(#ΔP+3® 28: Norrisville vs. Flackville pt. 5

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4th day of trip (Wednesday)
"Where the f*ck are you Serah?!" I shouted. "You do know you can't hide forever right?"

I can't find her anywhere. Like literally. "Serah!!!" Sighing, I went back to the cabin and plopped down on my bed. Maybe I should just search for her tomorrow... Not knowing that I have fallen asleep, I heard a creaking noise from the cabin's door. This shot my eyes wide open. "Who's there?" I asked the room filled with no one but me in it. "I am just gonna go wash my face at the bathroom to wake myself up a bit," I got up from my bed and to the bathroom connected to our cabin I went. But as I first saw my reflection in the mirror, I saw my face filled with writings like: 'F*ck NHS! Long Live FHS!!!<3'. They did not just put PERMANENT marker on my face, did they?

My hands splashed some water on my face and put soap before scrubbing it hard. I washed off the soap and man, IT IS PERMANENT! The bathroom door opened up with a loud bam and there goes Heidi, Theresa, and Debbie having the same writings on their foreheads as mine. "What happened to you guys?" I asked them. "They put sleeping pills on our drinks...on EVERY drink at our cafeteria so that they can put THESE writings on our faces as another sweet revenge after the whole raccoon thing," So that's why I feel sleepy... "And we guess that you and Randy have any plans to kick back, yes?"

"We're still not talking, but yeah, we might," I responded, still splashing and scrubbing as hard as I can. Laughs were heard from behind us, and guess who it is, I know you know who they are. "Awww, still scrubbing away the marker? Now how you like us now?" They did their very b*tchy laugh before going out the cabin and that really hit my nerve. "Heidi, are there still drinks that have been contaminated by the pills?" I asked her. "Yes, why?" She asked. "Oh nothing, just nothing..." After hours of scrubbing off the marker, it finally came off as I went to Randy's cabin. I knocked on their door, Skye opening the door for me, as I went inside. Not a single student from FHS is here.

"Hey Randy, did you bring your ninja mask?..."

Randy's POV
This is so bruce! I get to use my ninja suit again! Oh how I miss wearing it. I got a water jug filled with the drink that has been contaminated by the pills, (y/n)'s orders. I went inside the other cafeteria, still hiding in the shadows, and saw FHS students eating their dinner. Not a single one of them had their drinks yet. I went under the glasses of water and punch on a table and was about to dump the contaminated water into it...when the Nomicon began to glow. It hopped out of my compartment and turned into it's human form. "I don't think it's a good idea..." He said. "But all I gotta say was, go for it!"

"Like when did you started to agree on something bad I was about to do?" I asked with a smirk. "To the fact that the ink didn't just got onto my face, but also on some of the pages. Until now, I am still having a hard time on erasing it," I hold onto his shoulder and said. "Don't worry, I am pretty sure it will go away...soon. Maybe (y/n) can help you with that since she has powers and all but right now, lemme do my job ok? ok." He nodded his head as I gave him a thumbs up.

Students are still eating their meal. I took this chance to dump the water onto the glasses and...purrrrrfect. (Author-chan: Chat Noir!!! Him: Ok ok, no more cat puns. You may continue reading~) After dumping it, I stole some food from the table and shared it with Nomi under it. I wonder what plan (y/n) was really thinking about... better ask her, after we both eat.

Back to your POV
What's taking him so long? I still have to explain the plan, I just told him to get some contaminated water and pour it into their drinks.

I saw a red glow from outside and man, the door opened and out came the two. "It's about time you two showed u-" I was cut midsentence when both of them burped loudly. "Did you guys eat without us?! R00D!" I shouted at them. "You could've brought us food yah know," My arms were crossed towards them as I just sighed and began to explain them the plan. "So, after they have drink their drinks, all of them will be in deep slumber. While they fall to sleep, we ambush them!"

''By?" Firsty asked. "By this!'' From behind my back, I popped out a blueprint with my draft on my latest plan. ''Shall we?''

''We shall!" They all said as we began to work...

5th day of trip (Thursday)
''Ahhhhhhhhh!!!'' An ear-piercing scream was heard from almost all of the cabins. We, the students of NHS, worked together to make my plan work, and it did. We all decided to camp outside and maybe watch the stars or sleep because we're all tired. Our eyes shot open once we heard it and began to laugh like there's no tomorrow. I opened up my laptop with me and saw the cameras filming everything! And I think I should tell you what we just did.

Since they fall asleep at the cafeteria, we just decided to do the plan there. From their tables, unfinished food were there, catching flies. Our lips had their evil smirks on as we 'accidentally' spill it on their faces. The kitchen part of the cafeteria, there we saw leftover oil that was used to fry some food that was served outside. I, and some other students, splashed the oil all over the floor while Randy and other more students join him on giving the FHS students a new hairdo using glue and paint. Also, don't forget, we tied a string of rope on their hands so if it gets tug, the bucket on top of them filled with cockroaches will fall on top of them.

How will they remain inside the bucket? Well, I put a bunch of food inside so they can eat it. Now that our work is done, we instantly ran outside the cafeteria because the roaches I have tamed are beginning to fly all around the room.

We have our things with us, incase they do something in return from our mischief and all, and just spend the rest of our nights sleeping outside with the stars, or within our tents. Hmmm... I wonder what will happen next... Meh, I am too sleepy to think about it. I should probably continue my sleep, bye!

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