(#ΔP+3® 34: (L/n) Family...

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Updates will be once a week again because of school. Thank you for reading this note.
6 more chapters to go...


They were calling me every now and then. They can't just seem to stop even for just a bit. It's hella annoying! I'm just here, busy with my studies because of how many days I have not been present in class.

My phone has been put in silent mode to keep the silent atmosphere within the area. It has been 3 hours of total silence. Finally, I am almost done with my work. Just going to do some finishing touches and... I still have 2 more assignments, 4 projects, and 5 missed quizzes and seatworks I still have to study for. How wonderful is my life. As I was about to continue my work, my door burst open. A loud bam shocked me, making me fall to the ground. It just happens that my butt was the first thing to touch the floor. Ouch. "SIS! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHY ARE YOU NOT REPLYING?! HELLO?!" Yeah, Axel just have to be the one shouting in my house. Shadows hover over me, and there are like many. "THERE'S SOMETHING CALLED 'KNOCKING' YAH KNOW?!" I shouted at my family and Amara.

They all have those 'anime-sweatdrop' thing at the side of their forehead. "Ahehehe," They all said in unison as they rubbed the back of their necks. Seems like they're all guilty and embarrassed. Well, they should be. "Why the f*ck are you guys here anyways? And would it bother you to stop texting every once in a while?" I asked them with my arms crossed. "You stopped replying few hours ago and we thought something bad happened to you so we decided to check on you..." Axel said, a sad expression on his face. "Why would you even want to check me if I am ok?"

"Because you're our lil' sis... you're part of our family..." Family? "What do you mean by 'family'?" I asked him as I turned around to continue my work. "Like when did I become a part of your community? All you ever did was hurt me and even tried to kill me," As I just tend to continue my work, the atmosphere was in full silence. Did my message affected them too much? I think it did.

Today was a very fair Saturday. A perfect day to relax and not to get my head buried in too much paperwork. I should be sleeping and eating and repeating the same routine all over again today. But noooo, I have to finish all of it before the assigned due date my teachers gave me.

My sister, Patricia, was about to say something when my cellphone rang. I thought I put it in silent mode. I opened my phone to see who the message was from. And man, I've never been so humiliated in my whole life. The name that popped out was in huge letters and the font was in bold form. KAWAII BF RANDY<3

The people in my room saw it crystal clear. And they all laughed at me in chorus. "BULLYER!" I shouted at them. "You guys are so mean!" At this part, I was whining out loud. To confess, I act like a cry baby. (Hello Melanie Martinez fans!) Tears started falling down my cheeks as I began to cry. All of them began to panic, telling me to shush down. "Please stop crying," (Cries)

"Hush sis, hush," (still continues to cry)

"We'll treat you the food that you like and buy you the things you want!"

"Okie," I said with a smile on my face. "You can start by buying me food from Charlie Clucker's," They stared at me in confusion before I explain that the reason why I faked a cry is because I want food XD. They did seem to be impressed by my drama skills and irritated that they have to pay the things I want to buy. Ahehe. I'm su smart. I got to the house phone and called the resto to deliver EVERYTHING on their menu. My parents were surprised for me to order that many. "What? I have a huge appetite,"

Wanna know what's next?
Well, duh we ate the food XD. But I was mostly the one who ate the food. AHAHHAHAHAH. And man, food is the answer to most of my problems. Food grew my bond with them... so they better give me food or I'll hate them forever XD. What happened after that? They actually promised that if I went back with them, we will eat at and 'all-you-can-eat' buffet twice a week. And who would even say no to that right? Let's just say that the rest of the day was filled with food trips.

Also, my dad is asking about who Randy is...

This is gonna be one heck of a day...

Chapter is short, I know. I'm having a hard time catching up with my schedule since I'm also updating The Other Side... and school works are in the way.
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