(#ΔP+3® 23: Just Another Random Day

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"Do I really have to?" Skye whined and was trying to stop me from pushing him towards NHS. "Yes, you really really have to," As annoyed as he is, he tried to struggle free from my grasp but since I am much more stronger than him, he decided to give up. We both entered the school and still I pushed him towards first period. And yes, our schedules are the same. But anyways, let's skip to the part where both Howard and Randy were able to have their 'day-off' and Nomi and Firsty were sitting right next to two vacant seats. Skye and Firsty locked contact with each other and while they're doing that, I went to sit down on a chair next to the vacant. Skye threw his bag to me as it hit me hard that I almost fell on the chair. "Move," He whispered-shouted at me. I shoved his bag over the vacant seat right next to me and Firsty. "No,"

Angrily, he got his bag and took a sit. The two are trying not to make contact cuz if they do, the room will get darker and lightning will be connected in between their eyes or in other words...World War 3 might be held. Both of them are dead quiet and I'm just there, all awkward. As Mr. Driscoll said that we have another project going on and it's by partners again. I instantly stood up (that I trip over a bit but still manage to stand back up again and dust the invisible dust away) and began to raise my hand and say: "Me, me, me!" He looked at me and said, with the help of Mrs. Driscoll. "Oh yes (Y/n),"

"Skye and Firsty said they are partners at this project!!!" I shouted. Before the two had anything to do about it, Mrs. Driscoll already wrote their names on a piece of paper. They both shot me icy glares and I am just there, staring at them with an evil grin. When the bell rang, signaling everyone to go to their second period, I instantly went up my chair in a hurry and sprinted to Mr. Bannister's class. As I do my thing, Firsty and Skye were at my tail, trying to catch up with me but there are a lot of people blocking their way. I reached the door frame of the class and before I walk inside, I pulled out my tongue and did my monkey face. They growled at me from a far distance as I just closed the door and took a seat beside Nomi's.

My eyes took a quick look at him. He seems to be busy staring outside the window. He must be in deep trance. Now's the chance to put the note inside his bag. While he does what he is doing, I got the note from within my notebook and was slowly going forth his bag till... "THERE SHE IS!" shouted by no other than the two. Next thing I knew, my face was flat on the floor, their bags on top of me, every part of my body aches, and the note was not with me anymore. F*ck, where is it? "Umm (y/n), what are you planning to surprise me?" And he read it, nice nice. I stand up from the floor and sat down as I reply. "If I told you now then it won't be a surprise anymore, right?" He looked up at the ceiling, as if he was finding his answer to a somewhat topic he didn't listen to, and nodded his head. "Besides, you'll love it that's for sure!"

And again, the two threw their bags at me and off I was again on the floor.

Mr. Bannister's gaze drop to me on the floor, accompanied by everyone in the class who started laughing. Principal Slimovitz somehow come out of our door and also looked down on me. ''Ms. (Y/n), you okay there?'' I put up a thumbs up to tell him I'm okay as I got up and threw their bags to them with full force that both of them fell backwards. And to make things worst, le principal has another boring announcement to us students. ''Students, I'm glad to announce that our school is gonna be participating in joining with our rival school from the other side of Norrisville in a camping trip at the wilderness for one week!''

Everyone started reacting on how much they hate the idea I mean, who even wants to hangout with their enemies from another school? He also said that it will start next week so we better prepare and all. In an instant, he left the room with a cloud of dust.

Nomi had a blind fold on. I guide him on walking by telling him which direction he should go. We arrived at the back of the school. A huge box was placed there, in the middle. I told him to take off the blind fold as he did. "So you gave me a box? That's...nice of you (y/n)," I rolled my eyes and push him towards it. "The surprise is in the box you dinghead," He rolled his eyes a bit as he removed the lid. As he did, Mico/Nomo came out of the box shouting: "Surprise!!!" Nomi had a mini heart attack and collapsed on the ground, clutching his chest just in front of his heart. "Nomo! Don't scare me like that," He said in between giggles. Mico/Nomo shook his head from left to right.

"Nope, try again!" When Nomi heard this, tears started brimming on the edge of his eyes. To make this personal, I left them all cuddle up with each other and went to Howard's house. Just as what I thought, he's not home and is with Debbie. Howard! You rude butt! Why didn't you tell me? I should've video your whole date and make you keep the vid so you can play it all over again. From the corner of my eye, I can see Randy staring at me from his window. "And what's a pretty lady doing here?" I flinched at his question and look back at him with my arms crossed. "Umm...my legs brought me here, duh? He chuckled at my sarcasm and jumped out of the window.

He faceplanted on the ground and instantly got up like nothing embarrassing happened. "So (y/n), you wanna go to Greg's Gamehole and maybe even try to beat my highscore?" He asked with a smirk. "Is that a challenge I hear? Oh, bring it on!" We raced to Greg's, pushing and pulling each other, and played games for the next 2 hours and a half. It was actually great seeing my face at the top of Randy's in half of the games in the arcade, and he was actually impressed than got mad or jealous at me. And to make things ok, he decided to treat me a smoothie downtown and again, we raced.

Instead of buying two medium smoothies, he just ordered my fav smoothie in large and we could just share it. Two straws. One cup. As we both sipped on the smoothie, we talked about life itself and chit chat about the things that happened while he was not with Howard or any of his close friends. The rest of the night, we walked back home with our hands connected with each other and the moon and stars and shining right above us...

It's Sunday and I shouldn't post a chapter today cuz it's meh rest day but since I didn't post yesterday cuz I went somewhere (i'll show the pics next update) and was really tired. We also went somewhere today cuz it's MOTHERS' DAY!!! so yeah, still tired.
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DimOut to infinity and SMOKEBOMB!!!

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