(#ΔP+3® 25: Norrisville vs. Flackville pt. 2

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So I forgot to post the pics I promised to show you since last Chapter 23... here yah go XD (the other pic is already my prof pic so just look at it at my profile if you want to)


Talk about going on a trip this Sunday until next Sunday. It's already noon and everybody is now outside because our principal, their principal, and our tour guide told us. They told us that after our nature walk towards the falls, we'll go swimming so right now, everybody brought their swimsuits, towels, and other stuff we need. The walk towards the falls is not that very far, though it is very exhausting to walk when the sun is shining down on us. But it is worth it cuz the falls...is wow, like ultimate wow. Double rainbows. Crystal clear water. And the lake underneath it is huge that anyone can be in it at the same time.

As we change into our swimsuits at another cabin close to the falls, I went to my bag to put my clothes in it. When the 4 of us went inside, the lake was divided into two, one for us and one for the devilles. I took out my phone and told my schoolmates ONLY to look at the camera as I took a pic of every single one of us, including the staffs. After that, I swam with meh 3 friends and was relaxing when I noticed a shadow hovering over me. I looked at the top of the fall and saw 4 figures. Pretty sure it's Randy, Howard, Skye, and Firsty. I told the girls to video me up the falls and down the falls as I went up to meet with le boys.

Once I reach the top, I saw them already preparing to jump when I pushed them all four down the falls. They screamed and hit the water. When their heads popped out of the water, they glared at me as I just laughed and made a double flip dive (idk what it's called) and hit the water too. My head went backwards as my hair went with it. Randy looked at me with 'wow' in his eyes. "Umm, excuse me, darling you're blocking my view!" I heard Jayna shouted as many of the Flackdevilles began to 'ohhhhhhhhhhh' in chorus. "I ain't blocking your view b*tch, I am the view!" The Devilles quiet down as my schoolmates lose it. Jayna flipped her hair and swim away.

I swim my way towards Heidi as she told me that she videod everything. She even asked me for permission if she can post it on ShoobTube, which I said yes cuz I am a wonderful friend. As she pressed the upload button, many views started to pile up like the one a while ago. Almost everyone at our side had their eyes on their phones and to make it 'insulting' for the Devilles, they put their phones' sound in full max, played the vid at the same time, and put it at their direction. In annoyance, they rolled their eyes and exit the water. "Well, MORE SPACE FOR US!!! WOOHOO!" Everybody shouted as we took their side of the lake. As we had fun, we never knew that the Devilles are plotting revenge for us...

Author-chan's POV
And you were right, (y/n)-chan. They are plotting revenge on you guys, and it's...not that bad. All they did was throw your bags outside and hid them under a pile of dead leaves. To be very honest, it's an absolute lame revenge. You guys saw it in an instant because it's very obvious. When you entered the cabin, they were laughing evilly. "Awww, your bags are now dirty and wrinkly," Jayna said. At this point, Heidi was videoing again. "Yeah, just like your face," You talked back. She gasped and flipped her hair. "Hmph! Whatever! You're just jealous of me. Chloe!" She called the girl in a blonde pony-tail, wearing a red sweater, a white skirt with a black polka-dot pattern, and beige flats with a knitted rose design. "Zarina!" She called, yet again, another girl with brunette hair that is tied in a braid, wearing a white tank top, jean shorts, a blue plaid long sleeve shirt tied around her waist, and brown boots.

"Serah!" Who had her hair down, wearing a moss green tank top under a purple leather jacket, black leggings, and lilac rubber shoes. "Show them the exit!" At the same time Jayna ordered that, their principal popped his head on our door and heard everything. Ooooh, busted. You thought inside your mind. Their principal went to them and told them that they all need to apologize to us. They all whine like babies. "If you don't then I would have to put you all in detention for one month after this trip!" In anger, they went to you guys and said sorry while gritting their teeth. The principal, too, apologize to us for his students as he went out and closed the door.

The 3 huff their way towards their beds as Serah just walked and plopped herself on her own bed. Somethings wrong with her, and I've gotta know before the trip is over. Heidi, again, posted another vid on ShoobTube. Your phone vibrated inside your pocket as you got it and open your new message from the name: *sshole. You still haven't change my name on your contacts huh? C'mon, I already change yours to 'GF-chan'. Anyways, still gonna meet later night?

You: Sure, but what are we gonna do exactly?

Randy: Besides laying under the moon and stars? You wanna get some raccoons and placed them inside the bags of the Devilles (see what I did there?) and put some mini cameras, which I have many and I know you brought some too, in their cabins so we can post the vid on ShoobTube?

You: Sure, sounds fun ;)

Randy: Like when did you start to flirt with me? ;)

You: OMG, it's supposed to be :)* Don't be such a 'feeler' you shoob! -_-

Author-chan: IKR (y/n), Randy is such a shoob!

Randy: Umm, excuse me, who are you?

You: Yeah, who are you?

Author-chan: People call me...BATMAN! Jk jk. Don't mind me, I'm here to stalk.

*You and Randy ended the chat.*


Back to your POV
As I was waiting for Randy outside his cabin, which is just in front of ours, he slowly opens the doors and closes it once he was outside. He had a net with him together with a bag filled with tiny cameras. "Wait, I know I made this plan but how do we capture a raccoon?" Both of us thought about it when I realized, Haize taught me how to talk to animals. Once we started looking for raccoons, Randy began to video as he said something that caught my attention and made me off-balance. "Sometimes, it takes two enemies to join forces to make the brucest revenge of all the bruce!...you okay there (y/n)?" I nodded my head and got back up from the ground. Good thing he started to video after I told him that I can talk to animals.

We saw a family of raccoons nearby. Using telekinesis, which Haize taught me too, I talked to them as they started to come towards me. Again, Randy talked to the camera. "So bruce!" He whisperly-shouted. I pat the head of some raccoon as they began to follow me as I lead them towards the cabins. "I wish I didn't brought the net if I knew she can tame raccoons," We helped each other bring the raccoons in the cabins as they found themselves in the bags of the Devilles. I talked to one of the raccoons in each cabin to place a camera somewhere inside just as long as every scene is videod. They nodded as I told Randy that work is now done. "Now let's see what will happen tomorrow..."

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