(#ΔP+3® 40: In The End

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Author-chan: Last chapter T-T
I'm sorry for the 10 or 11 months of not updating
But atleast I get to publish this chapter at this book's 2nd Anniversary!


''Will you give up already?'' Skye said in a monotone voice. All their hopes are drained, only mine still remains. Until now, I am still bumping myself on the wall while shouting these same words all over again: ''Let us out!'' Some of them had their hands on their ears already. Firsty suddenly stood up from the ground. He stomped his way towards me and grasped on my arms. It shookt me. I stopped. He turned me around so I can face him, so I can face his cold sharp eyes. ''Stop.'' He lets go. ''That's enough (Y/n). It's over.'' I watched him sat back down. My eyes slowly gaze to the ground. One last time, I bumped the wall. The torch fell. As the flame touched the wall, letters, as I assume it is, were revealed. I was astonished. Wait. They look...familiar. I picked the torch up and waved it around. More letters reveal. "(Y/n)." Nomi called. "Read it." I looked at him with a confuse look on my face. He did a facepalm before pushing me towards the wall. My head turned to him as I did an "Ok-chill-bro-no-need-to-be-r00d'' look. Sighing, I tried to read it.

Insert Gem Insert Gem Insert Gem Insert Gem Insert Gem Insert Gem Insert Gem-

"It said to insert a gem. But based on what I know, all of the gems we already have are with Randy." I watched the same words glow in front of my eyes. From yellow glows, it turned to white. "(Y/n), look." Serah said as she points her finger at me. Inside my shirt, white glows are seen. The key necklace. I took off the necklace in an instant and remove the moonstone from the key. The words soon turned into arrows, pointing at a tiny hole just enough for the moonstone to fit. I inserted it. Everything began to shake. Cracks were on the ground, and I think everybody had the same idea of what's gonna happen. "Are we gonna get shloomp or what?" Howard asked. Nomi glared at him as Howard nervously went behind my back. The ground shattered like glass. At the end of the abyss, which we are now falling in, is a portal to...Norrisville.

Author-chan's POV
All of you guys entered Norrisville through the park's pond. Just like the one you saw on the video Randy showed, it looks much worse in reality. The place is covered with...black stank or smoke or whatever that is. At a distance, you saw Randy with a shock look. He began ordering monsters to go and fight you as he suddenly runs away. You and Firsty nodded, meaning that he and the others will fight off the monsters while you go hunt down Randy. And since the others can't handle all of the monsters, you decided to fight off the ones that were in your way. Randy threw a new kind of ninja ball that opened a black and gray colored portal. You followed him into it, but you ended up in a what seems to be a throne room.

Sitting on the throne...is the beast in my vision.

It showed its very sharp teeth through a grin. "Welcome, Chosen One," It started. "Welcome...to your doom." It got a dagger from behind and threw it towards you, but you luckily dodged it. The monster from earlier slowly reveals itself from behind the throne and suddenly pounces on you. It snarled and growl, and you can somehow smell its very VERY bad breath. ''Oh shnasty!'' You said out loud, making it much more furious at you. You quickly dodged its claws that is about to rip your lungs out. Randy came out from the shadows wearing his ninja suit. All of them formed a perimeter around you. The black key began to glow...in black (duh author-chan). When you touched it, the key floated and instantly turned into a sword. A smirk replaced your worried lips. With the sword in your hands, you feel much more determined...to finish them. The sword seems to speak to you. It's somehow telling you to finish off the monster first before Randy and 'Vision Beast'. Although, no matter what you do, it's undefeatable (Is that even a word? Now it is!). Doodles began to reveal from all around the world. They're pointing at Randy, Vision Beast, and the one-eyed monster who were all running towards you.

Never The Same (Sequel of Never Been Better, Randy Cunningham x reader)Where stories live. Discover now