Chapter 48

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Two weeks, two weeks without Justin, two weeks with no kisses, two weeks since i've seen his face, two weeks.

"Hannah!?" Zoe asks from the bed besides me.

"huh? yeah?" i say. she's better now, she's going to survive.

"stop thinking so much about it, he'll call you tonight, just like he does every night" she says, her hand on my shoulder.

"we had sëx" i blurt out. i didn't tell her, well untill now. i haven't talked to her these two weeks, not before now. i've just been home, or at the studio. I called Andrea, the manager. i've already preformed in a bar. the place was filled, it was so much fun, just like i imagined.

"what? really?" she asks exited. i look down embarrassed, nodding.

"wow, you used protection right?" she jokes. my head snaps up. we didn't. i take up my phone, and look into my period calender thingy. i was suppose to get my period 9 days ago, my period is 9 days late. i remind quiet, looking at my phone. "you did right?" she asks seriously, sensing my panic. i open my mouth to speak, but no words come, so i just shake my head. "shit, Hannah?!" she asks.

"my period is late" i say quietly.

"no way" she says shaking her head.

"I think i'm fucking pregnant" i say with no emotion in my voice what so ever. "I'm 16" i remind myself. "I'm not suppose to get pregnant" i keep talking to myself. ignoring Zoe that is sitting in the bed screaming my name, trying to get me attention.

"Fuck Hannah!" she screams louder than i've ever heard her scream before.

"What?" i ask now emotions coming. tears start falling. "I'm fucking 16. i just started my singing career, and i loved it" i scream tears falling. "What about Justin?" i say calmly, sobbing. "If he finds out, he's going to cancel the tour, just to be with me" i sob falling to my knees.

"Hannah" Zoe say reassuringly, but it's not really helping. "we don't know for sure, let's call a nurse, she'll tell us what to do, okay?" I nod sobbing in to my knees. She presses the button that calls for a nurse.

"What can i help you with?" she asks Zoe. I'm sitting on the floor rocking back and forth. my sobbing has stopped, but my tears are still falling.

"She thinks she's pregnant" i can see her white shoes coming closer to me.

"Hi sweetie, please come with me" she says stretching her hand out. i take it and pull myself up. I'm shaking, my whole body is numb. "Honey, breath" she says her hands on my shoulders, i take a deep breath and leads me out of the room. she leads me into another room, and there she calls for another nurse.

"Get us some pregnancy tests" she demands the nurse, her sweet caring voice gone. the other young nurse nods and hurries out to where ever to get a pregnancy test.

"I'm done" i call from the toilet.

"Just put all three of them on the sink, and come out here" i take my pants back on and do as she said.

"I'm scared" i say honestly after some seconds of silence.

"When was the last time you had sexual intercourse" the lady asks me.

"Two weeks ago" i reply not looking at the 35 year old lady.

"So not after that, before?" she asks. i shake my head, but hesitated.

"Well 3 years ago i was raped" i say shrugging.

"Okay, who is the father?" she asks.

"My boyfriend" i hesitate, am i going to mention that it's Justin, Justin Bieber? "Drew, his name is Drew"

"Do you love him?" She asks, probably just to distract me while we wait for the 4 minutes to pass.

"Yes" i smile. "of course i do, i wouldn't have had sex with him if i didn't" i say confused as to why she would ask such a question.

"i see" she smiles. "it's been four minutes" she says and stand up. i look at her as she walks into the bathroom where i peed on the three sticks.

"mom, if you can hear me now, i really need you" i speak to the air, feeling sligthly awkward as i've never been religios or believed in ghosts or anything like that. "and i need dad and Lucas, but right now i need mom, i need you too tell me what to do, what if there is a child growing in my stomach" i say taking my hand over my stomach. "mom" i sigh. "Help me" i say before the nurse comes out with the three pregnancy tests.

"well all three of them is positive" she sighs. "i'm sorry" she says with sympathy. she knows i don't need this now, she knows that no 16 year old kid need this. "we need to take a real ultrasound, just to be sure, and that every thing is like it's suppose to be" she says sitting down next to me. she hands me the tests, i'm going to need these for when i have to tell, Sandi, Will and Pattie. what about Justin he need to know. "but do you maybe want to take an abortion?" she asks, i look at her with disgust on my face.

"kill it, no fucking way" i spat at her. "i'm not going to be like him" i mutter to myself.

"adoption, you can always give it up for adoption, to someone that you know can take care of them" she says taking her hand on my thigh, don't touch me bitch.

"i can take care of my child perfectly fine" i say jumping further away from her on the bed so she is no longer touching me.

"that's not-" she starts.

"that's exactly what you meant" i say looking at her with disgust on my face. "i would like another nurse" i say quietly.

"sure i'll get one" she says walking out of the room.

i take out my phone and text christian.

hey... i have a slight problem... are you home?

i send the text and not even seconds later he replies.

yeah, why? what's the problem?

i sigh, i can't tell him over the phone.

need to tell you when i'm home, see you then?

i text, i bet he's curious.

yeah, take care :*

i don't bother replying as a young nurse comes back in, probably in her late twenties. she has some sort of machine with her.

"let's see if the baby is safe, shall we?" she ask joyfully, i like her.

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