Chapter 10

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"Julian stop!" 

Her laugh radiated the room as I tickled her and she squirmed around, trying to get me away, but we both knew I was stronger. 

"If you stop I'll kiss you!" She yelled, still laughing and I finally stopped. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close, waiting.

She pushed her lips to mine and held it there for a few moments before slowly pulling away.

"I love you." She whispered and I kissed her again.

"I love you more." I whispered back and she chuckled.

"How about call it even?" She nodded and kissed me again and I started to laugh.

"Would you like to know a fact?" I asked, smirking and she cocked her eyebrow.


"The fact is that I'm going to always love you." She giggled, oh man how I love it when she giggles.

Giggling or smiling, either way its beautiful. She could light her own universe and solar system with that smile.

"More than Danny, the Patriots, burgers and smoothies?" 

I rolled my eyes.

"More than Danny, more than the Patriots, more than burgers. But more than smoothies? Babe don't make me choose!" 

She laughed and rolled on top of me, pinning me.

"You have to choose. Me or smoothies."

I sighed.

"Fine, smoothies."

She grunted and got out of bed. Her naked body was so beautiful, of course her butt was so cute. I let her get of bed and walk away a little just so I could see it.

"I take it back. I love your butt more than smoothies." She turned around and smiled.

"I love your butt." She said, wiggling it.

"My butt? I have a guy butt." I said, sitting up to grab her and bring her back to bed.

"So? It's cute and damn hot in a football uniform. Gotta give the workout you do for it." 

We laid on our sides facing each other, almost nose to nose.

"Okay I take everything back. I love you more than anything and I will forever." 

She stroked my arm, looking at what I presume my muscles before looking into my eyes. Her beautiful eyes I stared. back.


And I winked.



My eyes shot open as the dream ended, realizing I was in the guest bedroom, not my own and she was in fact not next to me. 

The dream was so vivid, I thought it was real, but it wasn't just a dream, it was memory, I knew it was. It was a small memory, a small recall of a memory after morning sex, but it was huge.

I don't remember everything, not how we met or came together or anything else. But now I did remember and regain something.

I remembered how much I loved her.

I love her.

I looked to my phone, three in the morning. I knew it was early, too early, but I had to tell her, it had to be now.

I only had on my boxers, but it didn't matter. I walked to her room and heard noises coming from inside. As I opened it, I could see her shape, shifting and moving around the bed. 

I walked closer and could see her face better. It looked strained, scared, something not right.

"S-stop. No. No." She mumbled as she moved. She was having a nightmare.

"No, Adam, no." Oh no, not Adam.

I wanted to wake her up and tell her I loved her, but instead I did what I felt was right, what I felt was natural.

I got in bed and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me. 

"Shhh, it's okay." I whispered and she started to move less. 

Soon, she turned and was facing me and she moved closer to me, her face to my chest, her arms wrapping around me. It must of been an instinct, something safe and I just held her closer, stroker her and playing with her hair, trying to soothe her. 

My eyes started to get heavy again and I knew she was in a deep sleep finally. 

I smiled, because for me, sleep was proving to be a way to show me new memories I had missed.

I wanted to remember them all.



I started to wake up and as I did, I noticed something. I wasn't alone.

My eyes finally opened and I realized I was in Julians arms, my face buried in his chest. I missed this, I missed it so much. But then something else came to my mind.

How did this happen? How was he here in bed and why was I holding him back. I pulled away and started to shake him, shaking his arms and slowly he started to wake up.

"W-what?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you in here?" I asked, covering myself with the blankets, even though I was just holding him close.

He opened his eyes and wider and sat up.

"I uh, I came in here early in the morning, like around three, because I had a dream with a memory of us. We were playing around in the morning and-" And he stopped and smiled at me and I wondered why for a moment.

"And it came back to me that I am so ridiculously in love with you."

I broke out in a laugh, tears forming. 

"Say it again." I whispered, sitting up to meet him.

"I am in love with you. I love you." I smacked the bed in joy, making him flinch.

"You don't even know how amazing that is to hear." I said, starting to cry harder.

"Hey, don't cry bubs." He whispered and pulled me to him. 

"I just, do you know how hard it is to love someone and you don't here it back and finally, I hear it and I know it's real." I clung to him, knowing for the first time in a long time, it was okay.

"I don't remember anything else. It's the only memory I have. But I have the feeling back, I have the love back and I can't believe it ever left me. You're just..." 

Again he stopped and looked in my eyes. It was a moment and we got lost in each other.

"Samantha, can I, can I kiss you?" He asked me and I smiled wide.

"Of course." I whispered and then his lips were on mine.

It started small, but I grew like a fire, growing much more passionate and heated. Unlike the kiss we had before, this was one was sparked. It was Julian's the kiss, the one I knew and even though he wasn't back entirely, the most important part of him was.

He fell back onto the bed as his kisses engulfed me and his hands traced my body. 

"More, I want more." I whispered, squirming at his touch. 

It seemed as he remembered every little thing I loved. The neck kisses, the way he brushed his lips softly over me.

"Julian" I moaned and he was too intently invested to be able to say anything back, but we both felt it. 

This was it, this is what I needed, what I missed.

Finally, he came back.

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