#97: Superheroes Are Always Right

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  The cliche about superheroes always being perfect with their job drives me nuts.  By making heroes always be victorious, the plot becomes very predictable and no tension is created as a result.  Also, the heroes become flat characters as a result, with their main trait being just saving the world.  They aren't relatable at all to the audience, and thus are really Mary Sues.  A perfect character is a bad character in any form of literature, even comic books.  You have to make the hero lose once in a while, and sometimes have the wrong judgement in a situation.  That way, your audience stays committed to the story and will actually like the superhero in question.  If you don't believe in what I am saying, please read the Civil War arc in the Marvel comic book series.  All of the heroes represented there act completely human, and the stress of a tragic event causes them to make pretty horrid decisions. 

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