Chapter 21

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i hit my head on the lamppost then i fall on my nytt.

"shit, Hannah are you okay?" I look up and see Marcus running towards me.

"yeah, you scared the living shit out of me" I say standing up.

"sorry" he says. I look at him and smile. he smiles back, but when he looks at me his smile dissaper quickly


"your forehead is bleeding, a lot" he says nervously. thats when I see it the blood dripping down over my head. shit it hurts too.

"give me your shirt" he looks at me confused. "just do it" I say sternly. he pulls his t-shirt over his head and hand it too me. "I hope you don't like this t-shirt too good" I say as I press it against my forehead.

"i'm gonna go get the others then we are going to the hospital" he says stressed. my whole body stiffens. hospital. I can't go there. I just can't.

"you know what, it isn't that bad. I don't need to go to the hospital" I say reassuringly. he looks at me like I am stupid.

"not that bad? not that bad?" he repeats. "my t-shirt is drenched in blood and you have just been bleeding for 2 minutes" he scolds me.

"fine" I say. he walks away and I can feel myself getting more dissy. the place starts spinning and I'm finding it hard to stand up still.

I take my other hand and I grab the lamppost to support. I close my eyes. I feel my knees giving after and as I am about too fall. someone catches me.

"call 911" I hear Zoe say calmly. I think it is her holding me. I hear Alfie calling. I open my eyes and look at a worried Zoe. she holds her hand above mine on the t-shirt. I take my hand away.

"relax, but don't sleep" she says. I breath out and in deeply. it hurts, but I don't cry. I normally don't cry from physical pain, but mantal pain is the pain I cry of.

some people whom I assume is from the ambulance carry me into the ambulance. Zoe joins me in the ambulance and the others agrees to meet us there.

"i'm tierd" I say tierdly.

"you can't sleep yet" the ambulance person says.

"why?" I whine.

"because" is all he answer. rude much.

when we arrive the hospital a doctor examine me. he stitched me up, 13 stitches. he also told me that I could finally sleep

I slept for like 30 minutes before I woke up because I heard yelling from outside. it's Justin and Christian they are arguing with a nurse. I can hear the nurse saying that I need rest so they can't see me right now, but knowing Justin right he wouldn't care, and just as the thought came into my head Justin barges in the door Christian following closely after and then the nurse.

"i'm sorry miss. Steele, but I tried to stop them" she apologizes.

"it's okay" I smile. she nods and walks out the door.

"I told you to be careful" Justin scolds me.

"thank you I feel perfectly fine" I say sarcasticly. they both look at me shocked.

"sorry" Christian says. "we got a call from a very stressed Marcus saying you were in a accident and we hurried over here" he says.

"how are you feeling?" Justin asks.

"fine, but I would really like to go home" I say sitting up.

"i'll get the nurse" Christian says leaving the room.

"Hannah, you need to be more careful" Justin says in disbelief.

"i didn't mean to fall" I say stating the obvious.

"of course you didn't" he stated. "we just care for you and looking at you with that bandage across your face hurt" I have a cut from my forehead down to tip of my nose.

"sorry" I say

"the nurse says you can go home now" Christian says coming in the door.

when we got home I was so tierd and my face hurt. so I said goodnight to Christian and went to bed. I feel sorry for Marcus and the rest I ruined their day, but I fall asleep fast.

i woke up by my forehead hurting like shit. i walk into the bathroom and se that the bandage has almost bled trough. i have to change that, ew.

after i changed the bandage, took a painkiller. i put my hair up an a doughnut-bun, then walked into my walk-in closet. i put on a top with studs on that forms a cross, and some pants that are loose an the top and thight down with my foot. a chill outfit for a sunday. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and i hear Sandi, Will and Caitlin questioning Christian about me. i walk in to the kitchen quietly, they don't acknowledge me.

"is she okay?" Will asked.

"I'm fine" i step into the conversation. they all turn to look at me and gasp in shock. i know i look like i was run over by a truck. my forehead and nose is swollen and purple. the cut starts on the right side about two inces above my eyebrow, goes in a stright line to the middle of my forehead and takes a sharp turn down to the tip of my nose. like an usidedown 'L'. pretty weird, i don't understand it.

"Oh my god" Sandi says, and hugs me. since i am so low my head bangs stright into her chest.

"OW" i yell, louder then i necessary. she stops hugging me.

"oh my god i am so sorry, so sorry" she says overdramatic. i smile.

"it's okay" i smile.

"hungry?" Will asks me. i'm not really hungry. i look at christian whom gives me a stern look.

"I guess i'm a little hungry" i say while looking at christian, his face lit up, and a facesplitting smile come across his face.

we are all sitting with the kitchen counter watching Will cooking with a stupid chef hat on. sometimes he would do something funny and they would all laugh, but i just look at them in aw. I miss my family. i'm sitting at the edge next to christian, then comes Sandi, then Caitlin and last there is a free space for Will. i didn't even notice i was crying untill the tear fell down on my hand. i jump off the chair as quietly as i can, and fortunately they didn't notice. i walk, almost run to the bathroom, close and lock the door, I slide down aganst the door and now i can finally let go, i cry, and i cry hard.


outfit on the side.


Next update: Saturday

I lost, but i fought || J.BWhere stories live. Discover now