Chapter 18

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school went by pretty quickly actually. i had English today and Mrs. sutcliffe seem to have given me some of her respect. so that made me pretty happy. i also bumped into Leah and the gang she has no respect for me at all and thinks she can do whatever she wants to me. she tried slapping me today for what i did yesterday, but i trained some kickboxing and other self defence forms, and i have a quick reaction. i just took her arm and left when i let it go, they were pretty shocked. Marcus, Alfie, Caspar, Zoe and Joe all put their numbers on my phone and we decided that we should hang out this weekend. people was pretty shocked about my tattoo, but got quickly over it. it wasn't much of a special day.

Now i'm in the car on my way to Justin's. I'm so excited to see Pattie again! i can see their house mow and i let out a little squeal.

"exited?" Caitlin asks. we already dropped off christian. i nod. "you know if you like Justin i'm okay with it" she says randomly.

"where did you get that idea?" i ask.

"you just seem happier now that you have forgiven him" do i?

"i missed him, he was the best Friend i ever had, and we bonded trough a month which is amazing" i say.

"he is happier too. christian told me that he laughed" she smiles. they all really care for each other. i don't know what to answer so i just smile. she pulled up in front of his House. "but what i mean is that me and Justin are friends and i wouldn't be mad" she smiles. i nod

"bye" i call, but she is long gone. i walk up to the door, take a deep breath and knock. i hear steps coming closer, and the more i think about seeing Pattie, the more teary my eyes get.

"who is there?" she calls. her voice oh god i missed her. i guess they have people knock her door all the time wanting to see Justin since he is famous now.

"someone that missed you a lot and need a hug before she brakes down in tears" i reply. she opens the door and her eyes widens and her jaw hangs open. "i meant what i said" i pulled her in for a hug.

"Hannah?" she asks so weak that you can barley hear it.

"yeah" i say my voice shaking. she hugs me tight, and i can feel some of her tears dripping in my shoulder.

"let's go in" she whispers. i nod and we walk inside. her face is full of tears, i take my small hands up to her face and wipe them away.

"i missed you" i say.

"i missed you" she says hugging me again. "does Justin know you're here" she asks. i nod. we hug for ages. i love it in her arms.

"how long are you guys gonna hug?" Justin asks. startling us both she is still holding around me with one hand and i around her with one hand. we both look as Justin then at each other we both take out our free hands wanting Justin to join our hug. he walks over and we have a group hug.

after hugging for a long time. we ate. we talked. i felt comfortable around people i knew. pattie feels more like my mom than anyone ever will, i know it is unfair to sandi, but i just trusted her first an got a special bond with her. I actually ate so much today, i ate a full plate of spaghetti.

"Thank you so much, it was really tasty" i say smiling.

"But you ate so little" pattie says concerned.

"I haven't eaten this much in ages" i say proudly. they both look at me shocked.

"w-what?" pattie asks. i nod still proud "but you need to eat more" she says going over to 'caring mother'-mode. i look at her in aw and then i feel my eyes watering. "sweetie, please don't cry. why are you crying?" she asks

"i'm just so used to being alone. people don't care about me" i say looking down.

"i care about you, Justin care about you. don't ever think that again" she says sternly. i nod.

we talk for so long. Pattie accidentally ask me if i've visited Norway again, which i haven't i would love to go home again. when the clock was 6:30 pm i had to go because Caitlin was picking me up. i thanked them for food and told them how good it was to see them again. Pattie even shed another tear. she told me i was more than welcome to come again and if i didn't come she would kidnap me. i love that woman.

"so how was it?" Caitlin asks when i go inside her car.

"it was fun. we ate and talked. i missed pattie a lot" i tell her.

"pattie missed you too" she says "since two years ago they both changed, they were sadder and more distance from us, from everyone" she says looking at me for a second and then back at the road. "i believe that you were the reason for that" she tells me. "and now that you are back they will be happy again" she smiles. wow, i did that to them? i feel bad now. How can I the little Norwegian girl make people sad, from dissapearing?

when we got home i go to my room. i download Twitter to my phone and open the app. i used to have twitter when i was younger so i know how it works. i type in my username which is @eiramhannah. yup my twitter name is my name backwards. i had some followers from before, but now i have like 1 000 000, What?. i creep around a little when i suddenly see a mention from a two years. it was my Norwegian friend Katherine sofie(Sophie written in a Norwegian way) who posted a picture of the worldwide trends. her twitter name was also her name backwards. the tweet said.

'@eifosenirehtak thank you so much for caring and trying to help find our missing best friend @eiramhannah'

i opened the picture. it showed that the first 4 worldwide trends were about me.











oh my god. i go up a little on my mentions and i see another one that is a little newer that Tanya tweeted, another one of my friends.

'@tantan it's been two weeks since we found out that hannah's family were dead, and still we haven't found her. we had a funeral for them, Hannah would like that. i miss you babe, please come home to us! #whereishannah @eiramhannah'

i go a little further up and see that Mia also posted one.

'@williamsmia is she dead? is she okay? that's the worst part, not knowing.GOD JUST TELL ME ALREADY! is she there with you? I NEED ANSWERS!! I NEED MY HAN-HAN. i need answers, i need no more sleepless nights, i need just one tear less day. i need peace. @eiramhannah i need YOU'

those are my three best friends. i am full on tears.

"NO" i scream as loud as i can and throw my pillow out of my bed. i grab another pillow and throw that one too, and another one. "NO, NO, NO" i keep on screaming. i walk into my closet and start pulling all of my clothes and shoes out of the shelves. "NO" i scream again. and pull all of my t-shirts and sweater off the hangers. just as i am about to grab my leggings and throw them out some one put their arms around me so that i can't move. "NO, STOP" i scream and try to struggle out of the persons grip that is around my body. "STOP" i scream again. i'm crying. the person drags me out of my closet, and i try to struggle out of it's grip. the person sits down on the bed with me on it's lap still holding his arms around me. i'm still crying, but i gave up trying to struggle out.

"shh" the person tries to comfort me, and now i realize it is christian. he takes his hand up to my face and bring it into his chest.


Picture of Mia, Tanya and Katherine sofie on the side.

yup, i just watched 'the lucky one' so yeah...

Next update: Wednesday

I lost, but i fought || J.BWhere stories live. Discover now