(#ΔP+3® 11: 'Ghostly' Encounters

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Author-chan is actually having fun making this chapter. Yieeeeeeeeeee!!! *fangirls*

And also yesterday, I noticed that Chap. 10 is missing a paragraph. (Idk why, maybe its becuz of the emoji i used in Quotev and when I copy-pasted here, it didn't show) If you guys want to know the paragraph, I'll be posting it here, at my last note (the one with the *-+*-+*-+*-+*-+*-+*-+ thing)  

Reader-chan's POV
So I have some really great news... Haize have been teaching me on how to control her powers, or may I say my powers, and it turns out that I have this power that she doesn't know nor even learned about it. Wanna know? Well, I JUST TURNED HAIZE BACK TO A BREATHING HUMAN. Now she can go with me to school and I can't wait to tell it to Theresa and Howard, not the part that I have powers and I turned a ghost into a living human but the part that a close friend of mine is already schooling here at NHS.

Right now, the 4 of us were having fun nonstop. It's like a while ago, Haize was so quiet and now we created a monster. But at least the 3 of them got along pretty well. And as you can see...or read, Haize and my other friends are just eating lunch together like any other normal friends do at school, when something unexpected happened. Together with Nomi and Randy, I saw Firsty wearing a white long-sleeved polo shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes. His hair tied in a ponytail. My eyes gaze at Haize's and I think she saw it too cuz the two were now having a staring contest. She look back to where she was eating then Randy's gang began to sat down on our table...

Haize's POV
Firsty. Is. Here. Just. Right. In. Front. Of. Me.
I don't know what to do! He's just there, staring at the table, while I am there, eating my food awkwardly. We continue to be quiet when Nomi told Howard and Theresa that the 3 of them should give the 4 of us space, together with the stars, planets, and alien spaceships XD. Randy sat in front of (y/n), who was also quiet. People were staring at our table, so to end this, I stood up and shout to le people. "Will you guys mind your own business?!" Everybody went back to what they are doing as I told Firsty, without making eye-contact, that all of us should just continue this silence later dismissal.

Firsty and I were just sitting under the shade of a tree at the park while Randy and (y/n) are sitting on the bench far away from the two of us. Both of us were just quiet, staring at the ground, not a word was let go...until I asked him a question. "So... how's Serah?" He looks at the falling leaves before answering it. "Good," Really?

"And did you already know why I disappear?" I asked him again. He looked at me and nod his head. "Oh really? Then tell me the reason why," At first, he sighed , crossed his arms, and leaned on the trunk of the three, and that's when he said something I really want to smack him for it. "It's because you don't want to see my face ever again," I facepalmed myself and pushed his forehead lightly with the use of my pointer and middle finger. He giggled on what I did to him as I asked him again. "Do you really know the reason, Firsty?"

We made eye contact for a second, his head turned to avoid contact but his hand accidentally landed on top of my hand. He was suddenly shocked and took his hand away from me. Shaking his head from left to right, I sighed in response, not knowing what to do with him. "Didn't you know I was killed?" Now this made him turn around, grasp on my shoulders, and pull me a bit closer to him, shouting. "You were killed?! Who killed you?!" We both stayed in that position until I stared back at the ground and said: "You already know my response..." His eyes widen. Letting go of me, he massaged his temples and looked at me with the same expression of annoyance. "Really? Until now Haize? You're still gonna blame Serah?"

"It's not called blaming when it's true," I crossed my arms before looking away. Indeed, this was some conversation we have. "And besides, I heard you have a crush on me before..."

"Who told you that?!" He shouted at me, shaking me furiously. "Who told me what?" I asked him again, making him shake me much more furious than a while ago. "Who told you I have a crush on you?! How did that person know I have a crush on you?!"

"Oh I don't know, maybe you should ask yourself because first of all, I just said that so that I'll know what will be your answer or reaction...but then, you said le magic words: 'How did that person know I have a crush on you?!' And to the fact that you kissed me on the lips one time when I was 'sleeping'," 3 words. He. Is. Speechless. He just looked at me with wide eyes, a smirk on my face. "Gotcha Firsty, I did told you one time that I'm great in knowing secrets," As I said that, I winked at him, blushes forming on his cheeks. "So now you know-"

"That you have a crush on me eversince before Serah became your gf? Yup," A wave of silence rush over us, perhaps on how great I am on letting him speak the truth himself. "You do know how I miss the both of us before everything started crumbling to pieces..." His eyes widen. Without any doubt, he pulled my hand with great force, letting me hit his chest lightly, his arms began to wrap around me. "Firsty..." I whispered very softly, as I wrapped my arms around him too. It's my first time being so close to him...but wait, will Serah mind if I am this close to her bf? Probably not, but who cares right.

We stayed in that position for some time now, not realizing that he has a gf already. I pulled away from the hug, now hugging my knees. It seems that it has been forever till I felt his heartbeat beat against my chest. My smile became a frown, my eyes staring back at the grassy ground. "You ok?" Firsty asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. I turned to face him but something went wrong, his face was near to mine that time. Our lips brushed with each other, making me back away from him and hide my blushing face with my bare hands. A pair of hands removed them slowly, a voice started whispering. "Still remember the time when I told you to stop hiding something beautiful from me,"

"Of course I do, you dinghead," I playfully said, my face getting all hotter and hotter than a while ago. "And don't you remember that you have a gf?" His smile went away, his hands also letting go of mine. "I was actually curious, why are you dating Serah if you had a crush on me?"

"It's because...,"

"It's because of what? Skye kissing me?"

"That's one of them but... the real reason is because there are like a thousand of boys out there who are much more better than me, and why would a unique and fun girl be in love with me?" He asks me. "Maybe perhaps he taught me how to change and to the fact that he doesn't give up on me that easily no matter how many 'lies' I told him about his gf," After I said that, he hugged me from behind and laid his head on my shoulder, or in other words, he started cuddling me. "But don't worry Firsty, I won't give up on making you believe in what Serah really is..." I whispered softly, he just ignoring it.

I wonder what's happening with (y/n) and Randy now, hmm...


(A/N: D*mn DimOut! Back it at again with Randy's POV! *sorry, I have to XD)
"So what happened next?" I asked Firsty. "Since she hurt my feelings (A/N: Like when did you have feelings Firsty, huh?), though I still want the both of us to be best friends, I decided to take a visit and I even bought her dinner but... she's not there. I repeatedly knocked on her door, though she didn't answered it, so I just went inside and from the corner of my eye, I saw a bouquet of white roses on top of her dining table. A note was attached to it and it said: Meet me in the woods so I can apologize to you because of how stupid I am of not knowing that Serah was the daughter of the evil ones. At first, I was confused to see my name on the note because I'm not the one who wrote it nor gave her roses in the first place,"

"Then who sent her those?" Asking him again. "I don't know, her disappearance has been a mystery unsolved. Though on that night, when I came back home, I saw Serah walking alone and she has a small red spot, make that 2...or 3, on her butt part of her kimono (A/N:Pervert!!!). I came up to her and asked her if she had her 'time of the month'. As an embarrassed girl, she cover the part with blood and smiled nervously. And after that, we didn't speak of that night ever again, cuz she said so and she will haunt me *chuckles*,"

"Wait, wait, wait, so until now, Haize's disappearance is still a mystery? And you didn't bother on finding her?!" Firsty was shocked on my sudden outrage, though he still manages to talk back to me. "Like she wants me to find her anyways! She hates me bro! I'm the reason she left, why she disappeared, because she never wants to see my face again!"

Another note: the missing paragraph is the one in bold lettering

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