(#ΔP+3® 7: Firsty's Story pt. 2 + His Decision

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Just a tiny reminder that all of the chapters until (#ΔP+3® 10 will be Randy's and Firsty's POV.
Okie, tayngk kyu!!!<3 (this is gonna be my 5th time retyping this {3 times in Quotev, 2 times here in Wattpad}, thank u INTERNET!!!)


So this is it...

I'm gonna do it...

Should I?

Will I regret it?


There's no turning back now...

Here I am, at the Weinerman's doorstep, knocking, hoping that Heidi is the one who will answer it. My foot tap the ground as I wait for her response, though the door opened. From the other side, revealed Howard with his arms crossed, trying to avoid making eye contact with me. "What do you want," He asks with a grumpy tone in his voice. "Probably my sister huh?" I nodded my head in agreement. "She's sick...and I'm also sick...sick of your existence," He got out of the house, closed the door, and walked passed by me as if he didn't see me. His words hit me like a thousand bullets. It really hurts seeing your bestfriend hurt you like that...like you are nothing to him anymore. (A/N: OHHHHHHHHHHHH BURN! it hurst, yes, hurst, so mach!)

Sighing, I walked to NHS all by myself. I kept my eyes down low. Afraid of seeing bestfriends having fun with each other. Although I can hear their laughs of joy, which remind me of my bestfriend Howard and I when we were still hanging out... but does he still count me as his bestfriend? Or am I just another random stranger to him? (A/N: this hit me *lightly punches chest two times*)

As I enter the campus, I saw a very familiar figure. But it isn't just a figure for it's (y/n) sitting on the handrail of the staircase, together with Theresa and Howard. They stopped talking to each other and turned their gazes to me. Standing up, they walked away. Well I'm sorry if my eyes bothered your conversation. Now that I'm getting my things from my locker, the bell rang. Students instantly walked faster while the others ran to their class, leaving me all isolated. *sighs* So I am just another random person...

Silently walking to my class, I encounter Nomi on my way. He looked at me and had this 'what's-with-the-face?' look on his face. "Talk about my bestfriend hanging out with the two people who hate me and my decision on something bugs me every now and then," I told him, even though he's a bit confused on what I just said. "My mom is letting me choose between Heidi and (y/n) after I told her all about what happened before," Now that's when he nodded his head in understanding.

"So what is your decision Rands?" (A/N: oh yesh! Rands from meh other book) He asks me. "Well I was gonna talk about it with Heidi but she's sick so maybe tomorrow, I guess," When we entered our class, all eyes are on us but we managed to just shrug it off, sit down, and listen to the discussion.

"Like when do I have time to talk to you?" (y/n) asks as she slams her locker door and walks away, me following her from behind. She runs through the crowds as I chase her, which leads us both at the back of the school. Now that she's trap, she won't be able to escape. Looking at me, she swung her fist but I caught it. I grabbed both of her wrists and pinned her to the wall together with her arms. Since she has no other plans to escape, she shouted something that really caught me off guard. "RAPE!!!" She keeps on shouting the same thing, but I stopped her by smashing my lips onto hers.

All of a sudden, she calms down a bit, making me pull away from the kiss. Now we're both in a blushing mess. We both look into each others eyes but then her innocent eyes turned into sharp, cold glares. She struggled to free her right hand, which was a success, and tried to slap me across my face, but I caught it right on time. "Why?" She asks. "Why did you f*cking do that?!"

"I did that so you can shut the f*ck up and just listen to me!" I shouted at her. "Oh, so you can tell me that you are gonna cheat on Heidi so we can go back together? Never in your wildest dreams boy! And besides, aren't you already contented in breaking my heart? And now you're gonna break hers?! Unbelievable!!!" She shouts back, already grasping on her hair. She pushes me away from her, walks away, and stops when there's like a meter or two in between us. Raising her middle finger at me, she left me all alone where the sun is already on the horizon...

(A/N: Just to make things clear, in every time Firsty talks about his past, he will always ask Serah to leave them, him and Randy, for it's 'personal')

Just as what I told her, I can see her waiting for me on the same alleyway we talked about. From the shadows, I asked her: "Did I made you wait for too long?''

"Does a minute and half count?'' I chuckled under my breath and went out of the shadows, a bag filled with bread in my hand. She went near me, took the bag to take out a piece of bread, and eat it. As I stared at her, savoring every bite she took on the bread, my stomach grumbled, loud. Her eyes went to my figure as I blush in embarrassment, that made her giggle in response. She held the bag of bread in front of me and told me to get some... with a bright smile on her face. At first, I denied her offer but then he started to 'lure' me into getting one. ''Mmmm, yum!'' she said loudly, making sure that I heard it. ''This bread is so delicious and warm! Mmmm!'' Now she's just a few inches away from me, letting me see the complete view of her eating the bread, even though I'm too busy blushing when she's near me.

My tummy grumbled loud again and I guess I have no choice but to instantly get one, making her smirk underneath the shadow of her hood. I opened up my mouth and was about to take a bite when I realized that my mask is blocking the entrance. I couldn't just reveal myself to her that fast right? I just met her. ''Bro, you do know that food is for eating right? Not for displaying,''

''I know that, is just that if I lift my mask, you will see my identity...'' I said, still staring at the bread. She crossed her arms in disappointment as a wave of silence hit us, when she said an idea half good while at the same time half bad. "If I show you my identity, will you show yours?" She asked me, taking another bite of the bread. I turned my head from left to right, two times, making her frown under the shade of her hood. "Oh c'mon, it can't be that bad," Again, I shook my head. After failing to take my mask off, she suddenly started to do the puppy dog eyes.

"Those eyes don't work on me," I said with pride. But then... she did the Cutest Puppy Dog Eyes In The World. Now this, this really made me groan and said:"Ok, Ok. Just stop with the puppy dog eyes thing!'' I said, as she started to giggle in response. I waited for her to take off her purple cloak, because I know in the inside she's regretting it, when her fingers clutched both of her hood and bandanna at the same time, then pulls it away from her.

Her (h/l) (h/c) hair swayed with the wind while the sun's rays were on her, creating a majestic effect. My eyes are still glued on her...until she snapped a finger in front of me. ''Ninja, your turn,'' She told me with her arms crossed. Groaning, I slowly took off of my mask and I gotta say, she just looked at me and smile, she didn't even manage to comment about how I look like. After so, I started to eat the bread.

Days have passed and I never knew that we can be close friends...and that i decided to enter her to the school that I am in. Everything was going great...but I know that it will end in an unexpected time so I better make the most out of it...

Oh yesh! Posted another chapter during examination days XD, pardon some of my mistakes. SO STRESSENING! (yes, new vocabulary)
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