(#ΔP+3® 36: Skye's Story

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Author-chan RETURNS!!! And it's finally our Christmas break! Expect another chapter next week. (If there are still people who are reading this story) :)

4 more chapters to go...

I examined the white ball, rolling it a bit from side to side (A.G. fans out there, hi!), in boredom. There is nothing special that had happened for the past 2 weeks, just boring ol' school and other same ol', same ol'. Like, the same thing happens everyday. So much for my everyday routine. Something new should happen right now or I'll lose my mind because of boredo-

''(Y/n)!!!" Bing-bing-bing-bing. Skye is right on time. He seems to be exhausted...for who knows what the reason is. I was about to ask him what's wrong when his eyes darted the clear empty ball in front of me. He started to point at it, his finger shaking, in a confuse manner. ''Whe-where did you g-get that?'' Voice trembling. ''Oh, this one?'' Carrying the ball just right in front of his eyes. He nods, his eyes still glued on the ball. ''Ummm... Is there something wro-''

''YES! YES (Y/N)!" He cuts, taking in deep breaths before continuing. ''I was gonna tell you before but on that time, I thought I can handle it, guess I was wrong...'' Wait, what is he even talking about? ''(Y/n), I need your help,'' Guess what, you weren't expecting the next thing I will do. I jumped from my seat and began to act like a person who just escaped the mental hospital. As I still continue to run, jump, skip, and shout ''Thank you'' several times, not caring if Skye or any stalker out there is looking at me or even try to take a vid of me and post it on ShoobTube, I swear that vid will have many views than any other vid there. As my thoughts were busy of imagining myself, in my very own mansion, with a pet alicorn, and my pool made out of chocola- OWWW!!! My big toe hit the leg of my study table. ''Owow, ow, ow...'' I groan in pain while massaging my toe.

Skye look at me with his arms crossed. ''Are you done?'' I look at him from below and nod my head. ''Good,'' he started. ''I need your help in finding the victim of the black power ball, but I should tell you everything first before you hate me,'' Ok... I nod my head. He sighs and played with his thumbs before continuing. ''You see (y/n), the black power ball contains the wrong doings of everyone...but mostly mine... Long time ago...

Skye's POV

I froze. The cold wind kept on whispering the same thing over and over for the last few minutes, and it's getting annoying as hell. ''Stop...'' I sighed, like when will it stop? But all I know is that I have to find Firsty (even if I don't want to). The voice didn't stop. No matter how much I force myself to keep quiet and continue walking... I just had enough! "What do you want?!" The birds from the trees flew away from the loud echoes of my voice. Finally, I get to pull some steam off a bit. There was silence. Though my senses were telling me that someone is near. "Hello..." I called. No response. "Guess it's just my imagination," Shaking my head, I look up and came face to face with a stranger. 

Backing away, I clutched the dagger from my side. "No need to be afraid, child," He spoke. "Who says I'm afraid of a hooded man?" I smirked. The guy chuckled out of the blue. "I'm just here to ask you... Aren't you tired of being a burden to your family?" My dagger made it's way in front of his throat. "What do you know about me? About my family?" A growl made it's way out. His finger pokes the tip of my blade and slowly moves it away. "Oh, my child, I know a lot than you think. I've been there since the beginning."

"What do you want?" I growled. "The real question is actually... what do YOU want?" He started walking all around me. As for me, I was dumbfounded by his question. "What do you want to do in order for you to stop being called a weakling? To stop being a 'burden' to your family? You have been called a distraction during missions. Aren't you tired of their labels? Aren't you tired of working hard but ain't still good enough because they are much more 'better' than you?" My breathing became harder and harder in every question he asks me. His hand laid in front of me, making me look at his now glowing green eye. "I can help you end it, if you help me in my problem..." 

Second-guessing ain't an option, for I know what I want...


"So what happened next?" (Y/n) asked. I sighed before continuing. "I've become a fool for holding onto his hand. I have turned into a demon. I was under his control. We did wrong things together, though half of me was having fun the other is finding a way to get away from him. Fighting back is no use. I'm like his shield when it comes to danger because he doesn't get hurt for he is just a spirit trapped within me. He gets stronger for every wrong thing I have done whether it's from the past or the present. But that!"

I pointed to the white ball. "That saved me... Even when the demon is not controlling me anymore, my hate for Firsty continues on, until our field trip. Somehow I misplaced the ball somewhere last week and now I need your help in finding the demon and it's victim." She nodded her head but her face seems to give a confuse expression. "How do we destroy it so it won't pick on it's victims anymore?" 

"That thing... I do not know..."


(Pardon wrong grammars/spellings)

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