(#ΔP+3® 10: Firsty's Story pt. 5 + Ninja Vs. Ninja

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P.S. Story is mostly filled with dialogues.

"C'mon, c'mon, pick it up... gah! She didn't pick it up!" I shouted at my phone. I really need to talk to you (y/n), if you can just pick up your f*cking phone! This just has to be my 4th time calling her. I called her again and thank God she picked it up, though I annoyed her pretty much. "WHAT RANDY!!! WHAT!!!" She shouted from the other line. "Will you quit calling me! It's annoying and irritating yah know?!"

"Look I'm sorry if I disturb yo-"

"Apology not accepted, you just disturb me from my beauty sleep bro! And it's 5 in the morning, can you wait till 7? or 8? or forever?" Sheesh, she needs to calm down. "(Y/n), you need to calm down, shillax man. And I have to tell you something very important," From the other line, I heard her groan and smack her head on the wall. "What is it? You got Heidi pregnant? Good job! Now bye!"

"No, no, no, no, wait! (Y/n), don't hang up, and no, I didn't get Heidi pregnant. We both break up with each other to be with you again," A long silent atmosphere was held. I said 'hello' and you can't believe what she just said. "You *ssholes! Are you guys f*cking kidding me?! You do know that you have minds right? Why won't you guys f*cking use it?!" And yeah, I know she used a lot of bad words.

"Aren't you happy? We can be together again! And you can be friends with Heidi too!" Another smack of her head was heard from the line...and also a glass being smashed into a billion pieces. She 'gah'-ed loudly, annoyance in her tone. "You guys can't fool me. And besides, April Fools is already done so stop joking around and let me sleep!" She yelled at me, and the last thing she did was hang up. I face-palmed myself as I put my phone beside me then a few minutes later, a cold hand grasped on my foot and pulled me. I was about to scream but another cold hand covered my mouth to prevent me from screaming in terror. "Randy shush! It's me Nomi, Firsty is here to tell his remaining story since you're already up and his gf is still sleeping," I nod to this and out of no where, I saw Firsty already sitting at the corner of my bed. "So where was I?" He asked me. "Oh right so after Plop Plop told me the bad news..."

"YOU LOST THE EYE OF ETERNITIES?!" I started to panic, the Eye cannot be lost! The Sorcerer should not find it! "How on earth did you lose it?!"

"I didn't literally lose it. I saw it but then a somewhat beast took it. It snarled at me, blood dripping from the sharp ends of it's sharp teeth, actually, the beast is bloody from top to bottom. And since I got scared and I also don't want to be it's next meal, I run awa-"

"Wait, did you just say 'beast'?..." There could only be one beast whose blood covers it's entire body...

(A/N: Le skip time since you know the other scenarios from Haize's POV...and to the fact that author-chan is lazy)
(A/N: D*mn DimOut! Back it at again with Randy's POV! *sorry, I have to XD)
"So what happened next?" I asked Firsty. "Since she hurt my feelings (A/N: Like when did you have feelings Firsty, huh?), though I still want the both of us to be best friends, I decided to take a visit and I even bought her dinner but... she's not there. I repeatedly knocked on her door, though she didn't answered it, so I just went inside and from the corner of my eye, I saw a bouquet of white roses on top of her dining table. A note was attached to it and it said: Meet me in the woods so I can apologize to you because of how stupid I am of not knowing that Serah was the daughter of the evil ones. At first, I was confused to see my name on the note because I'm not the one who wrote it nor gave her roses in the first place,"

"Then who sent her those?" Asking him again. "I don't know, her disappearance has been a mystery unsolved. Though on that night, when I came back home, I saw Serah walking alone and she has a small red spot, make that 2...or 3, on her butt part of her kimono (A/N:Pervert!!! ). I came up to her and asked her if she had her 'time of the month'. As an embarrassed girl, she cover the part with blood and smiled nervously. And after that, we didn't speak of that night ever again, cuz she said so and she will haunt me *chuckles*,"

"Wait, wait, wait, so until now, Haize's disappearance is still a mystery? And you didn't bother on finding her?!" Firsty was shocked on my sudden outrage, though he still manages to talk back to me. "Like she wants me to find her anyways! She hates me bro! I'm the reason she left, why she disappeared, because she never wants to see my face again!"

"And how on earth did you know that she hates you if you haven't heard it from her yet? You're her best friend, the person who accepted her the way she is, she can never stay mad at you forever. Don't just give up, you must find another way for the both of you to be friends again!"

"Like how?" Firsty asked. "She's dead! D-E-A-D dead!"

"No she's not. Even if she is, you can still talk to her through (y/n), she can help you, I'm very sure she will," As I said that, he chuckled under his breath and still continues to argue with me. "Oh, you mean the girl you cheated on? How is she? Are you guys together again? Of course not! That's because she has the same attitude as Haize! (Y/n) will never get back with you no matter what because she has enough of b*llshit you have given her! She's done with you! Haize is done with me! And we should be done with them!"

"No! You're wrong! And I'll prove it to you later, meet me at NHS, wear something like a student can wear this generation, and be prepared to be proven wrong by me, Randy Cunningham!"

"Fine!" We both said in unison. And after that, he left me in peace...and I got myself grounded by mom because of my loud shoutings early this morning. Sighing, yawning, bored from my mother's lecture, I told her to continue it later when I get home from school because I might arrived late at school again. I looked at the clear blue sky with puffy white clouds and said in my mind: I'm gonna prove it Firsty, you'll see...

(And yes, author-chan knows it's short, again)
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