Im still here!

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Quick update, didn't title it update because I honestly can't remember how many updates I've done, geez man lol. 

Anyways, I'm in the midst of college and I'm sorry if stuff is not as frequent as I would like, but stuff is coming, I promise, I haven't left you guys hanging. I am in a conundrum though.

There is going to be some interesting things coming up in the next few chapters leading to the end and here's my question, drag you guys on another story, would be the last one, with Sam and Julian as they face parenthood and themselves going through that with getting older together, or tie it up nicely as it is now and leave them to be? 

I do plan to start my own story soon in a couple of months when I am ready, so if you want to stick around for that, that's coming and I'm going to start my own poetry and small story thing going, but I wanted your opinion for this. One more time with Sam and Jules or give them send off here? 

Thank you for putting up with me you guys, I love you guys so much.

By the way, thought I should tell you, Elena is my alias name in a way, I like to use it for things, but it is not my real name, I usually don't give out my name cause, well, I'm weird, but I want to.

Nice to meet you all for real, I am Jasmine. :) 

Thank you guys! Chapter coming tomorrow! 

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