted in a sever concussion. He is experiencing confusion and memory loss. It's usually not a permanent thing, could last a few days, a few weeks at the most, but it shouldn't be long." I started to strangle against Danny's grip, but he was stronger than me. 

"USUALLY NOT PERMANENT? MEANING IT COULD BE?" I looked crazy, fighting a man to fight another, but I didn't care. This was my whole life, the love of my life who just forgot my existence. 

"Look I know you're angry, everyone is when a loved on just forgets. You can help him remember by showing him familiar things, taking him to familiar places. That is after he is released." The doctor walked away.

I turned to Danny who was smiling. "Look, we'll just deal with him for now and when he's let out, we'll take him to all the places that you guys have been to and he'll remember, I promise you." I gripped Danny in a hug, the only one I felt I could find comfort now. 

"I really hope so Danny. I can't live with him not remembering me, I just can't." Danny rubbed my back slowly and held me as I cried, I don't even know how many times I've cried these past days, counting the times I've cried in Danny's arms. 

"I know, I know Sam. He's not him, he'll be him soon. Let's go back in." I followed him as we walked back in and Julian called Danny to come sit by him again. I took a seat on the other side of him, but I felt so much different. 

"When you get out, I'm going to show you all the things and places we shared, so maybe the memories will come back." Julian nodded as he looked at me and smiled. 

"Hopefully." I sighed and took his hand, but he flinched.

"Julian, I just want you to know that I love you." He smiled, but I could almost tell it wasn't genuine. 

There was no response and it killed me. No 'I love you' back, nothing at all. 

"So Danny, fill me in on what I don't remember about the season?" 

And Danny looked at me sadly, he knew I was dying, but Julian wasn't himself, he was someone different with his memory gone. But he humored him as he told him about the season and filling him in on all the important things. 

All the important things, that is, except us. 

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