(#ΔP+3® 32: Escaping this Time Dream

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Reasons why I didn't update last Saturday: We watched TMNT 2 (picture at The Other Side... chp 1) and was busy preparing for school.
8 more chapters to go...

''You're... You're... The guy that went in Randy's house a day before school started!'' I shouted in realization. He nodded his head as he removed his cloak, revealing him in his normal clothes. ''And you are also the guy that gave me and Randy those bracelets back somewhere before Jan 1, correct?'' he nodded again. ''People call me 'The Creep'. I was nameless,'' He started. ''But besides having multiple roles in your world, I most likely to be known as both the 'Finder' and 'Messenger' of the ninja. Through my time powers, I get to see what that particular person do if he or she was the ninja. Since the ninja, or in other words Randy, was fine owning that title, I gave him the mask and the nomicon. I also have a nice view of him destanking the stanked Marcy back when he and his friend escaped kindergarten just to see the ninja,''

''So does that mean that you already who's gonna be the next ninja after Randy?'' I asked him. ''Yes...and that's you,'' Wait, what? Me? Why me?

Because of asking too many questions in my mind, I didn't realize that he was walking away. ''Hey! Wait up!'' I chased him down the halls. He opened another door and on the other side of it was another memory. No, it's not Haize's, but mine... I think. There I saw Amara and my parents holding a lil' me. This must be the time when they're gonna leave me there. We continue to walk till we reached the door of the cafeteria. But instead of a cafeteria, another room filled with clocks, watches, and other more things that tell time were either on the wall, floors, or hanging from the ceiling. The room is big. Blues, whites, and golds were to be seen. The floor I am walking on floats. The edges of it were an eternal cliff. ''You don't want to fall down that cliff, right? Then don't come near, things that fall down there had never reached the bottom,''

I instantly backed away when he said that. ''Where are we?'' I began to look at every inch of the room, the clocks tell different times. ''We're back at my home...again,'' He whispered the last word he spoke. Again? ''Wait, I've been here before?'' He nodded his head. ''When? I don't remember being here,''

''That's because I mind wiped you. If you want to know, just looked at that clock,'' he pointed a clock that said: 10:47. I don't know if it's am or pm but I'm just gonna go with it. My eyes gaze at the clock till my vision went all white. After the blinding light, there I see myself outside the orphanage. I was at the park, sitting on a bench, just right beside a bush. It was nighttime. Oh, I remember this. I was in between 7-9 years old and this was the time I got out of the orphanage to explore the city. For some reason, I did it at night when no ones already awake so that I just have to escape the cameras, which is a huge success.

Little me noticed the bush rustling and shaking hard. She decided to check it out for herself as I followed her. The only thing I remembered was sitting on the bench, then falling asleep, then waking up on the bench (that's because my vision was all black till I flutter my eyes open). But I never knew that on the other side of the bush was a portal on the ground. Lil' me fell inside the portal as I jumped inside the portal too. We both hit the hard ground and grunted in pain. But lil' me seems to just ignore the hard impact and went exploring in the room. ''Hmm...the ninja seems to be working fine,'' I heard someone said. Lil' me went up to the man that was looking at the screen that shows the ninja. ''Excuse me sir,'' She started, making the man flinch. ''But I like your clocks!'' I can't believe I have the time to compliment 'The Creep'. But there is something that caught my eye... Well, me and lil' me did. The Creep is holding a sapphire looking gem that seems to reflect the light that was coming through the sky blue tinted windows. ''You want it little girl? Come closer...''

And as I was thinking, all lil' me got was a pressure point. I can't believe I am this...this...umm... I know this word but I forgot it so...whatevs! He went near her and poke her forehead. A drawing of a clock soon popped out. He turned the hand counterclockwise, making it look like he's turning back time. Once he's finished, he poke her forehead again, the clock disappeared in an instant. A portal soon opened and from the other side of it, I can see the bench lil' me was sitting on a while ago. He then placed her back there and closed the portal. ''Man, I have to check the portals if they're already closed or not,'' With that, he went back to his work. ''So now what?'' I asked myself. ''How am I gonna get out of this vision, dream, whatever,'' No response. ''Fine! I'll find my own way!'' Somehow...

