(#ΔP+3® 31: Time Dream

450 22 5

9 more chapters to go...

Author-chan's POV
''(Y/n)... (Y/n)... (Y/n)!!!" Nami shouted again and again for straight 5 minutes. Waking you up was never easy. ''(Y/n), wake up! We're gonna be late for school! Wake up!" And by the way, splashing you cold water with ice still didn't do the trick. ''I understand you're tired from yesterday but c'mon, you know I don't like getting late,'' After sometime when she feels like giving up, she just left you with Nomo as they walk towards their schools. Meanwhile in your sleep...

Your POV
''Hello?'' I asked the isolated hallways of NHS. Where's everybody? My feet walked through the cold floors of the school, every room seems to be all isolated, not a single student was here, besides me tho. ''Ummm...anyone here?'' I asked once again. Still no response. From a far distance, I saw a door, too different from all the other doors here at school. And base on what I know, it's my first time seeing this in this part of NHS. It's doorknob was as cold as ice. I wonder what's in the other side... As I turned the knob and opened it, my eyes were mesmerized by the view.

I went inside the room covered with ice. As I turn around to see the door, it somehow vanished into thin air. Then I guess I have to find another way out. Snowflakes flew with the wind. Icicles hang above the ceilings. Piles of snow covered the sides of the room as the path was made with solid ice. My hands grasped on the things near the ice path as I began to walk, more on slide, my way towards another door. The chandelier sparkled with the ice that covered it. Even the fountain and the plants inside were covered in ice. This must be Elsa's ice castle with new upgrades. I giggled at the thought.

As I hold onto the knob of the second door, plants started growing out of it's key hole. In shock, I instantly turned the knob and let it go. It flew open. The next scenario was... green. Lots and lots of green. It seems to be the continuation of the last room I went in, but in spring mode. Small plants creep out from the floorings, same thing goes with the walls and ceilings. ''I wonder what's the next room...'' I asked myself out loud. But to my disappointment, I don't see anymore doors. ''Then how am I gonna get out then?''

At the fountain in the middle, I noticed a compass covered in gold dust just lying around on top of the barrier that keeps the water away from flowing out of it. I took hold of the compass, the gold dust falling down...till it began to swirl all around me. Coughs. Coughs. And more coughs. That's what I did before it vanished into the atmosphere. The next thing I knew, I was outside.

The sky is dark, no star in the sky to accompany the big moon. White lights were blurred because of the fog. Soon, fireflies came by and spelled out the words: Follow the arrow to reach your destination. They flew away, leaving a lantern behind beneath my feet. ''If it leads me back home then I guess I should,'' I looked at the compass and off I go with the lantern to the direction it's pointing.

It's been a while since I started walking, following the compass' arrow. ''When will this end?'' I grunted. From a far, I can hear a twig cracked. I lowered the lantern's light and followed the cracking sounds of more twigs and leaves. My feet started to ache, realizing and pointing out that I have no footwear on and I am in my pajamas. The cracking sounds stopped and there I hid behind the bushes. My eyes widen at the sight of... HAIZE! This must be the time she's gonna get...

Before I get to finish my sentence, I heard her groan in pain and saw the knife sticking out of her body. Without second-guessing, I came to her rescue but something's not right. I went through the two of them. ''What?'' I tried holding onto Serah's kimono but my hand still went through it.

As I watched Serah finish her off in horror, I fell down to my knees all helpless. ''Get up.'' The voice that commanded me was deep and rough. I turned my head to see who it was. Man I should've just stare down at the soil. The same cloaked man I saw from the cemetery (and also in Chapter 15: Weird NBB) is here, right in front of me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I reacted, almost making him flinch. "And what the juice happened back there? Why do I get through humans except things?" I have many questions in my mind but all I ever spoke was just a few of them. He chuckled. And here goes another maniac who escaped the mental hospital. Instead of answering me, he walked passed by me. the compass' arrow changed direction, it was pointing at the man. There is no way I am following him. When I realized that I am all alone in the woods, an owl 'hoot' and I heard someone walking. In fear, I ran after him.

We both arrived at a peaceful village. "We cannot be seen by these humans, nor get touched," He said while walking. I looked at him with a confuse look on my face. "Where are we though?" Before he replied to my question, he pointed at a window. My gaze followed it as my eyes widen. It's Firsty! He was holding a somewhat note. "Wait, who's house is this?"

"It's Haize's. If you want to know the whole story, ask Firsty," He opened the door for me as I went inside. Yet again, he opened another door. "This way madam, another memory awaits for you," He went before me, closing back the door as it vanishes. We are now in front of many people, this must be their school. I saw Haize and Firsty walking and talking their way to their class. As we follow them, the man explained to me some scenarios in their lives, the ones they don't tell anyone. "Do you wish to know my identity?" He asked me, I can feel a smirk under the shade of his hood. "You bother just asking me now if you should've just have done that when we first met?"

"I am asking you a yes or no question,"

"Fine yes," With my answer, he removed his hood as my eyes, yet again, widen in surprise...

Any ideas on who he is? Comment down below to let me know.
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