chapter 4

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I've been skating for about an hour and i have no idea where i am. i tried turning around and skating back, but i ended up getting more lost. oh my god. i've only been here a few hours and i already messed up. and how the fuck am i gonna get home. i don't have a phone or even if i did i don't have their phone numbers. now i was getting tired of skating so i just sat down on the ground and crossed my arms.

after another 30 minutes of sitting here it was starting to get dark and cold. i don't even know what to do. are they looking for me? do they even know i'm gone? wait i told Christian i was going out so he knows i'm not home. why did i go out at all? i don't know this place.

another hour has passed. i'm now laying curled up on the ground trying to heat up. it's pitch dark and i'm lost. the wonderful me is still lost. why is no one walking on these streets? i sat up and looked at the road. i saw two lights coming from further down the road. it had to be a car. i stood up and looked closely at the car coming closer and closer. it was a black range rover. it slowed down when it came nearer me. i took a step back as the car stopped. someone came out of the car. and i was starting to freak out. what if it's a kidnapper.

"Lucy?" the person yelled at me worry filled his voice.

"yeah?" i said back weakly.

"oh my god. we've been looking for you for ages" the person said coming up to hug me. when i was in his arms i felt safe. i felt like i was in lucas's arms. i took my arms around his neck and cried in his shoulder.

"shhh.. it's okay. i'm here" he soothed. we stood like that for ages. before i pulled pack and wiped my tears. "let's get you home" he said and held my waist.

i don't know how this is, but i have a feeling i can trust him. he led me to the car and opened the door for me. i sat in and he closed the door. the boy walked over to his side of the car and sat in. the lights where on in the car and i could finally see who it was. it was.. Justin. i felt so embarrassed. he looked at me.

"hey, what's wrong?"

"that was kinda embarrassing" i said and buried my face in my hand.

"hey it's okay. you've been lost for 2 and a half hour. it's okay to cry" i just nodded.

after like 3 minutes of driving i suddenly spoke up "i'm such a mess"

"what? why?" Justin asked and looked at me for a second then back at the road.

"i get lost and make people look for me and i haven't been here a day yet" i said looking out the window.

"you're not a mess" he said trying to comfort me. i didn't answer i just looked out the window.

after about 10 more minutes Justin pulled up in the driveway in-front of christan's. i opened the door and turned to Justin

"thank you for everything... for picking me up and everything else" i said and started to walk out of the car.

"everything else?" i could here Justin say as he closed his car door and jogged up to me. i opened the door and a worried Mrs. and Mr. Beadles is standing there looking at me. Mrs. Beadles is the first one to hug me

"where have you been?" she asked while hugging me.

"i don't know" i answered. she was still holding me and i felt welcomed, cared about and safe.

"thank you" i said before pulling away from her grip. she looked at me confused, but then she shrugged.

"i made some food, you hungry?" Mr. Beadles said holding my shoulder. i nodded and he let go of my shoulder. i let out a breath that i didn't know i was holding in.

"you can stay for dinner too if you want" Mrs. Beadles said to Justin.

"yes please" he answered and we walked in to a dining room. the table was like super tall. i could almost walk under it without bending down. and the chairs tall too so i had to climb up, yes climb. i sat down on a chair next to christian and across from Justin. no one was sitting on my other side. and Mr. and mrs. Beadles was sitting next to each other and Caitlin next to christian.

we where talking and laughing while eating. well they where. i was just listening and sometimes smiling if something was a little funny. i didn't eat much i never do.

"do you want some more food honey?" i could hear Mrs. Beadles ask someone i was looking down at my plate so i didn't know to who.

"Lucy? do you want some more food?" she asked again and this time everyone was staring at me.

"ehm. no thanks" i said kinda awkwardly.

"you sure? you've had so little" i nodded and she looked at me with that look - that "you should really eat some more"-look. i looked down at my plate again. everyone started talking again and i couldn't get away the feeling that someone was looking at me. i looked up and looked directly into Justin's hazel eyes for the first time in a long time. we looked in each others eyes for sometime, but suddenly Justin made a face like he just realized something.

"oh my god, Hannah?" he said after a while. everyone turned to look at us.


Justin on the side.

this story takes place in 2011, so when Justin was 17.

Next update: saturday

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