(#ΔP+3® 35: Something's Off...

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2 months has passed and I'm so sorry for not updating cuz..... busy. Author-chan is very busy for the past 2 months. Homeworks, projects, exams, and etc. 

Also, gonna make this chapter A BIT short... Please forgive my errors.

5 more chapters to go...

It was yet another day in the campus. And usually, there are monsters and robots roaming around, but I guessed it all changed after what happened a few months ago. Although, things are getting weirder and weirder than it seems to be after evil stopped striking back. Ghosts somewhat pass by my room, waking me up to one of their reasons either helping them or playing with them, resulting for my insomnia getting worse. 'The Creep' is actually training me in using my other powers which involves time. It was pretty cool. 

And as I pass through the corridors, I saw the same faces... except for Randy who's making a monkey face in front of Howard. I run towards them to say 'hi' (as usual) but I stopped midway when my vision rumbled. And no, there's no earthquake. I even felt a stinging pain in my head like a streak of lightning had hit me. What just happened? The next thing I knew, everything went black...

"Wha-what's happening?" I heard from a far.

It was dark.

Pitch black. 

As I walk around the unknown room, my foot missed a step as I began to fall. Never realizing that my hair stopped to rise up. I must be floating, I guess. I thought. A flash of yellow light blinded me. Forcing my hands to cover my sight. As it disappear, the first thing I saw was the front door...s of the temple. It opened by itself as I walked right in. Instead of seeing gold, the room was dark...except for the single light in the middle of the room. The light is pointing at the pillar with a scroll. In just one step, the doors slammed shut. Well, there's no going back now.

I walked towards the scroll and open it up revealing a picture of a black book and a note saying:
Find the black book and open it with the help of the Nomicon.

The scroll soon faded in a cloud of dust. But then, it returned in the form of an unknown creature made up of black smoke. "Come with me..." It said, taking out it's hand. Hesitation. That is what I am feeling right now. Should I? No? Maybe? Yes? One way to find out. I slowly reached for it's hand as I took hold of it. The creature forcefully tugged me forward, just an enough distance to see it's left eye glow red with sparks while it's right eye glow green with flames. Fear run down my spine and the last thing I know is that it shriek at me before eating me alive...

And I also felt something rumble...

"I think it's working Howard, shake her to the max!" I heard Randy said, still feeling my head a bobbing. "Stahp et!" I pushed Howard a bit, just enough to make him fall on his bottom. My eyes roamed around the huge crowd of people staring at me. "You okay baby girl?" Baby girl? What? Randy was there, suddenly placing his fingers on my chin. "Yeah...." I noticed something, his hood was up and his voice changed a bit. "She's fine people, move along, none of your business," he shooed them. The crowd of people started walking up to their class but Randy insisted on accompanying me to go to the clinic. "It's fine Randy, just go back to class," He nodded his head as he put his hands in his pockets. 

I stared at him for a moment but instead of going upstairs to his class, he went towards the exit of the school. Maybe he has a valid reason... Maybe. From the corner of my eye, I saw his locker glow bright white. "(Y/n)!" 

"Skye? What're you doing here? Go back to class," 

"Wait, I'm just gonna ask you something short,'' He told me, holding onto my shoulders and breathing hard. I had my arms crossed, my foot stomping on the ground as I waited IMpatiently for him. ''Have you seen a power ball? A BLACK power ball?'' A power ball? That is black? ''No....why?'' He started tugging his hair and it seems like he had lost his mind when he began to slam his head on the locker doors. ''Well... Uhmmm... I don't think I should tell you...'' Before I even have the chance to ask him why, he scurried away. Now I'm back to 'Ms.-Lonely-Don't-Know-Where-To-Go-Now-Because-She-Got-Lost-Of-Time'. (Long right?)

My eyes went back towards Randy's locker, which was luckily unlocked, and went towards it. Temptations of opening led me to second-guessing. Why? One, someone might see me and ask me why I am opening someone's locker then the next thing I will know is that I'm already in the principal's office. Second, I really want to find out what's inside his locker and it seems like the white light earlier is somewhat luring me to go get it. Since everybody knows I'm a huge rebel eversince, I opened up Randy's locker.

In between his pile of unorganized stuff, I saw a pure white ball...or was it just a very huge pearl? Either way, I put the pearl thing inside my bag, locked his locker, and on my way to my class. It just so happens that I have 30 minutes left till the bell rings for the second class. I didn't know I was here in the hallways for minutes. I didn't even know that someone saw the whole thing on what I just did...

Someone's POV
Hmmm... Such a bad little girl... Yet chosen.

Is this the girl the Norisu Nine is talking about?

Tsk tsk tsk.

Pathetic, beautifully pathetic.

''Let's go slave, we have crimes to do...''


''You dare decline the order of your master!'' I shouted at him, my eyes glowing in rage. Soon, my slave's eyes glowed as well, then came a smirk on it's face. ''Yes master...''

YESSSSS! ANOTHER CHAPTER!!! *wipes away tear*

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