(#ΔP+3® 12: Sh*t Happens

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HOME ALONE!!! with a bunch of knives beside me in case someone came in my house!!! XD

Reader-chan's POV
As you can see, Randy and I were just sitting on a park bench. What a very awkward situation that I am in. I looked at the sky, orange and pinks mixing together to create such a wonderful sight. My eyes were stuck on the scenario laid right before my eyes. I was so mesmerized by the sight that I didn't even notice that Randy's hand was laid on top of mine. Startled all of a sudden, I moved my hand away from his and placed it on my lap instead. "Are we done now? I like to go back home," I said with annoyance in my tone. He sighs in sadness and said in response: "Can you please tell me something I can do to make it up to you?"

Crossing my arms, I looked away from him and was about to stand up when he grasped on my wrist, making me look at him. "C'mon (y/n)! Please!" He said. "Or I won't let you go," I struggle to be free from his grasp, but it only made him grasp on my wrist harder. I groaned from the pain, seeing that it already has a bruise. Indeed, he acts like a child clinging onto his mother. In surrender, I have no choice but to drag him on the pavement. "Gah!" He shouted when his butt made a hard contact with the floor. He reached for his butt and feel it. "Now my butt hurts!"

"Good. If you don't want to let go of me, then I guess you leave me no choice," I replied with an evil smirk that made him gulp in worry and horror. Seconds later, I was now dragging him on the grassy ground, his butt part getting all dirty with soil and very tiny pebbles. Many people were looking at us, whispering to each other as if we're insane weirdos, which is true tho XD.

Beads of sweat covered my entire body, legs all tired from all that running and dragging. In return, I fell on top of Randy, making us both roll down the very tiny hill and onto the tiny fish pond. Surrounding the fish pond were bushes, hiding both of our presence from the society. I was on top of him, both of us were soaking wet. He flipped me over so that he can be on top of me. I can feel the cold water all over my body, except for my face. My hair flowing with the tiny waves made from my tiny movements.

I tried pushing him off of me, but I can't believe that he's this strong...and heavy. His hands cupped my cheeks as he started to lean in. Squirming and struggling for dear life, I saw a Koi fish swimming next to me. Without thinking twice, I get it using my free hand and brought it up to his lips. He still continues to kiss the fish, probably because his eyes were close. He must be crazy to think that I would kiss him back. After a few minutes of kissing, he opened his eyes and was shocked that he's kissing a fish. I took the chance to kick him off me, which I did, and squeeze my soaking wet hair.

"Why would you do that?!" He exclaimed while spitting on the ground and wiping his lips. "Cause my head told me so," I replied. "But did your heart cooperate with you and your mind?" I was surprised by his question that I didn't even realize that he was walking towards me, his fingers beneath my chin. "Or did it tell you to go with the flow?" He pressed his lips onto mine as I thought:

Mind: Push him away! An *sshole like him doesn't deserve a queen like you!

Heart: You still love him right? Kiss back! Don't waste this chance!

Me: Gah! You guys are confusing me!!!

I pushed him off of me, that he landed himself back to the pond. Grasping on my hair tight, I screamed as loud as I can, thinking that this is the best way to relieve anger. "I'm tired Randy! I'm so tired of you confusing me! Last time you hate me, then now you love me?! Like bro! Make up your mind!!! My feelings are getting all messed up!!!"

"But (y/n), you are my only on-"

"No Randy. You might think that I am the only key that will open your heart but no, I know you still have a lot of duplicates!" I hissed. Getting up, I come out of the bushes and went to Firsty and Haize. "What happened to you?!" Haize reacted on how soaking wet I am. And not to mention, my messy hair is filled with twigs while the other parts of my body were filled with leaves and other more stuff. "Sh*t happens... Firsty, do you mind if the two of you would just talk tomorrow?" Before he even gets to reply, I grabbed Haize and off we go back home...but somethings are just bad timing.

I was too busy dragging Haize towards the exit of the park, my eyes not taking off of her, that I bumped into someone. "Watch it!" A man said. My butt hit the floor and as I gaze at the man, my eyes widen in horror. "Axel? What the f*ck are you doing here?"

"Umm... my family and I are gonna have a picnic here. And why are you-"

"No questions. Never questioned someone who thinks you're a dumb*ss, oh wait, you already are one!" I said as I push him out of my way, not minding them calling me from a far. As we reach my house, I instantly went to the bathroom to take a bath and while I'm taking a bath, Haize and I talk behind each others' door. "What really happen (y/n)?" She asked.

As I explained it to her, she listened very attentively, base on what I feel since I can't see her. I also explained that Randy made out with a Koi fish from the pond we both landed on. She laughed liked there's no tomorrow and when it's her time to explain, all I did in the shower was fangirl and say 'yiee' all over again. I'm so happy for Haize! "Oh wait Haize,"

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"I'll be the flower girl ok?" I know from the other side of the door, she is already a blushing mess. "(Y/n)! Stop! The more you tease me with the thought of me and Firsty together, we might end up like that,"

"That's the point!" I shouted with a smile. She fangirls a bit and calms down afterwards. "Don't worry (y/n), I'll make sure that you'll be the flower gir-"

"I change my mind... I'LL BE THE PRIEST!!!"

"WHAT tHE PAK!!! (Y/n)!....Also, I wanna be your bridesmaid once you and Randy got married..." I sighed in the shower and talked to myself. If there's even a chance...

Author-chan knows she has been writing chapters that are short
Reason: Making gifts for my fwends
Now yah know.
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