Chapter 26

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two arms are wrapped around my waist and they pull me up to the surface where i can breath. i put my arms around the persons neck. it's a girl or a woman, she has long hair. i take my legs around the persons waist and hold my self super hard against her. i open my eyes and see Pattie fully dressed looking worriedly at me. i just look at her shocked, this was a big shock too me. i almost drowned. she isn't holding me anymore, she is using her arms and feet to hold herself up as she can't reach the bottom. i am holding her so tightly, she starts to move towards the stairs so we can get up. where the stairs are the water is more shallow, so she can reach the bottom. She grabs my waist and place me on the edge. i just sit there, cold, still very shocked.

Pattie carried me inside, told me to take a shower and rest a little. so right now i'm taking a warm shower. i haven't seen Justin since he threw me in the pool, as i jump out of the shower someone knocks on the door.

"Hannah honey, are you okay?" a worried Pattie asks.

"yeah" i say. i put on some pyjamas and walk out of the bathroom to see Pattie standing there with a cup in her hand.

"hot chocolate"she says when she gives it to me. i thank her and sit down on the bed, she sits down besides me. "are you mad at Justin?" i shake my head and take a sip og my hot chocolate.

"but why did you come jumping after me?" i ask. why didn't Justin just do it he was right there?

"Justin panicked, he thought he killed you. he screamed that you weren't coming up, and i wondered what he was talking about so i ran outside. there you were in the pool struggling to come up, so i jumped after you" she explained, i nodded. the hot chocolate felt so good right now. "he cried, Hannah" she said before getting up and walking out. he cried because he thought he killed me. i put my cup on my bed side table.

when i knock on Justin's door he doesn't answer. so i just walk inside. he is lying in his bed his back facing me.

"Justin?" i say and sit on his bed. he turns to look at me, his eyes are red and swollen from crying. another tear fall from his eye. "don't cry" i say and lean down to kiss his lips. he kisses back immediately. "i'm not mad at you" i say after the kiss.

"how can you not be mad at me?" he asks his voice a little hoarse, it's very sexy. "i almost drowned you"

"you didn't know that i don't know how to swim"

"still" he says.

"no, shut up and kiss me" i say leaning down to kiss him.

"i'd love too" he smiles and kiss me, the aliens are back. i smile in the kiss and so does he.

"i was going to ask you out on a real date today, but i don't if you-" he starts after the amazing kiss.

"i'd love too, and really, stop it i don't blame you" i say the last part a little annoyed.

"ok" he says and i kiss him again. "so what about a fancy dinner at this restaurant i know?" he asks

"sure, but then i have to dress fancy" i groan. fancy isn't really my thing.

"find your inner woman, Hannah" Justin chuckles.

"fine, but then i have to go home" i say and he frowns. "i don't have any fancy clothes here" he nods.

"i'll pick you up at 6 pm?" he asks, i nod. he strokes his finger along the scar on my face, it's really not that visible anymore, they did a very good job with it. and after maybe a few more weeks it will be even better as it is only a week ago since i got the cut.

when i get home i call Zoe right away and tell her everything. me and her is like best friends now. Joe and Caitlin is in a flirting stadium still, but they are going to start dating anytime now. Zoe is really exited for me and insist on coming over to help me get ready.

at 4 pm Zoe is over, she insisted on fixing everything, she even blindfolded me.

when she is finished i'm wearing a pe-plum dress that is white at the bottom and peach at the top, it has a cold belt. i'm wearing some black pumps. and a black little purse to have my phone in. my make up is very simple, eyeliner, mascara and some nude lipstick. my hair is straightened to perfection. i'm all ready for my first date ever.

"you look gorgeous" Zoe admires her work.

"all thanks too you, thank you" i say.

"what time is is?" Zoe asks probably wanting to see Justin's reaction.

"5.53 pm" i say looking at my phone.

"he'll be here any minute" she claps. suddenly i feel nervous, do you think he'll like it, what if he thinks i'm ugly? what if i am under dressed or even over dressed?! "don't worry, he'll love it" Zoe who obviously noticed my sudden panic tries to assure me.

when the doorbell rings the clock is exactly 6.00 pm. right at time. Zoe run downstairs, probably to open the door, i check my outfit and check that it is perfect one last time. when i'm near the stairs i can hear Justin and Zoe talking, it sounds like they are just by the stairs. when i take the first step on the stairs i hear gasp and Zoe squealing.

"she's coming!"


Dedication to Belieber_132 she's been commenting on every chapter and she gave me a lot of reads by doing that so Thank you so much! read her stories they're amazing!

Dedication to the best comment!

outfit on the side.

next update: Wednesday.

I lost, but i fought || J.BWhere stories live. Discover now