(#ΔP+3® 38: Gem Collector pt. 2

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(So...hi! 3 months had passed and now it's summer here at my place. What should you guys expect? Simply, the very very VERY last chapter of NTS T-T. Updates will be once a week, cuz I'm still gonna update my other fanfic. I VOW to finish NTS before summer ends.)

2 more chapters to go...

"Howard...ngh!" I hold onto him as tightly as I can. When he slipped a while ago, I told the others to make a somewhat 'human ladder' as I threw myself off the cliff. Firsty and Nomi were the ones who does the support on the 'ladder', although they have to pull us fast because they're slipping from the weight of all of us. My hands started bleeding. Blood trickling down towards Howard's hand. ''(Y/n)! You're bleeding!'' I rolled my eyes. ''Isn't it...ngh...obvious?'' The two were having a bad time pulling all of us back from the rock and that's when suddenly the ground began to shake. Nomo, on the other hand, tries to help Firsty and Nomi by tugging on their shirts. Though it was never enough. The three struggled to stand on their ground. And that's when the edge crumbled... All of us fall, and fall, and fall. There seems to be no floating rock to catch us.   

  Author-chan's POV

Everybody stopped screaming for their lives. They stopped feeling the wind hitting them. This is where they open their eyes and saw that they were floating. (Y/n) had her eyes all glowing white, the others were a bit terrified by this for she looks like a ghost. She started to use her powers to move a rock right under them. Slowly, they landed towards the rock. Her glow fades as her eyes turned back to normal. While everybody else were astonished by this, Howard just has to ruin the 'enchanting moment'. ''WHY DIDN'T YOU USE YOUR POWERS IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" Instead of (y/n) replying, her head started spinning and it feels like something is beating it. She falls down, all wobbly, and tried massaging the pain away. ''You ok?'' Nami asked. No response. If she dares speak or even nod a little, her head might hurt much more than it's worse state right now. ''I'm...ngh!'' And it did. But that's not gonna stop her from continuing the journey. ''Are you sure?'' Nomo asked. Easing the pain, she nodded and smile a bit.   

They continued jumping rock by rock. But as they jump and jump, they encountered a rock with a very clear pond. Not only that, the pond seems to have a different reflection. Instead of floating rocks, its reflection is...from underwater. Well, obviously, it's a pond. But, isn't it weird feeling that it's more than a hundred feet below than expected? Everybody wanted to take a sip of the water. Howard, in the other hand, pushes the others away and was about to take a heavenly sip of the pond when his hands got stuck. ''What the juice?!'' He struggled for freedom. ''Help! They're stu- *splash!*" The pond swallowed Howard whole! Soon, it started swallowing each and every one of them...  


Reader-chan's POV




''(Y/n)...WAKE UUUUUUUUP!" Everythings' a blur. All I can see was light and many shadows or unknown figures surrounding me. And it feels like I'm being carried by gravity. ''(Y/n), can you see clearly? How many fingers am I holding?'' I heard Skye asked as he raises 3 fingers in front of me. I slapped it away. ''None, because you're not holding them. You're just raising them.'' My eyes got back to its good state and I was astonished to see that we're underwater, breathing. Fishes and other kinds of aquatic animals swam by. Different shapes and colors of corals, shells, and etc. can be seen. But they were covered in...ice? ''Ok.'' They all gaze at me. ''Let's go then...'' Just like a while ago, back in the Land of Shadows, we walked a what seems to be another mile. Why don't we just swim instead to make things faster? We can't. Aquatic animals are the only things that swim/float here, but us, we have no choice but to walk on the san- I mean, ice floor. It is also shivering cold. ''Hey (Y/n), why won't you use your powers again to make things a bit  faster?'' And yes, you guessed it. Howard. He won't stop whining and whining like a total baby. ''My powers tend to use energy. If I will use my powers now, I might not be able to use it again when I really need to,''   

 ''(Y/n) is right,'' Nami said. Finally, someone agrees with me.

