Chapter 41

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After our visit in the hospital we went home to Justin's and I slept over there, but not before asking Will and Sandi for permission.

I'm currently on my way to dancing class, Harmony's girlfriend - yes she's lesbian - had an accident so we haven't danced since my birthday, which is a long while back now, but now she is better so we are starting up again. we are still doing ballet, i'm pretty exited, as ballet is my favorite dance.

"Hi, Harmony" i smile and wave as i enter the dance studio first.

"Hi" she waves back.

"ballet, right?" i ask taking up my ballet shoes.

"Yes, i'm so exited, I tried to make this hard so even you got a challenge" she smiles.

"you think to highly of me, i'm not that good" i say shaking my head and tying my shoe. she just stands there with her hands clapped together, staring down at my like i'm some kind of candy and she's a little kid that has held herself from eating candy for a year. "why are you staring at me?" i ask kinda creeped out by her big eyes staring at me.

"i'm so happy that i can finally talk to you and get a reply, instead of just a nod, or some kind of body language" she smiles. i laugh at her silliness. i start tying my other shoe, but stop when i hear that my phone make a sound from my bag.

hey babe :* just wondering if you wanted to come see me preform at Avon theatre later today. like 4? you can just come right after practice if you want, i will be there from 1 and out -.- love you<3

it was a text from Justin, i smile when i read the 'i love you' part.

of course i want to see my boyfriend preform :* practice ends at 2 so i'll keep you company ;) Love you<3

i send as a reply.

"why are you smiling like a love struck fool?" harmony asks from above me.

"i got a text" i smile "from my boyfriend" i smile wider.

"oh, who's the lucky boy?" she asks, as i start tying my shoe again.

"Justin" i smile as i say his name.

"last name? maybe i know him" she asks.

"oh you do" i say as i motion for her to come closer to me. she leans forward, and i get close to her ear. "don't tell anyone, okay?" i ask in a whisper, she nods. "it's bieber, Justin bieber" i whisper, she gasps, and i nod. i take out my phone and show her my back round, it's me and Justin kissing. i changed the one that he had put on there, but on the home screen it is still the same picture.

"oh my god, that's so cool" she say happily.

"i'm watching him preform after practice" i smile

After practise i drive to a parking lot as close to 'Avon theater' as i can. and walk to the park which i right by it.

i'm at the park, come out get me? :*

i send to Justin because i'm not sure where to go.

coming :*

he replies simply.

"hey babe" i hear Justin say from beside me. i look up from my phone, where i was just creeping around on twitter. i haven't tweeted anything or retweeted so no one know that i am using it.

"Hi" i reply happily kissing his cheek.

"how was practise?" he asks holding my hand and leading me towards Avon theater.

"good, but i'm so rusty, it's been so long" i smile up at him. "but it feel great to finally move-" i was cut off by a old lady, maybe in her 60's. she has gray hair, she's short, a typical old lady.

"i'm so sorry to interrupt, but aren't you the girl that has been sitting out here playing some days?" she asks.

"yea, ma'm, that's me" i smile.

"what is your name darling?" she asks.

"Hannah Marie Steele" i say politely to her. i look up at Justin and he is looking at me confused.

"you have a real talent, every time i hear you sing i just have to open my window, just like some years ago when there was a little boy sitting there singing" she smiles at the memory. "but now he's famous, i think his name is Justin Bieber, or something, his mom is Pattie Malette, a very nice young lady" she says thinking. Justin sang out here, he never told me, he just said he posted videos.

"you sang outside here?!" i ask Justin shocked. i don't think the old lady noticed him before i talked to him right now.

"oh there he is, all grown up" she smiles up to him. "did a Andrea Upton come talk to you?" she asks me again, and i have to twist my mind to think if i've ever heard that name. after a minute or so i remember that it was the lady who gave me her card.

"oh yeah, she did" i say.

"are you going to do it?" she asks me a little sternly.

"i'm not sure, i'm still thinking" i say politely, but in reality i just trashed the card at home and forgot about it, but now that she brought it up i think i'm going to think about it for real, like really consider it.

"you do that sweetie, but remember you have a gift" she claps my shoulder and turnes to leave.

"so you've been singing out here?" Justin asks me as we start heading for the theater again.

"yeah, i've been there a lot actually" i smile up to him.

"why didn't you tell me?" he ask smiling down at me. his smile is gorgeous and i can't keep myself from smiling when he is.

"it was my little secret, my little thing to do when i'm mad, or upset. i just liked that no one knew" i shrug.

"i wish i had a place like that" he sighs.

"you don't?" i ask confused, everyone has one place they go.

"no i used to sit under that tree over there, or go to where our first date was" he points to a tree pretty far in a corner in the park. "but now wherever i go i get mobbed by papz, i'm actually very surprised they haven't noticed me yet" he says opening the door for me.

"but what do you do now when you're mad or just upset?" i ask confused, he has to do something.

"drive around" he shrugs. "i really hope you don't because if you do, you're going to crash" he chuckles remembering four weeks ago when i found out about the kiss. i giggle a little.

"i won't, if i can't sing there any more, i'll dance, or shoot" i grin.

"scary" he reminds me again.

"Justin, get your ass over here" scooter scolds him.

"sorry babe, i have to go, just look around, the whole theatre is empty so just do as you want" he says leaning down and kissing my lips "okay?" he asks, i nod, and he kissed me again. he runs towards scooter and when he arrives next to him he turns to look at me one more time before disappearing in to a room.


if you don't remember how Harmony looks like, you can go back to chapter 30 where there is a picture of her.

Next update: Friday

This isn't as fun as it used to be, like i know i have many reads, but no one, and i mean no one comments....

I lost, but i fought || J.BWhere stories live. Discover now