This is a somewhat dream right? So does that mean... I can jump off that cliff without dying? Well of course (y/n), it is a never ending cliff right? But bro, to tell you, don't be crazy.

But bro, what if I am?

Without hesitation, I jumped off the cliff. But instead of still falling and falling and falling, I hit something soft and...bouncy? Well, a bit bouncy. And brah, I'm in a room. It looks like Randy's room. So does that mean- ''Ahhh! You'll never catch me you evil monstahrs!'' To look at it, the kid who went inside this very room is Randy and followed by his parents. They seem happy with each others' company. Something felt...hot. Like a burning sensation within me. Specifically, my heart. Is this what they call 'jealousy'? I've never been jealous of Randy before. Is it because of how happy he is with his family? Or was it just me having a bad past? Well, enough with this drama. I need to find a way out. The windows seems to be another way out. I mean, that's the only thing dirty and rusty in the room.

Opening it wasn't easy. Talk about the rust blocking the way. It took me a lot of strength to open it, though it only lead me to falling and hitting myself on a hard grassy ground. ''He should start making portals that doesn't involve hurting myself or falling from high places!'' I shouted at myself. Dusting myself, I stretched a bit before continuing my search. That's when I heard sobs. And this is where I realize that I'm in the cemetery. Nice one (y/n), nice one. As I made a turn, I saw lil' Randy being carried by his mom. I went a bit near and that's when I saw Randy's dad in the coffin that's already been underground. The men started putting dirt on top of it till it covered up the coffin. And at this part, I began to feel a little bit sorry for him. ''Well this vision time dream thing is making me all emotional. Now where's the next exit?''

And the next things that happened was me going in the portal, falling, then hitting the ground whether soft or hard. But then to my surprise, I finally got myself out of it after a few memories of Haize, Firsty, Randy, and other more people who are close to me. Though the memory that really hit me was the last one. It doesn't really seem to be a memory, but a vision in the future. And there, I saw chaos. Destruction and more were to be seen. It's not really a great place to visit since the place was a mess. It took me like I think hours of finding a way out. And the way out is my very front door. From the city to my house, that's just nice. But I saw something, like someone's out there, lurking in the shadows. Before I even get out of this place, I manage to meet Randy's dad. Though he's in a soul form and he wanted me to tell Randy that he said 'Hi'. As I nodded and waved goodbye, that's when I realize that the last memory I went in has something to do with me... Something that will change everything...

I was breathing heavily. My heart is beating fast. Beads of sweat were slowly flowing down to the sheets. And I realize, people are in my room. ''GAAAAAAAH!!! SHE'S A ZUMBEYH!!!'' They all shouted in unison. ''You shoobs! I'm still alive! Calm the f*cking down!'' I shouted back at them. ''Like bros, I'm sleeping,''

''No you weren't'' Firsty said. ''You're not breathing, nor your heart is beating,'' As shocking as it was, I remain calmed and let them explain what had happened. ''You didn't wake up this morning, even a bucket of cold water didn't work. When all of us decided to visit you, you're still sleeping. We tried waking you up but you still won't budge. After playing Grave Puncher for hours, we decided to check on you but you're still sleeping. On that part, we started to get worried. Every one of us began piling up noisy items within your house and try if playing it all together will wake you up. Though we failed. Randy tried kissing you if it will work like hey, it worked on princesses yah know, but he noticed something. You're not breathing. We tried everything to make your heart beat but it was a mission failed. Heidi was about to make a call to the hospital when you shocked us that you were still alive but...'' Nami stopped in mid-sentence.

''But what?''...

1600+ words, you're very welcome
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