(#ΔP+3® 5: Haize's Story pt. 5 + Mission: Ce-REVENGE-tion

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  "So (y/n), did you brought the 'stuff'?'' Theresa asked, a smirked placed on her face. I nod my head in response as I gave it to her, the bag filled with the 'stuff'. If anyone is gonna ask us on where we are and what time is it well, we're at school at 5 in the morning. Today, we're gonna pull the biggest prank and revenge for the two lovebirds, Randy and Heidi.

Before arriving at school, the two of us met a few blocks away from NHS, just in front of Charlie Clucker's. Going in the campus is difficult. Why? Because there are CCTV cameras watching every entrance...except the windows that leads to the cafeteria XD. Without any hardship in getting in, we instantly went to Randy's and Heidi's lockers, which was just a few meters away and thank gawd that both of their lockers are just beside each other. We placed the bag of 'stuff' on the ground as I began to pick on their locks. I've memorized their locker numbers before so it was easy for me to open it in a matter of seconds.

Opening both, we arranged the 'stuff' inside and made sure it worked before we put the other 'stuff' at the hallways and corridors to make it a long fall for the two of them. As both of us were doing our plan, evil smiles were placed on our faces. We are very sad and guilty...ON HOW WE DIDN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THIS A FEW DAYS AGO!!! Rude, but fun! (ahehehe) As we accomplished our Mission: Ce-REVENGE-tion, we got out of the campus and said our goodbyes. Now, the only thing to do is wake up tomorrow to see their very beautiful faces after seeing our surprise to them.

Next day...
Randy's POV
As usual, I was walking with Heidi to school. Where's Howard? Well he's kinda pissed off when he knew about my relationship with her sister so he started to give me the silent treatment, which sucks cuz I just lost my bestfriend who has been there for me like many years. I felt guilty for not telling him but past is the past, I don't have anything in mind to do just to get him back because no matter how much I apologize, he doesn't accept it. "I'm actually worry about my lil' bro Randy, he doesn't notices me, he keeps on avoiding me, and he seems to get sick for not eating that much and for locking himself inside his room," Heidi said, a frown on her face. "And I still wish to be (y/n)'s bestfriend but I know she won't forgive me..." Soon, she started to sob. I pulled her into my arms and pat her back to comfort her.

The rest of our walk is quiet but as we step on the floors of the school, it went very loud. We went to our lockers which is just beside each other and open it, but something unexpected happened... Inside our lockers, we saw yarns connecting to the door...then to the large bucket just above our heads. It tilted and both of us got soaked with expired milk that has a mixture of honey. The stench reeks and absolutely sticky. A lot of people were staring and laughing at us...while at the corner of my eye, I saw Theresa and (y/n) waving their hands at us. Since we are too busy looking at them, we didn't noticed that there is a transparent nylon string beneath our feet, making us trip and off we go inside the trash bins with wheels. WHEELS.

Our force made it roll towards the staircase. At the bottom of it, a string of yarn tripped over the bins we are in, sending us flying towards the red-painted bullseye on the floor. And guess what happened next, a lot of things came raining down on us. Feathers, glitters, confetti, and lastly, paint. Everyone was bursting with laughter, and look who just walked in front of us. "Surprise!!!" Theresa and (y/n) shouted. "In a scale of 1-10, how much did you hate our present for you guys?"

"10!!!" Heidi and I shouted back.

"Yeah, 10. Just like my hate towards you guys. 10 because of your stupid lies. 10 because you lure me perfectly into your traps. 10 because you broke my trust. 10 because of your games. And 10 because of how awful you guys are in reality!" (y/n) shouted back at us. "Now let me tell everyone that you guys are not just people who know each other, but people who are secretly in a relationship. And to the fact that through your stupid dares to each other, you never really cared about how I was hurt so much knowing that my most 'trusted bestfriend' and 'boyfriend' is hiding this sh*t! Look around you, do you think that after everyone knows about who you really are behind those innocent masks, will they still trust you guys? Of course not, because they don't want to experience the same betrayal as mine,"

Once the words from (y/n) was already out of her mouth, the people all around us started to whisper to themselves. Within the crowd, I saw Howard appear and walked beside (y/n). "What you did right back there girls...really serves them right," He said to the both of them. I was shocked on what came out of my bestfriends mouth. Soon, everybody left me and Heidi all covered with many stuff.

Karma just hit us real hard...

So here I am, walking in the woods, with a lamp in my hand. Base on the letter that Firsty gave me, he told me to meet him in the woods so he can apologize to me because of how stupid he was on not knowing that Serah was the daughter of the evil ones. A smile was on my face while I skip through the woods. I stopped in the middle of the forest and called his name. "Firsty!" The only thing I heard were the chirping of the birds flying above me. As I wait, I realized something. Why didn't he just talk to me at home than make me travel here? Why does he need to put white roses on top of the letter? It was rather strange. It's really not like him. When it's something urgent, he just tells me instantly on where I am. And for some reason, why would he give me white roses?

Because of my 'talking-in-my-head' habit/syndrome, I didn't realize that someone was running towards me with a dagger in it's hand. A huge wave of pain rush over me, making me let go of my lamp. The dagger went through my side, blood slowly flowing down to the ground. I dropped to my knees. my hands on my side, trying to stop more blood coming out of my body, but still failed. The moonlight reflected the murderer's face and I'm so stupid to fall for that stupid note. A cheshire cat grin was placed on her lips. Yeah, you guessed it. It's Serah. She was laughing at my eyes filled with hurt and fear. "Such a pathetic little girl," She said, as she walks all around me. "You know what will look good on you? Being burned down to the ground!"

"You're asking me a question but you're the one who answered it, wowza," I said. I can't believe I still have the strength and time to joke around but people said, enjoy the remaining seconds of your life because you can never feel the same happiness ever again. She rolled her eyes at me and kicked me hard on the spot where she stabbed me. Groans of pain came out of my mouth, now my eyes stared at the beautiful night sky. This is probably gonna be the last time I'll ever see it again.

Her shadow reigned over me, another dagger on her hand, shining with the help of the moonlight. So this is gonna be the end of my journey. Before she stabs me right into my heart, I told her. "Tell him, he won't be seeing me anymore, that I won't be bothering you guys for a very long time," And with that, I smiled, a tear rolling down my cheek, as I waited for the impact. The last thing I remember was fire burning my skin till I became one of the dirt...

 The last thing I remember was fire burning my skin till I became one of the dirt

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So that's the end of Haize's Story...now how about we go to Firsty's Point of view?
Shall we? We shall!
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DimOut to infinity and beyond!!!  

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