(#ΔP+3® 24: Norrisville vs. Flackville pt. 1

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Next week...
Awww yeyah! We're inside the bus, a bit bummed out about joining with our rival school, Flackville High, but still excited about exploring the wilderness and have fun for ONE WEEK. As usual, Randy is partnered with Howard while I am partnered with Theresa, our seats right in front of the boyz. Who's partnered with Heidi? Well, it's no other than Debbie Kang which they are both right beside our seats. As the bus is moving, I chit chat with Theresa, listened to our tunes, and shared chips and other extra food we have. The scenarios were very magnificent and mesmerizing to look at. The peeps from our side were busy vlogging the whole roadtrip. After a few minutes, I can hear snoring from my side and saw Theresa already sleeping. A paper began to reveal from the gap of my seat and was slipping on the window. I took it and opened it. It said: How're you guys doing?

I took out a pencil from my bag, together with a notebook so I can write on top of it, and wrote: Good, besides Theresa already sleeping because of how early she woke up because of excitement. How 'bout you guys? I slipped the paper from the tiny gap as I let it go when I felt someone pulled it. After a few minutes of waiting, I saw the paper slipping once more and tugged it again. Howard fell asleep too XD I want to poke noses with you ;)


Him: Awww, you're so sweet. Btw, wanna hangout somewhere in the woods after everyone is already asleep? ;)

Me: What are you planning to do? And don't be all friendly around me cuz hey, I still haven't forgiven you

Him: Oh c'mon, I know you still love me ;) I just wanna hangout you know?

Me: Fine -_-, just no funny business!

Him: Okie :3 Keep the paper cuz meh sleep, bai! ;)

#End of convo#

Out of boredom, I stood up a bit and looked at Skye and Firsty (who are partners cuz I was the one wrote their names on the 'buddy list', yes I am that evil) who are fast asleep but wait... they're asleep on each other! Skye fell asleep on Firsty's shoulder while Firsty fell asleep on top of Skye's head. So SWEET, BROTHERLY LOVE<3 I SHIP IT XD. Getting my phone, I took a pic of them for remembrance and I really really really have to show this to Randy and Howard later. My satchel glowed in (f/c), Nami must be calling me. I wonder if Randy brought Nomi cuz I can't see him anywhere in the bus. I opened the satchel as a piece of paper began to come out of the book. It said: Don't pull. Good thing I didn't pulled it earlier, ahehehe. How's the trip senpai? "Pretty fun and hey, you might wanna meet Nomi. I just hope that Randy brought him with him," The paper went back in and out it came with another batch of words. Oooh! I can't wait to meet new people! Squee! Btw, see yah, me sleep :3

After a 2-3 hour roadtrip because hell yeah it's very far, our bus finally pull over and outside our windows, we can see the cabins that we are gonna use. I woke up Theresa by shaking her to the max and shouting at her that there's an earthquake. She instantly woke up in a panic and hurriedly went outside, together with Howard. I looked at Randy, who is already getting his and Howard's things. "You shook him and told him there's an earthquake didn't you?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded his head. "Tell me, you did it to Theresa too?" I grinned brightly as he just laughed it off. "I've gotta say, it's pretty epic," We both laughed.

As I got out of the bus with Theresa's and I's bags and stuff, I saw another bus parked a few meters away from us. Theresa, after scolding me, took her things from me and looked at the bus that has the banner that says: Flackville High. "Looks like the devils are here," I whispered to her. She giggled under her breath and as soon as some students began to get out and there is this one familiar face I saw. Randy saw it, even Firsty and Skye. And yeah, you guessed it. It's Serah Soren, in her normal form, not Aphrodite McFist. Her eyes widen at the sight of us 4 with our arms crossed as she hid her face behind her hand and walked a little bit faster. "Anyone smelled trouble?" I whisperly-asked the 3 as they nodded their heads.

Principal Slimovitz and our tour guide assist us 4, me, Theresa, Heidi, and Debbie, to our cabin. Our eyes widen when we saw 4 Flackville girls inside. And one of them is Serah. What did I just do to make this sh*t happen to me? "And you expect us to sleep with them for a week? NOT A CHANCE!" We 7, Serah not included, shouted in unison. Our tour guide and P-Slimz pushed us inside and closed the door. We both just sighed and began to put our things on our bed. There are 4 bunk beds, 2 are taken by the FlackDevilles (see what I did there? no? ok, please continue), so it means the last two at the left are for us. Heidi and I chose the top while Debbie and Theresa chose the bottom.

"Bleh!" A girl with pink, long pigtails, wearing a green sweater, a mint green skirt, and white flats said with disgust on her tone. "I didn't signed up for being with these sore losers," I looked at her straight with my eyes as sharp as daggers. She began to check her white pedicured nails and yawned. "Wow, I didn't know that's how you define yourself, but yeah, I agree that you and your fellow pests are real sore losers," She widen her eyes and glared at me. "Excuse me, do you even know me?"

"Umm...hell yeah, you just told us that you're a sore loser which is you are," She climbed down from her bed as I did the same thing. "I am Jayna Mayford, daughter of a billionaire, one of the most popular and richest girls at Flackville High!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance and spoke. "Girl, like I f*cking don't care about who you are but what I know, you're so ugly that you made onions cry," She gasped at my response and talked back. "How dare you insult-" Before I let her finish her somewhat sentence, I shushed her and asked: "Can you hear that?" After a few minutes of listening to nothing but silence, I spoke again. "It's the sound of no one caring a single piece of sh*t you are saying," With that, she just huffed and went back to her bed. Looks like I win this round.

As I turned around to face my friends, Heidi was videoing the whole time while Debbie asked me on which title is much more better for her next scoop that will featured me and what just happened earlier. After videoing and the interviewing achuchuness, Heidi uploaded it on ShoobTube and let's say that the views are adding up in full speed. However, this is just the first round, who knows what mischief the Flackville girls in our cabin have in mind...

I have fun writing this :)
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