#43: Most Zombie Stories

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  Boy do so many zombie stories follow the same formula.  It always starts out with a virus that kills a huge chunk of the human race, who will eventually be revived as mindless zombies.  These zombies form tons of hordes, which wipe out about 80% of the human race.  Some hero emerges from a survivor camp, trying to stop the zombie apocalypse, usually taking a group with them.  One by one, each member of the group get eaten or turned into zombies, until the hero and his crush are the only ones left standing.  It is then that one of two things happens.  The first is that the couple ends up failing their mission and become zombies themselves.  The second is that they find the cure with at least one of them paying the price for it, and the world is saved.  As much as people tend to like these stories, they are really cliche and predictable.  Maybe a change in the formula would be nice, or better yet a whole new plot would be a great idea with this genre of stories.

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