(#ΔP+3® 8: Firsty's Story pt. 3 + Ninja No More + VERY GOOD NEWS

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At bed. So sick. Body hurts. Asking why I ended up like this? Well, yesterday, another robot came trashing the whole school and it's not just an ordinary robot that Viceroy had invented once again for McFist, but one thing for sure that the violet liquid thing that the robot splattered all over me turned me all sick, sneezy, coughy, and hallucinatey after I destroyed it. My mom is off to work and now, all I needed to do was wait for Dr. Sam to check on me.

Knock, knock, knock!

Going down the stairs, legs all wobbly, I opened the door to see Dr. Sam at the other side. "Why hello there, your mom told me that you are not feeling well, is that true?" He asks as I just nod in response. "I sure wanted to check on you but Dr. Sam still has a lot of work to do so, my assistant will be in charge of checking you until your mom comes back from work," Assistant? I didn't know he has an assistant. "Oh, let me introduce you to my assistant since she's a bit shy and all," Behind him, the girl appeared. She's wearing a white nurse dress/uniform with matching white flats. But her appearance caught much of my attention. "Meet (y/n). And I think I should leave you two now, bye!" He said, as he started to walk away and wave goodbye.

Now that he's out of sight, (y/n) just stood outside my door, her arms crossed, eyes on the grass. "Umm...you may come in you know," After I said that, she instantly came in my house without saying a word. Sighing, I closed the door and wobble back to bed. I just stared at the ceiling, all tired. As I started to drift off to sleep, I felt a somewhat hand laid on my neck then on my forehead. My eyes slowly flutter open and saw (y/n)'s face a few centimeter away from mine that I could already smell her fresh breath. She moved away then climbed down from my bed into my computer desk as she took out her tablet from her satchel and started to play something.

(Attention: this paragraph here is base in real life)
After a few minutes of resting my eyes and not even thinking about bothering her, I sit up from my bed and hoped that my eyes are clear enough to see what (y/n) is doing in her tablet. Thankfully, I can see that far. She was somewhat playing a game that I don't know about but what I know for sure is that a message popped out from her screen saying something like this: 'Your account has been suspended for 1 day due to speaking bad language.' She had her eyes wide open as she lip sync the words: 'What the f*ck!' Pressing the home button, she closes her tablet and decided to watch (fav. show) instead. (A/N: Lemme ask you, what is/are your other fav. show/s you watch besides RC9GN? I'm into TMNT. Who watches TMNT? Comment down below!)

An hour had passed as she turned off her tablet and turned her gaze towards me. She went to my bathroom and soon got out with a basin with a towel in it. Climbing back to my bed, she told me to lay back on my bed as she started to wipe me with the cold wet towel from the basin. When she got to the point where she is already wiping my face, her hand with the towel stopped right on top of my cheek. We both stared at each other, but it soon ended when she flutter her eyes and shook her head. "Why?" I asked. "Why did you chose to be Dr. Sam's assistant?"

"You do know I have to earn myself money for Nomo and I's needs, right?"

"But didn't you know that I am the one you are going to be 'babysitting' before he even got you here?"

"No, he just told me that this will be my first assignment," She said, putting aside the basin with the towel. From her satchel, she got out a square-shaped thing that was covered with black wrapping paper and a red ribbon on top. "I was gonna give you this yesterday but you were rushed home when the nurse said that you are sick and all," I took the thing from her hands and was about to tear the cover open when she told me that I have to open it later night when my mom is already asleep.

As I saw my mom's car on the driveway, we both said our goodbyes and off she went home. My mom saw her and was shocked when she realized that she was the assistant Dr. Sam was talking about, my enemy is the one taking care of me. Just as what (y/n) told me, I tear the cover open when my mom is already asleep. A white box appeared and as I opened the lid, (y/n)'s ninja suit was here... together with a note that read:

"I'm Ninja No More..."


I don't know if I should do this...

I am the ninja, ninjas can't be in a relationship...

But I like her...

A lot...

Sighing, I walked back home from school all alone. Haize left earlier because she was sent home due to having a high fever. Maybe I should tell her my feelings slowly like at first, I can take care of her today then after her fever goes down, I can start there, I can already ask her out. But what if she said no? Why would she even say 'yes' to me if there are like a hundred thousand boys out there who are much more better than me? Maybe I should just accept the fact that we are not meant to be... *sighs* But at least I got the chance to kiss her on the lips when she was asleep a few days ago. (A/N: wow Firsty, wow *claps hands very slowly*)

As I walk through the streets of the village, I saw a guy holding a lady's purse while a girl is chasing him, shouting: "Give me back my purse!" Sounds like a job for the ninja. I ran towards a dark alley and put on my mask as I jumped from rooftop to rooftop to be able to catch up with the thief. Jumping right in front of him, I crossed my arms and speak to the thief with confidence. "Hand over the bag or no one gets hurt," Without furthermore excuses, he grasped the girl's wrist and put a knife in front of her throat. I took a step forward but the knife got closer to her. "In each step ninja, this girl meets her death," he said as I took a step back, the knife backing up also.

Think ninja, think. TING! A lightbulb was lit on top of my head. Using my ninja stealth, I sprinted towards the back of the man, get the purse, snatch his knife away from the girl, and pushed him towards the gates of the jail which was right in front of us. (A/N: I know, unbelievable, but cool in a way XD) I gave back the lady's purse and was about to smash my smokebomb when she took hold of my hand and said: "Thanks ninja, and my name's Serah, Serah Soren,"

"Oh, umm...hi Serah, well I better go now! bye!" I said instantly but as a stupid ninja I am, I didn't think about smashing my smokebomb and just run away instead. And you know what? Something really bad happened. She chased me then instead of grabbing my shoulders to stop me, she hold onto my mask and then she accidentally took it off. Good thing we're at a very dark place (no dirty minds please, XD). As she took it off, my ninja suit disappeared and what was left was my blown dignity. "Serah, don't-" Before I get the chance to complete my sentence, she put her finger on my lips and said: "Don't tell anybody. Don't worry, I won't,"

With that, she went closer to me, placed her hands on my cheeks, and kissed me with passion...

So I didn't get to do my prank since yesterday, here at my place, is April Fools day but I went to a party and didn't had anymore time to do it :P

*-+*-+*-+*-+*-+*-+*-+So I didn't get to do my prank since yesterday, here at my place, is April Fools day but I went to a party and didn't had anymore time to do it :P

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