(#ΔP+3® 9: Firsty's Story pt. 4 + For (y/n)

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A/N: So as you can see up there^^^^ that's my NTS Publishing Schedule. And for my readers that also reads Leonardo Hamato x Readers, I'm creating a story named The Otherside (Leonardo Hamato x Reader) on June 3!!! So don't forget to save the date<3


As I walk through the hallways of the school, I was, at the same time, typing away on my phone, telling Heidi to meet me up at my house. My phone vibrated as I saw a reply from her saying: 'Sure.'

Me: If you wanted to know why, well that's becuz I need to tell you something very very important.

Heidi: Me too, but I'm not sure you'll be happy about it...

Me: Mine also... Let's just continue our convo later at my house ok? Because I gtg

Heidi: Ok, bai

®©End of Convo©®

Now, I'm walking very slowly back to my house, still scared about what I'm gonna say to her. Before I even reach my house, a few meters in front of me, I can see Heidi walking too, a frown on her face as she looked at me with teary eyes. She ran towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, crying endlessly. I pat her back to comfort her but then, I saw (y/n) outside her house (and I know you guys still remember that Randy's and Reader's house are just parallel to each other, do you?), holding her cellphone which was directed to us. She lip synced the words 'tsk-tsk-tsk' as she waved her pointer finger.

"Let's go inside," I whispered to Heidi. She nodded her head as we started to walk slowly inside my house, not minding my mother who was staring at the both of us. We sat down on my bed, door closed as I breathed slowly before I say the words I'm about to say to her, when she also spoke up. But what really shocked me is that we both said the same phrase. "I'm breaking up with you," Our eyes widen as we spoke again, at the same time. "Really? Why?"

"Ladies first," I instantly said. She sighed and was about to explain when my door burst open, my mom was now face-planted on my bedroom floor. She looked at both of us and laughed nervously, stood up fast, dust herself, and went out of my room, slamming the door closed. Heidi and I stared at each other with confuse looks. "Well that's awkward... but let's cut to the chase on why you're breaking up with me,"

"I want to befriends again with (y/n)... and I know this is the only way for me to have a 50% chance to be with her again. And I guess the reason you're also breaking up with me is because you want to be together again with (y/n), yes?" I nodded my head in response as she sighed once again. A wave of silence came crashing down on us, though it only lasted for about a few seconds. "I can't believe we're breaking up just to be happy again with (y/n)...but at least it's worth it," She said with a smile. Taking my hand, she put both of our hands in the middle as we both said: "For (y/n),"...

(Insert dream scenario from chapter 26)
"Oh what a great thing to start my morning," And no, this phrase ain't all happy-happy. I'm sarcastic talking today.

Haize is there, Skye hugging her from behind. Oh why does this guy have to ruin my day...everyday. I walked towards the two and was about to say 'hi' when Skye, the famous bad boy of our school, cut me off. "Oh, if it wasn't nerdy-two-shoes, care to be my best man in our future wedding?" he asks as he grabbed Haize's chin and smashed his lips onto her. So I was right, I'm no match for her, Skye deserves her. And with that, I ran as far as my feet can take me, not minding Haize shouting out my name. I ended up stopping at the woods and it really shocked me to see Serah there.

Without warning, I dropped to my knees as my tears ran down like waterfalls. She went to my side and hugged me. She wiped my tears away as she said: "If she won't love you, then let me take her place..." In an instant, she kissed me like there's no tomorrow. Now she's the reason why I smile again... the reason why I had the guts to tell Haize that I have a new girlfriend...

(Insert the 2 dream scenarios here from chapters' 31, and 35 because author-chan is too lazy to type :P)
Next day...
''Are you serious Haize? Serah cannot be the daughter of the Sorcerer and Sorceress nor she can be evil. How many beers have you drink last night? 1? 2? 10? It's either you're drunk last night or...'' Before I even get to finish my sentence, I went near her and my lips formed into a smirk. ''Or you're just jealous?'' I know I can see her blushing wildly that her face turned into a tomato but she shake the feeling off and said. ''I'm not drunk nor jealous, she literally told me last night!'' she shouted. I rolled my eyes at her, groaned, and rubbed my temples.

''Haize, will you quit creating stories about her? Your jealousy towards her is too much that I don't even know if I can still trust you about the stories you are gonna tell me anymore... Please Haize, just leave us. We don't like people ruining our relationship,'' After that, I left her all alone.

At the temple...
I'm still not moving on about the fact my girl best friend is telling me lies...or were they even true? Nah, she can't be my enemies' daughter, it's too impossible. A beautiful girl like Serah, an evil sorceress? Pfft, as if.

In the middle of talking to myself, the large doors of the temple flew open and came running from it is my squire, Plop Plop. He was panting very hard and it seems like he has done something wrong base on his nervous greeting. My arms crossed and I had my 'what-did-you-do?' look on my face for him to see and to be guilty of himself of what madness he had got himself into. He smiled at me nervously, his smile having tiny curves or bumps or whatever you prefer to call them. Sighing, he went beside my ear and tell me something very horrifying...

(And yes, author-chan knows it's short)
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