(#ΔP+3® 21: Week Later...

596 27 16

Every sad ending deserves a happy beginning...I think I just explained death, or my life XD.
SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING YESTERDAY T-T our comp is lagging and it keeps on erasing a paragraph or two or three on my story and to the fact that 'stuff' are running through my mind lately.


It's been a week since 'the end of the world'. Julian's memories were erased by the Nomicon, McFist and Viceroy continued their life by doing 'I-don't-know-what', Randy just moved next to Howard's, and now, I am just wearing the black cloak I used during the fight. As I put the hood on my head, everything that happened on that day started going back to me full speed. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see my very own reflection in the mirror. Just then, something tug on the cloak. I jumped up because of shock and landed on my butt on the floor. "Sorry (y/n), I thought you're grim reaper," Nomo apologized. Do I really look like the reaper? After all, the necklace I wore have been collecting souls ever since like...even after Haize's 2nd death.

Almost every night, the stone keeps on lighting up and I can see tiny white lights coming inside of it. The reason why my eye bags are much more bigger than my school bag. Nomo kept on asking me on what happened to Haize since she didn't came home last week, nor yesterday, or the day before that. As hard as it is to explain it to a kid much more younger than me, I just told him that she went somewhere...somewhere safe...somewhere she can never get hurt again. ''So where is she?'' I just told yo-

''She's having a trip to Hawaii ok?'' With that, he exited my room as I gave out a sigh. Soon, knocks began to be heard from the door, not from my bedroom door, the one downstairs. ''(Y/n)! There's a guy at the door!" Nomo shouted from downstairs. Who could that be? I hurriedly went downstairs and just from seeing him at the corner of my eye, Skye was leaning at the door frame with his arms crossed. Sighing, I told Nomo to leave us be. My feet moved their way towards him as I imitated his arm crossing. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Skye Amazon Norisu. What a pleasant surprise for you to be here," He chuckled a bit on what I said and went inside my house without bothering to ask if he can come in. "How did you know that I am one of the Norisu Nine?"

"Your brother told me, through a vision. Have you tried visiting Firsty?" Mentioning Firsty's name made him all disgusted at me...or maybe Firsty...yeah, it's because of him. "Never. Mention. Him." He said, saliva coming out of his mouth. I raised my hands in surrender and told him to chill. Soon, the bird demon came flying down the stairs and onto my shoulder. His eyes widen at the sight of the Tengu and pointed his finger at it then at me. Before he even gets a chance to say anything, nor even question me, I told him why the Tengu (in it's tiny bird size so it can sit on my shoulder, it's main reason why it shrink down a bit) is here with me.

I also told him that I made a copy of the Eye using my powers, cuz the real Eye is with me, and putting the duplicate on where the real eye is placed and it seems to be pretty ok with him cuz hey, the evil ones are now destroyed and all but to the fact that I still have to tell him that Haize is also dead, I am somewhat hesitating. What if he'll struggle me to death...I mean, I know it's not my fault but hey, I am just the person close to him like...30 inches or so, he can reach up to me and kill me on the spot. "Umm...how about Serah?" Silence was in the room as he wait for my answer, my trembling answer. "She's still out there and...sh-she killed Haize," A pair of hands grasped on my arms as Skye began to shook me furiously in every direction. "S-s-s-stop! Sh-sh-shaking! MEH!!!" I shouted.

My fist made contact with his head as he let go of me, feeling the soar spot. "OWW!" Because of how hard the impact is, he felt to the floor and his back hit the tall cabinet. A box fell from the top of it and hit him again on his head. Haha, Karma. But something strange happened. Instead of him shouting another 'ow', we heard a girl voice said it. The inside of the box glowed in (f/c). What sorcery is this?! As I lift up the lid, a book was inside of it and it looks the same as the Nomicon, but the color is (f/c). "Umm...hello?" I said. "Why hello there!" It said in a loud voice, making me jump up in shock. "Wh-who are you?"

"Haize, stop joking. And oh yeah, when are you gonna give me to (y/n)?" Haize? Is this your surprise to me? "Umm... I am (y/n) and I am so sorry to tell you this but, Haize passed away like a week ago..."

"Oh...is that so? Well, Haize did told me that before she dies. She has future vision," How come she never taught me about that? "So...Hi! I am Nami, short for Namicon (Idk what to call her XD), I was created by Haize Hayashi using half of her soul and yours. Since she already saw the future and what will happen to her, she wants me to look after you and accompany you. And also, since Haize's soul and yours were one of the ingredients in making me, then that means I look like you guys! Triplets!!!<3 You want to see me in my human form?" Without thinking twice, I nodded my head. The book, I mean Nami, began to float in mid-air as a bright light occurred and vanish once I saw a twin of me wearing a/an (f/c) shirt, black leggings, and (f/c) rubber shoes.

As I wave a hand, she started to do what I was doing. I lift my foot, she lifts her. I clap my hands, she claps hers. I ran to the wall and bump myself, she went to my side and started laughing. "Wowza Nami, wowza," She giggles to herself. Her gaze went to Skye then to Nomo who has a bowl of chips on his hands. "Nomo, for who are those chips?" I asked him while getting up. "Myself? Why?" I put my hand in front of him in a 'give-me-some-chips' gesture. "Sharing is caring," Pouting, he places the bowl on the table, opens the tv to my favorite movie and we ate while watching. His gaze went towards Nami and asks me. "I thought Haize is at Hawaii?"

"That's not Haize, that's Nami," I told him. His mouth hangs wide open and shouted. "WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!"

Author-chan's hurt...
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