(#ΔP+3® 2: Haize's Story pt. 2 + Teaming with the Enemy

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As I walk through the corridors of NHS, many were looking at me with fear while the others are whispering to each other to go somewhere else. People avoiding me is already normal for me, I'm already used to it. They fear me much more than before...before my whole body, heart, and soul crumble to pieces. Until now, they still don't know that Randy and Heidi were dating. Heidi hides the truth about them by calling Randy names a little bit near to his name. Now that explains it. Randy, however, hides it by hanging out a lot with his best friend Howard.

In just a few seconds, the corridors became isolated. That's how scared they are. I walked slowly to my locker and inhaled the sweet smell of fear and freedom. Soon, a familiar scream caught my attention. ''*screams* It's Nightmare!!! Quick! To the safe room!'' From the corner of my eye, I saw the group of teenagers ran towards the janitor's closet and locked themselves. I giggled at the scenario but then, I have to get to class before the bell rings.

Opening the door, I entered the science lab. Students stared at my crossed arms and 'you're-dead' look on my face, causing them to startle in fear. My eyes landed on a vacant seat, just next to...No f*cking way! I wanted to scream or maybe jump off of this building through the window because my seatmate is no other than...Theresa Fowler. Growling, I took my seat next to her. She seems to be...calm. No evil plans. No nasty pranks. No annoyance. She's just simply calm and quiet like her archenemy is not even there beside her. Did something happened while I was gone? Or she's just like this? Meh, who cares.

''Now class, we are going to have a project base on the things you have learned in Science class. Let your imagination takes it's course and also...it's by partners,'' Outside, I'm on my resting b*tch face. Inside, I'm already setting the school on fire. You've got to be kidding me. ''Just tell me who you are partner's with and then you may proceed on doing your draft,'' Unexpectedly, Theresa stood up from her seat and said something that really terrified me.

''Mrs. Driscoll, my partner will be (y/n) (l/n)!'' Everyone's eyes drop at her while my mouth hangs low onto the ground. Now there's no turning back cuz Mrs. Driscoll have already wrote it in a peace of paper. I looked at her with an 'are-you-killing-me' look and she just tilted her head as if she doesn't know what I mean. Soon, I just sighed and went to do my-I mean our work. When both of our teachers went out to get something, Theresa instantly got out a notebook and flipped it's pages till she's already in the middle. My eyes widen on what the message said...but it also put a wide smirk on my face. It said:

Want to plan a revenge on both Cunningham and Weinerman?

''You knew?'' I asked her. ''About their secret relationship? About how Heidi supported me that I will have Randy? About her betrayal for both of her friends? Yes.'' She responded with her arms crossed and a blow on her few strands of hair on her face. I was shocked. How does she even know? She waited patiently for my answer and all I ever needed to do was nod my head to make her squeal and excited for our revenge. ''So what do you want to do?'' She asked. I stared at the ceiling for sometime, not minding the noise inside our class, until I smirked and whispered to her our plan... This is gonna be fun!


''Haize! Nomo and I are back!'' I shouted at the top of my lungs. And no, Nomo doesn't know that there's a ghost living in our house, I just told him that she is my imaginary friend after the whole 'betrayal thing' since I don't want him to be scared and all. Good thing he just go with the flow, not bothering to call the mental hospital to pick me up. In a few minutes, Nomo told me that he's just gonna take a nap and off he goes to his room. I ran to my room, dropping my bag on the floor, as I sat on my bed. ''Haize, I'm ready to listen to the continuation of your story,'' I said, as she appeared out of nowhere and was now sitting on the chair near my study table. ''OK, now where was I? Oh yeah...''

Never The Same (Sequel of Never Been Better, Randy Cunningham x reader)Where stories live. Discover now