#88: The Creator's Pet

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  As stated by the website TV Tropes, a creators pet is a character that the creators of a book, show, or movie love, but the audience generally hates.  These cliche characters are for the most part Mary Sues, or overused comic relief.  Even if this character isn't one of the two kinds of characters, they are most likely not going to be well received.  A creator's pet takes away attention from other characters, thus becoming a really bad spotlight stealer.  Plot lines are all focused on them and all the other characters in it get reduced to secondary characters at best.  I can relate to creators liking certain characters more than others, but not to the point where they should take over the story.  If anything, the creators could be subtle about their liking of a character, through a few sneaky moments added to the dialogue or the character being a problem solver in one or two plots.  Characters should be represented to an audience equally, without one character dominating everything.

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