(#ΔP+3® 17: Weird Households

707 27 19

  As you can see, I am already making meh chapters 1300+ in words cuz *drum rolls* I AM DONE MAKING GIFTS!!! And yeah, it's up there ^^^^®©®©®©®

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As you can see, I am already making meh chapters 1300+ in words cuz *drum rolls* I AM DONE MAKING GIFTS!!! And yeah, it's up there ^^^^

After I told Haize everything about my dream, she started to act like a person who just escaped from the mental asylum all of a sudden. She took hold of the sides of the table and in just a few seconds, she started to slam her forehead with it. She then, after that, went to the bathroom, got her toothbrush, and began to squeeze all the toothpaste in her mouth. I just stared at her wide eyed on what just happened next for she even put soap in her mouth. Since stopping her is a bad thing because I know she'll just throw me the bar of soap she had in her mouth, I took hold of a bucket of water just beside me and... SPLASH!!!

Haize looked at me with a 'wtf' look on her face. "Will you stop panicking?!" I shouted at her. "And besides, washing your mouth will not change the fact that you kissed him," Her mouth was wide open, then she points her pointer finger at me. "Cweaning mah mawth 20x a day will wash hish jirms awiy, don't yah ebin dare! I need mowal support (y/n)! Gimme your supporz!!!"She shouted, soap and toothpaste coming out of her mouth as she speaks. "Tbh Haize, WASH YER DIRTEH FAYZ!!!" I shouted back at her as I toss her the empty bucket I was holding and closed the bathroom door. "Tell me if you're done overreacting ok? I am just going to go to Howard's and Theresa's house so we 3 can go to the park and maybe somewhat hangout there," With that, I went outside of my house and began to travel towards their houses...

Knock knock knock knock...

"Howard?" I asked from the other side of the door. "Howard? Anyone there? Hmmm... Howard? *knocks again* DO U WANT TO BUILD A SNOWMAN?! C'MON LEZ GOW AND PLEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!" After a few minutes of annoying singing, Howard decided to open the door with an annoyed look on his face. "First of all, winter is done. Second, no. Third, what are you doing here?" He asked me with a smile... wait, usually he frowns when he's at his house because of 'you-know-the-reason-why'. From the corner of my eye, I saw Heidi waving at me with a nervous smile on her face. "Did you guys just made-up?"

He smiled once more and nodded his head. "My sis wants to join us if ever we both are gonna hangout and also... I need your help on something," Base on his tone of voice, he made it sound a lot more like it's trouble. My mind keeps on telling me to not help him because it might damage my reputation of who knows what his problem is while my heart keeps on telling me to help him cuz I am his friend after all. Without hesitation, I asked him what's wrong and I can't believe what he just told me. "I confessed to Debbie..." I don't know whether to be proud of him or smack him on his head for confessing to her and asking me for help because... I am literally not a love expert.

Howard stood there, his gaze at the floor, waiting for my answer. It's now or never (y/n). Sighing, I nodded my head as he clapped his hand, grasp on my hand, and pull me inside his house. He forced me to sit down on the couch, just right next to Heidi and off he goes to his room to get his McFist pad for some reason. I sat there, all awkward to sit with my 'friend'. Not a single word was spoken. Silence was the only thing you can hear around the house... when she started to talk to me. "How's life?" She asked me like nothing happened between us a few weeks past. "Great," I said. "Look, I'm so sorry about what happened. I really want to have my friend back, the one who's there for me, the girl who's loyal to me even if I don't deserve it for what I am doing to her, the person who always makes me smile," And yeah, I was touched on what she just said, but I am making this clear that I won't be repeating the same mistake again.

But she is my friend ever since... should I give her another chance? I asked my myself. I mean, I don't want our memories to go to waste right? I thought about the situation I am in and in just a short time, I decided to speak up, though she just have to interrupt me. "Can I tell you something, like a secret?" I nodded my head. "Well... ummm... I...
















I am pregnant," At the top of the stairs, I can see Howard with a very shocked expression on his face. He shouted 'WHAT?!' really loud, good thing their parents are not around. Howard suddenly rushes down the stairs, tripping himself over and hitting himself face first on the floor, though still manages to get up and shake her sister furiously. "IS RANDY THE DAD?!" He shouted at her while shaking her. I don't know whether to stop them, or just watch them fight because I'm literally laughing my *ss out. After 5 minutes of fighting, I wipe my tears of joy and stopped the fight, I should've make popcorn before stopping them...meh. "Ok Howard, stop, that's enough,"

"Like bro, I am just kidding. And if I am pregnant, shouldn't I have like a 'baby bump' on my stomach?" she asked, fixing her hair because of how many times Howard pulled it. He thought about it for a second as he smiled nervously and scratched the back of his neck. He mouthed the word:'Sorry' to him as she just facepalmed and turned to me. "So what are you gonna tell me before I interrupted you (y/n)?" She asked me. "Well, I wanted to tell you that I can be your friend again-" Before I even get to finish my sentence, she began to punch the air with joy. "Heidi, you didn't let me finish. If you want to gain my trust again, you must..." I went closer to her ear and whisper the rest of my sentence and yes, her reaction was 'what?!', isn't it obvious?

As a good friend I am, I got up from the couch and said. "Well, if you don't want my trust then perhaps we can just end it," With that, she shook her hands in front of her and told me that it's fine, that she'll do it. Ah yeyah! "One more thing, if you don't take a vid of it then might as well repeat it," I said with a smirk. She had her eyes all widen up, though I didn't care, so I just went to Howard and came by asking him on what he wants me to do. "I want you to deliver these to her," From his back, he puts a blue box with an orange ribbon. "What's inside?"

"The reasons why I love her and other romantic stuff. You guys wanna see?" Her sister and I nodded in unison as he took of the ribbon and lid of the box. I was surprised on how much effort he exerted in making...AN EXPLOSION BOX. We all decided to check every inch of his effort and wow, we're both amazed of the outcome. After that, he put back the lid and tie it back with the orange ribbon. He gave it to me as I took it. I was about to leave their household when the 2 siblings stopped me because I am forgetting something. "Wait (y/n)! You forgot Randy's gift to you!" A gift? From him? I turned around and in front of me, I saw a piece of cake...and no, it's not real, it's like made out of folder and was painted. "Look inside," They told me. I put down the box as I hold onto the cardboard cake and open it from it's side. Inside were many cards like the ones I saw in Shoobtube and also, many candies and chocolates were inside of it. To the fact that my stomach just grumble because of the beautiful sight I just saw.

Before I even get to eat one and also read one of the cards, I decided to just do it later when I get home, after I gave the box to Debbie. After saying our goodbyes, off I go to Debbie's house (yes, I know where she lives) to give the box from Howie...

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