(#ΔP+3® 39: Gem Collector pt. 3

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Last chapter to go... (awwwwT-T)


Author-chan's POV
Let's me get things straight. After Nami's 'rolling-down-the-volcano-and-towards-the-monsters'-feet', you, (Y/n), as usual, saved the day. You told the others to proceed in finding another exit to the next land. The next land is a lot harder. Lightning strikes everywhere, and you can't hide from it. Why? Because it's an open area, no shelter or anything you can use to protect you from the strikes. You were carrying Nami on your shoulder as you fought off all 3 monsters by yourself. Worst case scenario: In every time you hit them, they get stronger. When the monster from the Land of Shadows smack you hard towards the ground, you and Nami were having a hard time getting back up again. "You shouldn't have... left me behind..." Nami said in between breaths. "No... no man should be left behind." (Creds to mostly all the heroes/protagonists who had said this). Ignoring the pain, you carried her again on your shoulder and just ran towards the portal.

With the 3 monsters on your tail, lightning strikes everywhere, and now another monster wants to join the chase. The new one is common to a fire-breathing dragon. The difference is that instead of a dragon, it somehow looks like an eagle. And instead of fire, it's lightning. "Can this day get any worse?" Uh-oh... Someone said it...Sh*t. And of course, everybody knows what will happen when a character says these words. Soon, all the monsters 'hugged' each other real hard and then...they turned into a one-eyed gigantic beast. Who wants to know who said these words? (And no, it's not Howie.) It's Skye. "Really Skye? Really?" Firsty asked him. Skye just gave him a nervous smile while he scratches the back of his neck. Right now, lasers started bursting out of the monster's eye. All of a sudden, you got mesmerized by the color of its eye...that you almost got hit by a laser if it wasn't for Nami is snapping you back to reality. "What's got into you, (Y/n)?"

Reader-chan's POV
Can someone please tell me what's with that eye?
Why am I so intrigued by it?

Was it because of how shiny it is?
Or was it because of the wonderful combination of blue, violet, and indigo?

"(Y/n)! C'mon!" My thoughts were cut when Firsty grasped on my arm and pulled me. Even when I am running, my eyes are still glued to the monster. I didn't really hear what Firsty said next because of how focused I am. But the next thing I knew, I'm already falling midair.

Loud screams filled my ears. The next land is not really a land. It's an assorted pastel colored sky filled with different colored clouds. Unlike those other fantasies where you can bounce when you hit a cloud, in here, you just get through them. Five minutes later of screaming, one by one, each of us shut up and stared at the open sky with a face like this o-o. Everything was silent. Everyone had their mouth shut. Til'..."So..." Nomi broke the silence. "We're just gonna kept on falling huh?" I nodded. The monster is nowhere to be seen. Probably didn't get the guts to jump. Hehe. And I spoke too soon. The monster is falling fast. Also, it keeps shooting lasers at us. "How can we find an exit if all we can do now is fall?!" I ranted at top volume. The red gem in my pocket started to glow. I took it out and read the words on it. Throw me... "What?" It glowed again. Ok, if you say so.

And I did. I threw it without hesitation.

It glowed again. Soon, the glow widens. The glow fades and now we can see another land from the other side. All of us hit the hard ground of the new land. When the monster came in, the exit closes and it turned back into a gem. It dropped towards the ground...wait...oh no... The land we are on are covered with huge piles of...gems. Some are on the wall, others either on the ceiling and the floor. "Are we going to have a scavenger hunt in here or what?" Nami asked as she tries to get back up on her feet. Nomi was about help her when she denies it. (Author-chan: awwww) "Do you want me to heal-" She cut me mid-sentence. "I'm fine. If we want ourselves to get out of here alive and with the gems, we have to start finding right now." Each of us nodded in reply. We separate ourselves into 2 groups. The others are in charge of finding the red gem, and maybe the other gems too, while the other group is in charge of distracting the monster.

Nomo, Howard, Nami, and I began to search for the red gem. But then... how will we know that it's THE ONE? "Will you guys hurry up a bit? We can't hold this monster much longer." Serah requested. "Serah, the place is filled with gems. How are we gonna know if it's the real one if there are a lot of red gems?" Serah just 'oh-ed' as she continues to fight the monster. Since finding the real one will be tough, we decided to just get every red gem we see. Why can't I use my powers to find it? Haize told me that finding things using my powers will decrease my energy 3 times than not using it. A few minutes later, one of the red gems that Nomo was carrying glowed. The monster saw it too, freezing on its place. It suddenly sat down on the ground. It opened its mouth as neon green smoke began to emerge from it. My head started to spin, my eyes were getting blurry, and one by one my friends hit the ground. I kneel down, my fingers on my temples.

Before I blacked out, I raised my head up to see 2 silhouettes. Then something hit me hard on my head...




"Just make sure they won't escape..."


"And that they don't find the other gems, you know where they are right?"


"We should stop talking, the other one is awake."

My eyes open fully. The first thing I saw is...black. I turned my head around and saw that everything is black. A torch brings a pint of light across the room, making me see a bit. The others began to slowly get up. I didn't waste a second and forcefully bump myself on the wall. Oww... That actually hurts than I expected. "Let *bumps* us *bumps* out!!! *bumps*" My deafening screams echoed throughout the room. I looked at my arm, at my now all-bruised arm. As I hiss from the pain, someone was chuckling. Everybody tried to find the source of the chuckling, but all we see is a silhouette. I bared my teeth towards it as I let out all my anger by punching the silhouette. It turned out to be a VERY bad idea. It chuckled again. My hand started to bleed and ache, making me hiss louder. "Gah! Where is Randy when we needed him the most?" One more time, it chuckled. Is this silhouette high or what?

"You're actually looking at him..." All eyes are on the silhouette, who we assume is now grinning at us. "Randy..."

"While you guys were too busy finding those gems, we were busy creating...oh, I don't know, chaos!" The torch's fire suddenly rises and shows a somewhat video of a destroyed city. Parts of some buildings were starting to fall. Cars were turned upside-down. Fire all over the place. Monsters still wrecking the entire place. Not a single civilian can be seen." The silhoue- I mean, Randy, slowly walked around the room. His left eye is red with sparks while his right eye is green with flames. "Watch as your lovely city crumble to pieces! Just give up guys, you don't even have a clue on where the other gems are. You're done. You have failed to protect the city." His eyes gaze upon mine as he whispered:"You have failed the mission of the Chosen One, as if you are really the 'Chosen One'." The light from the torch's fire disappear for a second and came back again, only to find the silhouette gone. One by one, my teammates sat down on the ground with frowns on their faces. "Guys." I bump again. "We can't give up now." *bumps* "We still have a chance to save Norrisville if only you guys help me break the wall." *bumps*

"How are you so sure that we still have a chance? The walls, floor, even the ceiling are unbreakable." Skye asked while playing with his dagger. "Well, I am confidently sure that we will get out of here." He rolls his eyes. "C'mon. Guys, let's not lose hope here. Where is the determination in succeeding this mission?" They all had their gazes on the ground, wall, somewhere... as long as it's not on me. My back made contact with the wall. I slowly slide down to the ground. Is this really...the end?









(Pardon my wrong grammars/spellings)
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