(#ΔP+3® 15: Working with... WTF?!

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So I was just scrolling on my newsfeed here on Instagram (if you don't have one, then just think of it that you do have one. Also, follow me @k.dimensionoutsider if you have<3) and while you're doing that, Haize was just texting on the new phone I gave her a few days back. And no, I'm not rich, I just got lucky on suprisingly seeing it on the secret compartment I discovered under the staircase. It's been hours and she never take her eyes off the screen. "Hey Haize, who are you texting there?" I asked her. She hurriedly hid the phone behind her back and reply in a nervous tone. "Wh-what do you mean? I wasn't texting anyone. I don't even know how to use this phone,"

"Uhuh, you 'don't' know how to use that phone even if you had it for like 2-3 weeks? And to the fact that it keeps on vibrating early in the morning like it's my new alarm clock and that the screen shows that you have one message from 'Kawaii Neko'. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight," A huge bead of of sweat was forming beside her head as she scratched the back of her neck. "You can't hide anything from me Haize, I'll know it in the meantime. And besides, who's 'Kawaii Neko'?" I asked with a smirk formed on my lips. "You know him..."

"It's Firsty isn't it?" At first, she laughs nervously, then she started to sigh in defeat. "Yeah, it's him. How do you know?"

"He's like the only person that makes you smile like that and that you always fangirl when you receive a message from 'Kawaii Neko',''I said with my arms crossed. She smiled nervously and laughed a bit. "You know what, you need to have a job as a detective one day I mean like, you'll earn money as fast as you can solve the case,"

"Though my solving skills depends on how hard the case is and since your actions a while ago are making things way obvious, it's easy cuz hey, Firsty is like the only guy you are very close with yah know," She raises her hands in surrender and told me that I literally need to be a detective now. "So you're saying that I should quit my first job, which is the assistant of Dr. Sam, to be a detective? I don't even know if they'll agree of how young I am and besides, who would even want to hire me?"...

"Oh yeah!" I shouted with joy. "I'm now an official detective!" Haize, who has been hiding her identity from the world by using my hoodie, high-fived me and asked me on who is the one who hired me. "Oh you know, isn't it obvious?" She looked at me with a very confuse look on her face as she faced the building one more time before shouting at me for being such a very crazy person. "Why on earth would you work at McFist industries?!"

I playfully rolled my eyes and asked her. "You do know it's a good idea right?" She looked at me with wide eyes as she shook me furiously. "LIKE WHEN DID IT BECOME A GOOD IDEA?!" As a calm girl I am, I sighed and spoke up. "My first mission is too find out the ninja's identity and since he will let me in his office and ask about it, I'll just tell him that I still haven't found out about it then he'll leave me in his office for sometime and I'll took that advantage to find some proof about Serah being you know who and also their next inventions to destroy the ninja...s,"

She closed her eyes a few times and smiled like a maniac. "Why are you so good at acting?"

"Because I am," I said with a wink as we both celebrated of me being a detective at Charlie Clucker's... she did mention that she has a surprise for me though...

Serah's POV (U shock girl?)
I was just pacing back and forth within the falls where First Ninja and I kept on going to just to hangout. So as usual, I just wait for him there...when the green orb of my necklace began to glow. Out of the blue, my dad's appearance appeared right before my eyes as a hologram. "What?"

"Have you stolen the mask yet?" I shook my head in disappointment. "You better hurry up, time is running out, and the prophecy has began..."

"Wait, so you me-"

"Yes, you already know what will happen when the prophecy starts right? So hurry up, don't waste time!" With that, the hologram disappeared. I sighed and hold onto my necklace when... "Who are you talking to?" I jumped in surprise and behind me, Firsty stood there with his arms crossed (OH!!! BUSTED!!!). Hiding my necklace inside my kimono, I asked him: "What do you mean? (tell me, you sing this didn't you? cuz i know i did XD) I'm just here, all alone," He started to walk around me, saying: "Oh really? Then where did that male voice come from, huh?"

"I'm practicing on how to umm... err... talk like a man? Ahehe," I said as I scratch my back nervously (Smooth Serah, smooth). Still he didn't believe me. A wave of silence hit us. None of us speak, though... "That's the Sorcerer, isn't it?" F*ck! How did he know?! "Babe, of course not! Why would I be the daughter of your riva-" Before I can finish my sentence, he showed me a somewhat metal-black-thing that showed me. "What's this?" I asked him. "It's called a phone and I have a video to show you,"

He pressed his phone as the video started to play. It showed me hiding behind a huge boulder and to the fact that...it's the time when both of us were playing hide n' seek while swimming underneath the falls. It's also the time when my necklace vibrated and I have to excuse myself to Firsty so I can pick it up, maybe it's because of my 'focus-too-much-on-my-dad's-words' habit that I didn't realize that he was just at my back the whole time. After the vid stopped, I was speechless. He gave me this serious look on his face as he pushed me, making me land on the ground. "I trusted you... You just ruined my friendship with Haize! What plan are you trying to do?! Make me one of you guys?! Not a chance!"

"Look! It's not my fault that I have to follow my dad's orders!"

"But did he told you to kill Haize?"

"N-no, but she's in my wa-"

"You know what, forget it! Nomi! Shloomp this girl where she truly belongs," The last thing I know was the ground started to shake, a huge crack started to separate beneath my feet, and off I go, falling in the huge crack, it swallowing me whole. I'll come back for you Firsty... and I'm very sure you won't be very pleased on what plan I have in mind for it will surely hurt you more than it will hurt me.

So what do you guys think on what gift Haize is gonna give (y/n) and also, what plan is Serah gonna do that will absolutely hurt Firsty while at the same time, her?
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DimOut to infinity and SMOKEBOMB!!!

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