#31: Nothing Good Ever Happens to The Anti-Hero

978 55 15

  Ever get frustrated when characters such as Firestar always seem to catch a break, while characters like Shadow the Hedgehog always have the worst things happen to them.  If you feel this way, well, you have just caught onto a very frustrating cliche.  For some reason, many people think the anti-hero should have the world be against them at all times, never being honored for the good things they do like regular heroes.  Instead, they either get amnesia, lose the ones they love, or even die sacrificing themselves for the hero.  My question is why don't these characters ever have one good thing happen to them?  Isn't it rewarding to see something happen to a character once in a while to keep things from going stale?  So where are the rewards for characters such as Shadow, who basically died once to save the world?

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