(#ΔP+3® 20: Lost One...

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And yeah, you know it, Heidi had already did my dare to her for Randy by slapping him twice in both of his cheeks. She's here because she's gonna fetch Howard home and to the fact that his parents are worried sick. Randy, who was now feeling both of his cheeks, glared at me as I just laughed it off. Once Howard said his sad goodbye to Randy, off he left the house. My cellphone began to vibrate. I pulled it out from my pocket and answered it. "Hello,"

"(Y/n), house, now!" I heard Haize panicked from the other line. "Why? What happened?"

"Something's happening at NHS and...wait...you gotta be...no way! THE SORCERESS IS BACK WITH EVIL JULIAN BY HER SIDE!!! YOU GOTTA COME HOME QUICK!!!" With that, she hang up. "What happened (y/n)?" Firsty asked me. As I told Firsty what happened on the phone, he has his eyes wide open, even Randy's. I told them that I have to get myself ready so I went back to my house just as what Haize told me to do so...though the two guys followed to my house because I might be being 'followed' and yeah, they are right, I have been being followed by two shoobs wearing a somewhat kidnapper...TEENnapper costume -_-. I can see Haize from my room's window, already in her cloak like brah...WAIT FOR MEH!

The 2 went in through the window as I just look at them like... THE DOOR IS OPEN! I just facepalmed myself and enter my house the normal way. From the stairs of my house, Haize's cloak was thrown at me, making me trip a bit. "Cloak up (y/n), we 4 have a city to save," Nodding my head, I put on the cloak and off we go to NHS...

We lurked within the halls of the school. Nothing. Nothing in sight. The laughter of the Sorcerer can be heard from the room where the Eye of Eternities is. Evil Julian and the Sorceress must've set him free. I should be having like an afternoon nap or eating while watching my fav. show cuz...IT'S SATURDAY!!! EVERY STUDENT HERE AT NHS IS AT HOME, ALL CHILLAX. Within the shadows, we can see the 3 and... Aphrodite? What is she doing here? Everyone beside me also has the same question as mine. Little did we know, the answer was just under our noses. Aphrodite is not Aphrodite (Reader-chan: You say what now?), Aphrodite McFist is Serah Soren.

Her appearance changed in just one snap of her fingers. It was really shocking knowing it was her all along. ''Daughter, have you stolen the mask and nomicon?" Shaking her head, disappointment filled her parents. ''I am very sure that you guys won't be able to get the mask too because hey, he keeps it within his tidy whities! And, I am inside the nomicon, how can I get it when I am inside of it?'' I looked at Firsty, who was now hiding his face from us, with a disgusted look. ''Firsty,'' Haize called out. ''That's Shnasty! And to the point that...see! Serah is their daughter!'' Firsty looked at her with one of his eyebrows up. ''Dude, I've known that before,''

''Then why did you stay with her-''

''I want to make sure that my eyes are seeing what I am really seeing and to the point that yeah, my eyes are right. Few months ago, I saw her speaking to the Sorcerer while were having fun swimming underneath the falls, but I doubt it. Then once again, I saw her talking to him again, full screen. Now, I broke up with her,'' Haize stared at him for a minute or two before returning her gaze at Serah. Before we know it, McFist and Viceroy enter the room. ''How's the acting 'Aphrodite'?'' He asked, emphasizing her alias. ''Still in progress...I think,''

''Sorcerer, since you have been freed, mine giving me the powers of my choosing? Since your daughter here *points at Serah*keeps using MY money in her everyday shopping,'' The Sorcerer laughed on McFist's request and in return, both him and Viceroy were now chained on the walls using the Sorceress' stank powers. ''Huh? This is unfair! You can't just chain us with...pink stank! We had a deal!'' Serah went up to him, a dagger pointing beneath his neck. ''You did but it said if YOU set him free, you'll get the reward but WE were the ones who let him free so...deal's off!'' With that, the Soren family laughed including Evil Julian.

Never The Same (Sequel of Never Been Better, Randy Cunningham x reader)Where stories live. Discover now