''But, but, bu-'' (Howard)

''But what?" (Me)

''I CAN'T HOLD IT MUCH LONGER! I REALLY REALLY NEED TO GO!" And everybody looked at him with their eyes all wide with shock and panic. I swear if he lets it go I will- So much for talking to my own self, they tried to find another portal thinga-ma-hoosy as fast as they can. And me, I mentally slapped myself more than a hundred times. Not only that, they're not giving me a chance to speak cuz they're so busy finding an exit. Author-chan, why do you have to make Howard go all needy to go to the bathroom at the VERY WRONG place and time? (Author-chan: I don't know. Probably to make the story have a little bit of suspense.)Suspense?(Author-chan: Yah, you know...to make your other teammates feel all panicky and stuff) -_-. The best part of my teammates' portal-hunting is when they woke up a sea monster who shoots sharp ice from its mouth... And they called it the Ice-breathing Sea Monster. (And it sounds stupid -_-) The sea monster skin is blue with an ice chest plate and spear.

We all fought and fought and fought, except for Howard, who is too busy finding an exit together with Nomo. Suddenly, my eye zoomed in on one of the sea monster's eyes. Well, they are mesmerizing to look at but...there seem to be something more than meets the eye. (Is it just me or the line a while ago sounded like a pun? Nah, it's just me). ''Guys! We found another portal! C'mon!'' Nomo shouted with a complete hand gesture. At the same time, Nami got her side clawed by the sea monster's claw. I ordered them (food, jk) to go but as for me, I have to take that eye. ''(Y/n)! Forget him!'' Firsty shouted from the other side. I shouldn't have turned my head towards him. Now, the monster kicked me. I flew right a huge red coral. My head, once again, started to hurt but this time it's 3 times more painful. ''(Y/n)!!!" I got up in an instant, held my head, and ran to the portal.  

To make things a lot worse, the sea monster followed us. And look who also came. No, it's not Randy. It's a friend, 2 friends specifically. And I think they are allies of the sea monster. The first one, I think, comes from the Land of Shadows. (The monster from the last episode of RC9GN). The other, obviously it comes from this land...full of magma. This monster tends to have magma flowing all over its body. Right now, it's hands turned into 'tiny volcanoes' and is now shooting us with magma. We didn't waste a minute just standing around, staring with shock, so the others find another way out of this 'Land-where-magma-spits-out-unexpectedly-from-the-ground'. "When will this nightmare end?!" Serah yelled while dodging magma. 

Out of nowhere, a lightning bolt crashed itself near me, ALMOST killing me. Soon enough, there was light from the top... of a volcano. "Please don't tell me that's the exit..." I said in between breaths. "One way to find out." Firsty replied. I secretly got a smokebomb from one of Firsty's 'secret' compartments in his ninja suit. Smashing one, I ordered everyone to climb it up. The smoke lasted longer than Randy's smokebombs, giving us a lot of time to climb the sides of the volcano. When the smoke did vanish, they all pounced at the very bottom of the volcano. It created a massive earthquake. Not only that, Nami loses her balance and is now rolling down the volcano. "NAMI!!!"...


 Someone's POV
This really pisses me off. I thought while massaging my own forehead. These idiots are trying to create the black book again. No matter. They don't even have a clue on where the gems really are. They're all just wasting their time having a tour on my lands. Soon enough, they will all perish... Maybe except this (Y/n) girl, she may be put into good use *grins*.

After all this 'watching-through-the-eyes-of-my-monsters', I went back to controlling my slave. While the good guys are off to another land, the bad guys do all the chaos...

"SLAVE!" He stopped. "Don't forget to have fun. The heroes are out of town."

"Oh! I will..."


(Pardon wrong grammars/spellings) 

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DimOut to infinity and SMOKEBOMB!!!  

(Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZEN!!! even though it's already pass ur bday XD)

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