(#ΔP+3® 29: Norrisville vs. Flackville pt. 6

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6th day of trip (Friday)
''Serah?!" Here comes me, again shouting her name. I wonder where can that b*tch be. Why did she even hid her face when she saw us? Is our hotness making her blind? That can be the answer, but I wanted to hear it from her. ''Where are you, you b*tch!" I heard a twig cracked just a few meters away from me. Footsteps were now heard after that, and it seems to be running. It must be her running away. I chased the sound of it, but I didn't manage to leave any marks that I can follow my way back at the camp. Well, I guess I just have to find another way then. Right now, it's Serah I am talking about. Does she have another mean trick to destroy the nin- Wait, why would she still want to destroy the ninja if her parents are gone? Better find it out once I get to her.

I saw someone running away. It must be her. I thought in my mind. My speed accelerated as I stopped behind a bush. Peeping my head out of the bush so I can see, I saw a cave. A tiny light was seen, she must be inside, probably a bit far away from me as well. As I crept inside the cave quietly, my vision began to get clearer and clearer. The light disappeared behind a curtain of leaves. I push the leaves aside and the next scenario leave me all mesmerized. Behind the dead leaves was a beautiful crystal clear spring. The fog didn't seem to blur my vision because of the sunlight from the big hole on top of me, where the rays of the sun came through. Different varieties of flowers and plants surround the place. Wait, where's Serah? I asked myself. Where could she be...

I don't see any passages nor exits she can use to get out of here. My eyes stared at the water and noticed something. It's rippling. There are no fishes. And it's deep. Bubbles began to float to the surface. Someone must be breathing down there, could it be her? I jumped in the water and began to swim downwards. The air I hold onto started coming out. I am beginning to have a hard time on breathing. Swimming back to the surface is no use for I am losing air fast. Should I breath? Well, there's only one way to find out...

The small air I was holding onto was let out as I breath.

"So I can breath... Now it's time to follow her light," I whispered to myself as I began to follow her. I reached another surface. As I poke my head out of the water, I saw Serah her back facing me, hugging her knees, and was...sobbing? Her boyfriend must've cheated on her. Stop it (y/n), focus! In front of her, a picture of a baby, her younger self (somewhere 1 year old), and her human-form parents is in a picture frame surrounded by withering roses. So she has a sibling? I wonder who could that be... I hope it's not what you called a 'Second Serah' or else ama f*cking flip out. "I *sobs* I am sorry..." She said in between sobs. "Please f-forgive me l-lil sister..." Her sister is not 'Serah the Second right'?

Her head turned fast towards me, making me smile nervously. "Wh-What are you doing here?!" She shouted. "You do know you just read my mind right? What are you doing here and who is that baby in the picture?"

"None of your business!" She hissed. "Oh hell girl it is! Tell me why you even hid from us on the first day of the trip and who the baby is or else I'll slit your throat!" I threatened her, making her flinch a bit. Sighing, she spoke. "She's my lil' sister," I rolled my eyes and said: "I know, but what's her name?" Again she sighed before speaking. "She's... Haize Hayashi," HAIZE?! WHAT?! HOW?! "We put her in a box beside the garbage of some house owner when we knew about her being a vicious monster. We put a name there that said 'Haize' only and the one that adopted her must've have the last name 'Hayashi' so yeah, it makes perfect sen-"

I grabbed her by her shirt and lift her up the ground. "You know what, she ain't the vicious monster, but you and the rest of your family! Shouldn't you guys accept her for who she is cuz she is one of you?! Nobody should left a family member behind!" She pushed me off and spat back: "Like you know what she felt!"

"Hell yeah I know! Why? Because we are just the same!" I pushed her back. "I know I regret killing her! I regret on betraying her! I am the worst sister in the whole planet! I just want to be with her one more time, I want to change..." My anger began to fade away when I heard that she wants to change. "Then, why didn't you 'change' when you have the chance?" I asked her. "It's because of my parents... They're both criminals that are good into acting like innocent civilians and they want me to be like them, that's when they're still human. When they became the one you know now, they wanted to take control of Norrisville...then the whole world. Haize, in their opinion, is just in their way because she was attracting people with her howling and all,"

"So you're forced?" She nodded. "Bro, this is your life. You ain't their puppet, they ain't your puppeteers. You have the rights to choose who you want to be. Know what? Maybe you should start this 'change' now and well, we can start that by making new friends,"

"Are you counted?" She asked. "Counted on what?"

"As one of my friends now?"...

I know it's short, so sorry :(
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