Chapter 7

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"wake up" i heard someone say. "Hannah, come on" he grunted.

i felt my bed dip down. someone touched my cheek and me with my ninja moves grabbed the persons hand fast, really fast. i opened my eyes and saw christian staring at me with wide eyes.

"you just scared the living shit out of me!" he screamed out while holding his hand in front of his heart.

"sorry" i said. i looked at the clock on my night stand and it showed 07:03. "why are we waking up so early?!" i complained laying back down in my bed.

"school" christian answered shortly.

"what? why didn't someone tell me yesterday?" i said sleepily.

"there were no time" he said. "just be ready in 30 minutes" he continued and walked out of my bedroom. i dragged my self out of bed and took a shower.

i put some make-up on and blow dried my hair. my hair has natural waves that sometimes looked good. i put on white shorts, a black sweaterish thing that show a little of my stomach and said wild child. i also took out a pair of Jeffery Campbell with studs on the back. i looked at myself in the mirror. i looked like a girl. i hate it, maybe its the shoes? i can't change shoes i only have a pair of worn out converse other that these. i'll just put on a beanie. i took on a black beanie and i still looked like a girl, but not as much as the last time. i actually like this outfit the only thing bad about it is that you can see the ugly scar on my lower leg, but i guess i just have to live with it.

downstairs i met christian and Caitlin in the kitchen being deep in a conversation about what is better boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. they didn't notice me coming in so i just went to the fridge and took a bottle of water and drank a little then i choked on the water and i started coughing. then christian and Caitlin noticed that i was actually there.

"hey" i said and tried to act like nothing happened.

"hey" they both answered at the same time.

"when does school start?" i asked.

"10 minutes, but Caitlin drives us so we don't need to leave in another 5 minutes" christen answered. i walked over to sit next to christian by the table, but as i walked christian just stared at my body. yes my body is curvy i have a nice ass and biggish boobs, but i'm super skinny. You can see my ribs and collerbones so good. i had been standing behind the counter when they noticed my presence so when i walked over to them was the first time they got to see my outfit, but like i said Christian was staring.

"what?" i asked as i sat down next to him. his eyes came fast up to my eyes.

"n-nothing, y-you just... nothing" he said and looked me in the eyes. i smiled, but my smile quickly faded when i realized i was looking him in the eyes. i looked away immediately. i could see that christian looked confused.

"we have to go now" Caitlin said and christian moved his attention to her. i stood up quickly and walked towards the door.

the car ride was quiet except that one time when justin's song came on the radio and Caitlin had to turn it up and sing her heart out. we arrived at school and christen showed me where the secretary was. i thanked him and he walked to class.

"excuse me, ma'm?" i said to the young secretary sitting behind the desk. she looked down at me and smiled.

"hi" she greeted me

"ehm.. I'm new here" i said kinda awkward not really knowing what to say.

"ahh.. yeah" she started to look down at her papers

"Lucy beadles?" she asked.

"actually it's Hanna Marie Steele"

"oh, but-" "i know they just didn't know my name yesterday" i said before she could finish her sentence.

"alright then". she found some papers and handed them to me. one after one.

"this is your locker number and combination" she said handing me a paper."this is your schedule" she said handing me another one. "your books will be in the locker" she finished

"thanks" i said and walked out trying to find my locker. first class i had was math. i found my locker witch was number 1806. i unlocked the locker and found the books i needed for math and headed off to find the class room. people were starting to come to get their books and some where just standing in groups and talking. i could feel many eyes on me some were looks from guys that were checking out my body and some were from girls looking at me in disgust. i could even hear someone whisper som stuff. from guys it was mostly "damn, she's hot" or "omg look at that ass" and from girls it was more like "who is that?", "i heard she was adopted by the beadles" or "look at her", but one comment that really caught my attention was "look at that scar.. ewww.. i bet she cut because she is such a slut" followd by a bunch of giggles. i turned my head to see a bunch of girls looking at me. the one in the middle that i guess is their 'leader' waved me over to them. i guess i had no choice, but to walk over.

"hey" she said with a big smile. "i'm Leah. and this is my friends. Chloe, Danielle and Spencer" she said and pointed at the girls as she said their name.

"i'm Hannah" i said quietly.

"she is the shy kind of slut" she said to her friends. "is your boobs even real?" she asked. i didn't answer. "are you anorexic?" she asked again taking a step closer to me. "why are you adopted? didn't your parents want anything more to do with a slut like you?" she asked. that's when it snapped. don't talk bad about my parents, don't even mention my parents. i took a hold of the collar on her t-shirt and held her up against the lockers.

"Don't fucking judge me unless you've looked through my eyes, experienced what i've gone trough and cried as many tears as me. until then back-off, 'cause you have no idea!!" i said in her face and she looked at me with fear and disgust in her eyes i let go of her turned to see a circle had been made around us. i pushed my way trough the crowd and continued my search for the classroom.

i felt someone tap my shoulder, i turned around to meet a guy standing behind me.

"i'm Alfie, Alfie Deyes. what you did to Leah was pretty brave. and that bitch deserved it" he said and smiled.

"i'm Hannah" i said quietly.

"your new, right?" i nodded "let me see your schedule" i handed him my schedule. "math with Mr. Fitch. i have him too now. come i'll show you where to go!"

outfit on the side
Next update: saturday

I haven't slept good in like three days. I've only had nightmares about rape. i hate it, if i'm lucky i get like 2-3 hours sleep. *sigh* the same fudging nightmare!

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